Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory

I was not under that assumption and im sorry i didnt think bout that



This is why we discussed this yesterday!!!


How dare

I cannot see these

understand their intention but I cannot see them

I dont think dat is lying about who he targeted, because he’d be scared of the past tracker

We know Blue didn’t roleblock Esooa
Or roleblock min and factional Esooa

We also know Blue was perfectly fine with being Time Maged last night and we have reason to believe gorta was groupscum bc of how he responded to Marshal’s ‘outting’

Think im taking Blue out of the Potential Groupscum pile
Still in the lose wolf pile
But thats lower priority


Does anybody have objections

Imma go make an omelette

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what ur sayin makes sense

have a good egg :smile_cat:


or omelette. theyre like the same thing but with more shit on it


only if the eggs are sunny side up

uh im not mad, im just like annoyed at myself and abit of what was said, i think the play was inoptimal, hell yeah with the info that was dropped about both abilities being able to be used. I was under the assumption it was one or the other. Again thats totally my fault. Cause i should of reread setup since i reviewed it and assumed shit. I think the play made sense in my mind where the world it was one or the other. And i was fine risking it. But now i just feel dumb. I understand the dat could be lw stuff cause i really did fuck it up. But uh sorry and ill try better tonight

Question fren

Did cloned seem uninterested to you about the wagons going on at EoD?

Like all I could really get is sorta-pushing-Chloe-but-not-really and asking what they should do with their incredibly public night ability

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imo yeah. Uh he voted chloe harder and vanished due to like not feeling good iirc instead of like trying to sway us to chloe or like push the gorta wagon. Idk then his talk with gorta after was a thing, and i havent read into it yet. As my brains pissed at itself

yeah cheese is in a very ??? spot for me tbh

I’m tryna figure out if cloned’s talk with gorta was a LW trying to converse with pack

At the same time if PKR ends up flipping wolf according to Eli, I dunno how much sense it makes

I’d need to see when that convo happened in regards to when PKR’s wagon ramped up

Also this being the one and only thing he’s said today so far

I don’t like it

/vote cloned

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i dont think cheese has TMI
i think he’d struggle a lot more with TMI

but his EoD was pretty weh
im also biased so

ye i just skimmed his iso and i dont really love…anything in it lol