Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory

inb4 gorta murders nobody

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the ultimate Tree

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am not the only one thinking so?
most ppl agree to give you the alignment receiver
bc you are widely trusted

For parity cop, they get both checks at once so they uh get their result n2

Honestly? I’m expecting it

if gorta doesnt kill anyone i want you all to know that i will be cracking up

so if you laugh too be aware that we are laughing together



Gorta Gekuharu, the 1st vengeful, lying hidden somewhere in this smalltown, the one they call the Ultimate Tree, watch out of them

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marshal had some weird read on me

chloe was meh on me

multiple people scum read me

I’m like, town read ish but not “obvious town” in thread state

mech optimal

mostly trusted but not in any cores from what i garner

but you’re obvtown

should we just hammer atp?

i think esooa will protest me saying this but i just actually think she is out of her scumrange shrug

i want to talk to marshal more

good evening gamers

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inb4 zone shows up and hammers

It’s quarter past 4 and I am going to commit headpillow

i saw your question

i don’t see why you’re asking that question, given that the thing i mentioned not liking about you was completely independent of chloe

i really do mean it when i say someone else, probably marshal, will have to tell cheese about mechplans

i truly dont think the dude will follow through if he thinks its just me making them

the forcing mindmeld thing is not independent of chloe

I don’t really care if you think that

it’s good for people to think that regardless of my assignment tbh lmao

but generally my scum range is highly like, determined by my investment level

I can post like this as scum but I usually don’t care to

and wouldn’t this game tbh