Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version

you bacccccccc



Neutral Depressing
Depression (Night) - Make someone’s win condition change into “You can’t win”
Make at least three people lose the game


> # The evil guard
> Neutral Special
king (Day) - change wincondition of target to (you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win) - Infinite uses
you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win

Okay can we make a personal poll, this may not be a class but it may have to be done.

If you are spamming this thread with classes then you should be banned from posting any of them

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


dissapears again

Not again

cries at Memesky loss

Post 534

The Despair :smiling_imp:

Neutral Depression
Black Heart (Passive) - If someone win condition can’t be accomplished (unless they have a main faction win condition currently) then change it to “Defeat Blue Dragon”.
Defeat Blue Dragon.

Don’t worry guys. Remember who is hosting next game. KEK


Double Kek


The Dungeon Master

Neutral Social

If you are alive, the trial and voting system will be abolished. Instead, every player will receive a random monster from one of the status sheets below:











Slaad Tadpole




Blood Hawk


Flying Snake


Giant Crab


Giant Rat


Giant Weasel






Poisonous Snake












Tribal Warrior


Each player may choose to “attack” another player each day, in private. When attacked, the host will roll a 20-sided die and apply the buffs or debuffs for the hit. If the resulting number is equal or superior to the opponent’s armor class (AC), they will receive damage equal to the damage dice of the attacker.

When dropped to 0 HP, the player rolls a die: A number from 1 to 10 is considered a failure, and from 11 to 20 is considered a sucess. In case of a failure, the player dies. In case of a success, the player stays alive with 1 HP.

When killed using this method, all attackers are presented in the thread alongside with the dead’s flip.

Your objective is to see three monsters slayed by the use of this method.


536 - The Amnesiac. You may become any class a deceased player have.

537 -

The Ranger
Blue Dragon Killer

Guilt (Passive) - If you kill a member of the Blue Dragon, you will be unable to use Archery for the rest of the game.
Bullseye (Passive) - Your target may not be changed, even by an ability that goes through redirection immunity.

Broadhead (Day) - If you loose an arrow tonight, you will kill your target through immunity, and your attack cannot be healed. (1 use)
Gather Arrows - If you loose an arrow at one of your marks tonight, you will also kill the others. (1 use)

Archery (Night) - Loose an arrow to kill your target. This does not count as a visit. (Infinite uses)
Mark (Night) - Place a mark on a target. You may have up to three marks. Targeting a marked player with this ability will remove the mark. (Infinite uses)

Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Bandit.

Potential buff:

Gather Arrows - If you loose an arrow tonight, you will also kill all of your marks. (2 uses)

538 -

The Bandit
Unseen Killer

Bullseye (Passive) - Your target may not be changed, even by an ability that goes through redirection immunity.

Explosive Bolt (Day) - If you shoot a bolt tonight, you will kill your target through immunity, and your attack cannot be healed. (1 use)
Blackmail (Day) - If your target uses a day ability today, they will use it on themselves. This includes abilities that take effect the following night. (2 uses)

Crossbow (Night) - Shoot a bolt to kill your target. This does not count as a visit. If the Assassin attempts to carry out a kill, you will instead shoot their target for them. (Infinite uses)
Swipe (Night) - You will remove one use of all of your target’s use-limited abilities. (1 use)

Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you.

539 - The Chronoman. Exactly like the Chronomancer, but the game will start on Day 500. All effects regarding to day/night passing will be counted. All effects related to any day or night before Day 500 will be anulled.

540 - Mastermind, but named Mailman.


