Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version


> # The nice
> Neutral Special
overmind (Passive) - you know everyones classes
nice (Passive) - no other class can affect you in any way
allies (Day) - change wincondition of target to (you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win) - Infinite uses
you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win


The Warlock

Neutral Offensive
Bend Reality (Passive) - As long as you remain alive, Blue Dragon classes that are passively immune to occupation are not.
Dark Magics (Passive) - You appear as a member of the Unseen or Cult (depending on which is present in the game) to investigations. Also, you are immune to death at night, once. This will not apply if attacked by a Blue Dragon player, however.
Detect Thoughts (Day) - Cast a spell that reveals your target’s last night action to you. - 4 uses
Carnage (Day) - Cast a spell that causes all kills tonight to bypass all forms of protection or prevention. - 1 use
Mind Control (Night) - Cast a spell that forces your target to target somebody of your choosing. - 3 uses
Seeming (Night) - Make yourself and one other person of your choice appear as members of the Blue Dragon to investigations. - 2 uses
you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win


The Spiteful King

Neutral Special
Pass The Torch (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next King.
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote counts as two.
Royal Pardon (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Decide Fate (Day) - You may choose the whether the player on trial will be executed or pardoned. - 1 use
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses
Mark (Night) - The target player temporarily loses death immunity if they have it, and can not be healed tonight. - 2 uses
you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win



“One shot, one kill.”
You are the Blue Dragon Redirecting Poisoner !
Widow’s Kiss - Sniper (Passive) - If you hammer an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan member then a player outside of their wagon can be selected at night to be day vigged when the Charge Phase ends tomorrow. Cannot be used with Widow’s Kiss - Assault.
Widow’s Kiss - Assault (Passive) - If you hammer an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan member then you can poison a player the coming night. Poisoned players die the next night unless they’re healed. Cannot be used with Widow’s Kiss - Sniper.
Venom Mine (Day) - Places a Venom Mine on a player, poisoning all of their visitors the coming night. Poisoned players die the next night unless they’re healed. - 4 uses.
Infra-Sight (Day) - Once during the Lynch Phase, if you want to use this ability, you must say “ No one can hide from my sight. ” and select a player. If they are Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan-aligned then you will dayvig them and if not then you’ll be notified of their faction.
Grappling Hook (Night) - Redirects a player to another. - Infinite uses.


The Scorned

Neutral Social
Resolve (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing. Additionally, you are immune to death at night until you complete your objective.
you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win


lel maker
neutral special
Widow’s Kiss - Sniper (Passive) - If you hammer an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan member then a player outside of their wagon can be selected at night to be day vigged when the Charge Phase ends tomorrow. Cannot be used with Widow’s Kiss - Assault.
Widow’s Kiss - Assault (Passive) - If you hammer an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan member then you can poison a player the coming night. Poisoned players die the next night unless they’re healed. Cannot be used with Widow’s Kiss - Sniper.
Venom Mine (Day) - Places a Venom Mine on a player, poisoning all of their visitors the coming night. Poisoned players die the next night unless they’re healed. - 4 uses.
Infra-Sight (Day) - Once during the Lynch Phase, if you want to use this ability, you must say “ No one can hide from my sight. ” and select a player. If they are Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan-aligned then you will dayvig them and if not then you’ll be notified of their faction.
Grappling Hook (Night) - Redirects a player to another. - Infinite uses.
you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win


The Lich

Neutral Killer
Phylactery (Passive) - During Day One, the Lich specifies two players to be their Phylactery Holders. If they fail to do so before the end of the day, they are randomized. They can not choose The King to be their holder, nor can The King be a randomized Holder. The Lich will know their starting classes, and will be night immune while at least one of them lives. If both of them die, the Lich will die the following night. Investigations against the Phylactery Holders will also yield the additional message “You feel a chill surrounding the target player. They are a Phylactery Holder for The Lich.” If your Phylactery Holders die, this fact that they are one will be included with their class information.
Undeath (Passive) - As long as the Phylactery Holders are alive, at the start of every night the Lich will automatically revive themselves if they are dead, regardless of how they died.
Spectral Mist (Day) - A target Phylactery Holder is healed tonight. - 3 uses
Black Fog (Day) - Attempts to investigate either of the Phylactery Holders will fail tonight. - 3 uses
Finger of Decay (Night) - Kill a player. If you were revived at the start of the night, then this attack bypasses night immunity and healing. - Infinite uses
Death’s Curtains (Night) - Kill one of your Phylactery holders (bypasses night immunity and healing), and two other targets. - Infinite uses, but only usable while you have two Phylactery Holders alive
you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win


Amélie Lacroix

“The path to the light is ahead of you.”
You are Amélie Lacroix, the Unseen Redirecting Poisoner !

