Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory

ppl are discussing how to mech and i can’t contribute anymore weh

You drop in, claim your very public action makes you VT, and then dab out

I wasn’t sure what it was supposed to be and i thought gorta selfhammered
so i was just continuously yelling at ppl lol

wasn’t a fan of the PKR wagon

i kinda plan to :deciduous_tree: for the rest of this game so lol

And… you never spoke up against it once?

mainly because i had more pressing matters at hand
like what the fuck town wanted me to do during the night before :hammer:

do we think w/w gorta/zone make a public show of gorta using his vengeful kill as a way to scare zone away from voting him

actually unsure if i should read into this
not the best at the whole spew thing

its prob not clearing

Zone seemed unabashedly unafraid of the vengeful, IIRC

yeah idk

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The death of a doublevoter isn’t exactly what I call “a loss for town”.

Uh this is thje post if any that concerns me with zone/gorta

especially in conjuction with the flip of want me to shoot u like 5 posts later for gorta

i have a tiny pimple on my ear

time to be bothered by it for god knows how long

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i honestly think gorta was just joking considering eli voting zone probably doesnt mean he dies

It might not mean much yeah, idk gortas tmi/partnership if any like to me like says cloned/zone. Because those are the main two he got involved with. He doesnt really have any other interactions

little scared about the fact that im solving around gorta being exactly groupscum
i can feel myself settling in to that world, and it’ll make the game much harder if we have to switch gears down the line and solve from LW!gorta perspective

however i dont think gorta was LW for a few reasons:

  1. Pretty much directly responded to Marshal’s ‘outting’
  2. I saw no signalling or attempt to find the pack
  3. not hyped about his rand

Also Esooa p much spewed non-groupscum if this is the case

I wish i could be more confident in this but it be what it be


Yeah someone said it earlier but gorta group scum is like most likely out of the picture. But again in worst case scenarios maybe keep the other thoughts around

idk what the fuck my wording is there, but most likely out of the two i meant

Yeah my main worry is the fact gorta basically has like barely any interactions with anyone

Which is confusing. Like you’d think if he was gscum his partner would like spam ping him or something to do something

@EliThePsycho friendo

i need to talk to you

what alignment was the british furry

i don’t think thats a super solid argument considering the fact that gorta has talked about imitating his slanking meta regardless of alignment (which is a shitty thing to do. don’t do that)

so even if a buddy yelled at him to post he’d probably ignore them because lolgorta