Grand Idea - Dead Chat

Uhhh…I am going to ISO that

thank you!

Well he is also replaced so it’s worth knowing to ISO the previous one as well

Magnus didnt type once in main chat

Hmm indeed, although I see he is not left alone either.

Especially Simon who visited him N1.

Simon was in his chat since D1

Sure I guess that makes sense for mod not able to kill him but in this simpler times, he just get replaced.

Now, to actual ISO…

So his opening post is to vote Astand he is one of the first to caught on Astand’s lie attacking me N2 and I don’t think time traveller should be even doing N0 action before the game started.

Blizzer is catching up about my death, moving on…

“It’s just if he’s scum, it’s not because of Maxi.” - Astand

"Actually it would be

you not taking into account that he couldnt be occupied, and of your n1 check on him has made you a prime lynch target today.

If the Town who occupies him outs that info that they occupied maxi n1, ill back off, but you and kai are looking like the prime scumteam atm." - Blizzer

“i mean thats assuming it was a town that occ’d him” - Simon

I believe that Astand’s reply is for this.

“wait did maxi vote to hang the fool?” - Simon

“He did not, and he’d kill himself most likely if he did.” - Astand

So does that means Maxi got redirect immunity in case Fool got lynched?

What about you, did you vote Kai?

Kai_5 Blizer, H_Hjasik, Gamerpoke, Isaac_Gonzalez, Astand, JakeTheWolfie (King) , Simon, Luxy

Never mind that

no i did not, vot kai

But neither has Maxi, hmm

Still, if Kai is fool then the vote count might be important, however I might want to count ALL the votes on Kai that were not on final reprenstation on the vote count before day end, once voted up, they are redirected on tonight, I guess.

So here is what I got about PKR, he thinks Hjasik is scum or in fact converted by someone one, so Blizer pointed out that when Hjasik dies, PKR is scum? Besides he trust Kai 5 which before realization his death, proven to be false.

So maybe it’s worth knowing Hjasik need to be eliminated on PoE, if he comes up positive as scum, the rest might be clear.

Moving on…

At least, not together on same team but it is possible they are in same team while painting as different scum.