Widow’s Kiss - Sniper (Passive) - If you hammer a Blue Dragon, Town or Green Kraken-aligned player, then a player outside of their wagon can be selected at night to be day vigged when the Charge Phase ends tomorrow. Cannot be used with Widow’s Kiss - Assault.
Widow’s Kiss - Assault (Passive) - If you hammer a Blue Dragon, Town or Green Kraken-aligned payer then you can poison a player the coming night. Poisoned players die the next night unless they’re healed. Cannot be used with Widow’s Kiss - Sniper.
Venom Mine (Day) - Places a Venom Mine on a player, poisoning all of their visitors the coming night. Poisoned players die the next night unless they’re healed. - 4 uses.
Infra-Sight (Day) - Once during the Lynch Phase, if you want to use this ability, you must say “ No one can hide from my sight. ” and select a player. If they are Blue Dragon, Town or Green Kraken, then you will dayvig them and if not then you’ll be notified of their faction.
Grappling Hook (Night) - Redirects a player to another. - Infinite uses.

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“Justice will be done.”
You are the Blue Dragon Protective Suicide Bomber !
Rocket Hammer (Passive) - You will become night immune for the night if you hammer an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan-aligned player in the previous day. Killing an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan-aligned player via Fire Strike will also trigger this passive.
Charge (Day) - Kills another player during the day but also causes you to die. - 1 use.
Earthshatter (Day) - Once during the Lynch Phase, you may say “Hammer DOWN!” and all players on your wagon will not be able to kill either for the remainder of today or tonight.
Barrier Field (Night) - Grants protection against night kills to two separate players. You can use it past the third time, but it will only protect a single player. - 3 uses.
Fire Strike (Night) - Kills a player if they attempt to perform a killing ability tonight and prevents it. - 1 use.

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The Genius

Blue Dragon Special
Richest of Fellows (Passive) - While you are still alive, one random person is prevented from all kinds of conversion, one random person is innoculated, one random persom gets unlimited uses from all their abilities and one random person has a double vote. If you are lynched during the day, all Neutral, Nootral, CoI, Country or Faction Name members on your wagon will become members of the Blue Dragon.
Get G3nied (Day) - Target players becomes a Court Wizard. Can only target people who have said the word “wizard”, “magic” or “witch” today, or people whose nickname has a number. - 2 uses
Show (Night) - Put yourself in front of target player. All actions targetting them are silently redirected to you. - 3 uses
More brain you (Night) - Anyone who visits you tonight is turned into a Court Wizard - 2 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.



“Your foolishness will end you.”
You are ChaosKönig, the Unseen Protective Suicide Bomber !
Rocket Hammer (Passive) - You will become night immune for the night if you hammer a Blue Dragon, Town or Green Kraken-aligned player via Fire Strike will also trigger this passive.
Charge (Day) - Kills another player during the day but also causes you to die. - 1 use.
Earthshatter (Day) - Once during the Lynch Phase, you may say “ Hammer DOWN! ” and all players on your wagon will not be able to kill either for the remainder of today or tonight.
Barrier Field (Night) - Grants protection against night kills to two Unseen players. You can use it past the third time, but it will only protect a single player. - 3 uses.
Fire Strike (Night) - Kills a player if they attempt to perform a healing ability tonight and prevents it. - 1 use.




“I’ll be watching over you.”
You are the Blue Dragon Doctor !
Caduceus Blaster (Passive) - You will gain an additional charge of Ressurect when you hammer an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan-aligned player.
Angelic Descent (Day) - Prevents you from dying during the day. - 1 use.
Valkyrie (Day) - Once during the Lynch Phase, you may say “Heroes never die!” and reset your usage of Guardian Angel and Angelic Descent, while also causing your Caduceus Staff to be able to target three additional players. - 1 use.
Caduceus Staff (Night) - Heals a player tonight, preventing them from dying tonight or tomorrow at day. - Infinite uses. If Genji is alive, you will be redirected to them.
Ressurect (Night) - Brings a dead Blue Dragon-aligned player to life, the charge will always be consumed regardless of circumstances. - 1 use.
Guardian Angel (Night) - Prevents you from dying this night. - 1 use.



“Death walks among you.”
You are Reaper, the Unseen Day Vigilante !
Hellfire Shotguns (Passive) - Gains an additional use of either Wraith Form when you succesfully kill a target or hammer a Blue Dragon, Town or Green Kraken-aligned player.
Wraith Form (Day) - Silently kills a player at provided that they have claimed. - 3 uses.
Shadow Step (Day) - Silently kills a player during the Lynch Phase providing that they have posted more than 100 posts last day, bypassing all forms of immunities. - 1 use.
Death Blossom (Day) - During the Lynch Phase, you may say “Die, die, die!” and select two players. Later during the day they will be silently day vigged. - 1 use.



“Embrace your inner desires.”
You are Ohne, the Unseen Doctor !
Caduceus Blaster (Passive) - You will gain an additional charge of Ressurect when you hammer a Blue Dragon, Town or Green Kraken-aligned player.
Angelic Descent (Day) - Prevents you from dying during the day. - 1 use.
Valkyrie (Day) - Once during the Lynch Phase, you may say “ Heroes never die! ” and reset your usage of Guardian Angel and Angelic Descent, while also causing your Caduceus Staff to be able to target three additional players. - 1 use.
Caduceus Staff (Night) - Heals an Unseen player tonight, preventing them from dying tonight or tomorrow at day. - Infinite uses.
Ressurect (Night) - Brings a dead Blue Dragon-aligned player to life and convert them into the Unseen equivalent of their old class, the charge will always be consumed regardless of circumstances. - 1 use.
Guardian Angel (Night) - Prevents you from dying this night. - 1 use.