The Aetherborn

Neutral Special
Made of Aether (Passive) - You are made from an immaterial resource, and your existence is slowly vanishing away. You start with 10 Charges of Aether. Each day that passes, including Day 1, you will consume one Charge of Aether. When you reach 0 Charges of Aether, you lose. Your two passives remain even if your class is changed.
Almost Immortal, Fool (Passive) - Each time you would be killed, consume a Charge of Aether and stay alive instead. However, each time you use one of your abilities, consume a Charge of Aether.
Claiming is Unsafe (Day) - Silently kills two players if they have claimed their classes. - Infinite uses
Haunting Presence (Day) - Execute the player on trial. It would appear as if the King used Decide Fate. - Infinite uses
Made with Life Essence (Night) - There shall be two trials tomorrow. - Infinite uses
Sharing the Aether (Night) - Guarantee all actions will be done with success, bypassing all types of immunities. - Infinite uses
Have one or more Charges of Aether until the game ends.

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Soldier: 76

“We’re all soldiers now!”
You are the Blue Dragon Vigilante Cop !
Heavy Pulse Rifle (Passive) - If you hammer an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan member or kill them during the previous night, you will also occupy any player you check providing they return an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan check tonight and you will gain an additional use of Helix Rockets.
Biotic Field (Day) - Sets a Biotic Field on a player, alerting you whenever they are visited by an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan Member. If they are attacked later in the match then they will be healed and the field will dissipate. - 1 use.
“I’ve got you in my sights.” (Day) - Reply to your target: Once during the Lynch Phase, you can dayvig your target. If your target flips as an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan Member then you can reply “Target rich environment.” to another and dayvig them as well. - 1 use.
Sprint (Night) - Informs you if a player is an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan member. - Infinite uses.
Helix Rockets (Night) - Check a target. If the target have an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan check, then you will also kill them. - 1 use.


The Buysword

Blue Dragon Support
Freed From Greed (Passive) - Immune to most occupation and redirection abilities.
Don Armour (Day) - Make yourself death immune for the night. - 3 uses
Rebound (Day) - Kill a player that accused you of treason. - 1 uses
Stand Guard (Night) - Prevent others from visiting your target. You can not target the same player two nights in a row. Will not notify anyone on protection. - Infinite uses
Shield (Night) - Shield a player, defending them if they are attacked at night. Will stay on the chosen player until you use the ability on a different one. You lose access to the ability on successful protection. Does not interact with Knight’s Defend. Will not notify anyone on protection. (Notifies attacker of Mercenary’s Shield.) - Infinite uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.
Converts to the Mercenary, the Ritualist, Natuski and the Sellsword (544).


The Sellsword

Unseen Offensive
Contracted (Passive) - Occupy and redirection immune.
Offer Protection (Day) - Guarantee all attacks on you tonight, but make the Assassin’s attack go on Frenzy. - 5 uses
Stonewall (Night) - Protect a player from all non-attacking visits. Can not target the same player two times in a row. - Infinite uses
Intimidade (Night) - Occupy a player. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.
Converts into the Buysword (543), the Ritualist, Natuski and the Mercenary.

Resets all votes. Only you or your target may be voted for the rest of the day.


Converted Soldier 76

Unit: 76

“Still playing Soldier, I see.”
You are Unit: 76, the Unseen Vigilante Cop !
Heavy Pulse Rifle (Passive) - If you hammer a Blue Dragon, Town or Green Kraken-aligned player or kill them during the previous night, you will also occupy any player you check providing they return an Blue Dragon, Town or Green Kraken check tonight and you will gain an additional use of Helix Rockets.
Biotic Field (Day) - Sets a Biotic Field on a fellow Unseen member, alerting you whenever they are visited by a Blue Dragon, Town or Green Kraken-player If they are attacked later in the match then they will be healed and the field will dissipate. - 1 use.
“I’ve got you in my sights.” (Day) - Reply to your target: Once during the Lynch Phase, you can dayvig your target. If your target flips as a Blue Dragon, Town or Green Kraken-aligned player then you can reply “Target rich environment.” to another and dayvig them as well. - 1 use.
Sprint (Night) - Informs you if a player is a Blue Dragon, Town or Green Kraken-aligned player. - Infinite uses.
Helix Rockets (Night) - Check a target. If the target cannot win with the Unseen, you will kill them. - 1 use.

Is there anything I need to change on here?

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