Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory

I knew you would say that

is Eli getting town read for putting in effort

oh yeah i forgot about that
give me like 2 seconds i need to grab something for somebody

welcome to the world of eli

Hell I don’t even have issues with eli keeping it but it’s probably overall best for the slot to be free of that burden


Like ROTK semi works, wasnt the example I was going for. But Cheese essentially put me in poe and then took me out and had me essentially towncored for the rest of the game til…eevee things happened. Eevee lied and made up fake things and the immediate jump of cloned from having me as his ride or die to legit his vote in a second. I had to do a long an arguous process to just iso me and see if any of eevees world made sense. We got a exe off that wasnt me but they nightkilled me to frame me based off of cheeses last words

if u want to read it

this was the one mentioned earlier.

Both dont feel the same, hell its been 5ish months, but my mind is set on this

Im trying to find the one specific game that i know happened. I just am having the hardest time finding it.

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i think the abovementioned might be a great way to discredit min

i agree

I don’t think I can send in to have a pre-become thing.

Since I can only target dead players and at the time Eli would technically be alive. I’d send it in at the start of morning though if Eli does and I’d appreciate someone @ 'ing me if that’s the case.

also those quotes arent the direct parts im talking about just some random point in iso

It’s literally just a plan for what to do during the night if eli dies

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the bird is villagery


Esooa is lost wolf

hes a villagery boi
things are starting to piece together

good job me

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if eli is town then things are fucky wucky

I dislike esooa knowingly running up her postcount and spamming thread when she did the exact same thing her last wolfgame and was conscious about it

yo same

i have qualms with esooa but my plan was just ‘let other people deal with her’
because i dont have the energy to butt heads