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“Our world is worth fighting for.”
You are the Blue Dragon Roleblocking Gladiator!
Endothermic Blaster (Passive) - If you hammer an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan member, you can choose up to two players outside their wagon to occupy tonight. Cannot be used alongside Icicle.
Icicle (Passive) - If you hammer an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan member, you can choose up to two players outside their wagon to prevent their voting and make them not count towards majority. Cannot be used alongside Endothermic Blaster.
Ice Wall (Day) - Resets all votes and prevents anyone but you and your target from being voted for the day - 2 uses.
Blizzard (Day) - Once during the Lynch Phase, you may quote five players with “ 冻住!不许走! ” and occupy all the the players you have quoted for the night and prevent them from using any more day abilities for the day. - 1 use.
Cryo-Freeze (Night) - Roleblocks a player for the night. - Infinite uses.



“True self is without form.”
You are Zenyatta, the Unseen Tailoring Janitor !
Orb of Destruction (Passive) - For every night kill you perform, your target’s abilities, logs, and alignment will be cleaned. If you hammer a Blue Dragon, Town or Green Kraken-aligned player you will make them flipless upon lynch.
Orb of Harmony (Day) - Sets an Orb of Harmony on an Unseen member, while the Orb is on them they will show up as Blue Dragon to alignment checks. - Infinite uses.
Orb of Discord (Day) - Sets an Orb of Discord on a Blue Dragon, Town or Green Kraken Member, while the Orb is on them they will show up as Unseen to alignment checks. - Infinite uses.
Transcendence (Night) - You may nightpost “Experience Tranquility!” and give night immunity to all Unseen Members while also making them all show as Blue Dragon Members to faction checks. - 1 use.


Commander Reyes


“I’m not the one with the statue.”
You are Commander Reyes, the Blue Dragon Day Vigilante !
Hellfire Shotguns (Passive) - Gains an additional use of either Wraith Form when you succesfully kill a target or hammer an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan-aligned player.
Wraith Form (Day) - Silently kills a player at provided that they have claimed. - 3 uses.
Shadow Step (Day) - Silently kills a player during the Lynch Phase providing that they have posted more than 100 posts last day, bypassing all forms of immunities. - 1 use.
Death Blossom (Day) - During the Lynch Phase, you may say “ Die, die, die! ” and select two players. Later during the day they will be silently day vigged. - 1 use.

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It’s a perfect day for some mayhem.
You are the Blue Dragon Vengeful Rolestopper!
Frag Launcher (Passive) - If you hammer a Blue Dragon, Town or Green Kraken member and you are attacked the coming night, then you will also kill your attacker.
Total Mayhem (Passive) - You will also kill your hammerer if you are lynched.
Concussion Mine (Day) - Prevents a target from using their day ability in the current day. - 3 uses.
RIP-Tire (Day) - During the Lynch Phase, you may comment “Fire in the hole!” to be given a day-vig that will be usable only when you die. To use it, type “ Rest in Pieces! ” and name your target. You can have more than one dead day-vig stocked up. - 1 use.
Steel Trap (Night) - Prevents all players from visiting your target, cannot be used consecutively on the same player. - 4 uses


Spiky Doorknob

Neutral Killer
Yikes, Spikes! (Passive) - You start the game spiked and will know everyone who viisits your spiked target. You may move your spikes to another player whenever you wish. Players who visit the spiked target will start bleeding and die in 2 nights if not healed, being notified at a random point the next day.
Can’t Touch This (Passive) - You will prevent everyone that visits the same target as you.
Cursed Knob (Passive) - You are immune to death, bleeding, occupation, and redirection. You may choose to gain a use of an ability of your choice(besides Sever Tendons) every time someone is successfully bled by Yikes, Spikes! You may have up to 2 passives active at a time and change which ones are active during the night. You start with Yikes, Spikes! and Cursed Knob active.
Death Threats (Day) - Send a player a private death threat message through the host. All visits will be prevented to them the first time you send them a message due to being scared from your threats. They will commit suicide the second time you send them a message. [3 Uses]
Sever Tendons (Day) - Learn your target’s class and disable one of their abilities or passives permanently. Yikes, Spikes! is disabled for the rest of the game. [1 Use]
The Heartthrob Doorknob (Night) - Force a player to visit the player with your spikes on them. This ability will become Hit Me! once you use Sever Tendons. [2 Uses]
Hit Me Daddy! (Night) - Make someone hit you so hard they die, bypassing redirection immunity(you live obviously because doorknobs are tough). [Infinite Uses]
You’re Such A Prick (Night) - Cause a player to bleed, causing them to die in one night if not healed. [1 Use]



Random NK from the NK suggestion competition thread.