Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory


I was about to leave too

We cant both leave at the same time

They’ll figure us out

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With that in mind, I want to see where this is going:

/vote Marshal

sucks to suck

Are you memeing or are you already there ftr

yeah i mean idk

/vote BlueStorm

get in gamers we’re going gaming

…welp. I don’t think I will get a response from Marshal any time soon, so I might as well ask these first:

Why does this start with “z”?
What does that stand for?

Is nut wolfing


It stands for zoe momma

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it stands for zone queue eleven is a boomber

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no u ;-;


Brain is fried
I need pancakes


(This feels the most normal, but that still doesn’t make the sentence normal…)

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Votee Voted by Votes
Marshal Zone_Q11 (x2), 2/7
PokemonKidRyan Chloe, Marshal 2/7
BlueStorm Nutella 1/7
Clonedcheese PokemonKidRyan 1/7
Chloe clonedcheese 1/7



Look at all of these cute bb wagons

My brain is fried but I deadass just need sleep

I need to go take a walk i haven’t been outside since before the war

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who is outside and why are you walking on her

Kinda rude

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