Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version


Random NK from the NK suggestion competition thread.


The Necromancer :shield:

Neutral Killer
Hearing Voices (Passive) - The Necromancer will hear the voices of the spirits in limbo at night.
One With Death (Passive) - The Necromancer is immune to death if he is linked to 1 or no spirit.
Respect the Dead (Day) - All spirits will be granted voting and accusation rights and their day abilities will become active for this day. - 2 uses
Relinquish (Day) - You let one of your spirits pass on removing their spirit status. - Infinite uses
Resurrection (Night) - Attack targeted player and grant the attacked player spirit status if he dies, granted that he is not immune to conversion. Spirits change their win condition to winning with the necromancer, may use their night abilities and can talk in limbo chat separate from dead chat. Maximum of 3 spirits applies. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way


Meme Hunter

Named Knight who does not commit suicide if they use Cold Steel on a player who’s class name has the word “meme” in it (not case sensitive), regardless of that class’ faction, unless that class is “Meme Hunter”.



Named Priest.


Tirion Fordring
Neutral Killer (does not count as neutral killer)

Divine Shield (Passive) - Immune to death once. You cannot be killed by members of the Blue Dragon. You will know the identity of your attacker whenever you are attacked.
Ashbringer (Passive) - All Scourge-Aligned characters will die when they visit you or your target. This passive is only active if the Scourge is present.

Hammer of Wrath (Day) - Kill a player that has made more than 120 posts over the course of the game. (2 Uses)
Blessing of Might (Day) - Target player will kill whoever they visit tonight, bypassing healing.

Purge (Night) - Attack a player. Has infinite uses and bypasses night immunity if Ashbringer is not active. (3 Uses)

Live to see the scourge faction lose. If they did not spawn instead you must kill all members of the main factions.


Blue Dragon Social

Freestyle (Passive) - This passive only activates after you have added players to your neighborhood through Partnership. Your posts must rhyme with each other. Failure to do this will result in a warning. Three strikes and you’re outta business.
Partnership (Passive) - Whenever a player likes 5 or more of your posts, add them to your neighborhood chat during the night. Telling players in any way about this passive or asking for likes will result in a modkill. That’s not how we do it here!

Hot Fire (Day) - Only you and the target of this ability can be voted up for the rest of today. (Single Use)
Tweet (Day) - Send a message anonymously to all players. (420 Uses)

New Album (Night) - All players in your neighborhood that aren’t convert immune (Unseen/Cult are considered immune for this) become Rappers. Players that were immune get a copy of the class card (Single Use).

BD Wincon

Convert’s night ability does the same thing, but the new Rappers will be suspicious to all investigative results.

This class is explicitly bastard

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Immune to conversion.

Can only be visited by town/BD/green kraken once as well after revealing.

Signature will be active after being the first accuser on the wagon that executed a member of the scum faction. Effects resolve after the trial


Incoming Longpost

Hamlet (town) Special

Duelist’s Advance (Passive) - After successfully killing a member of the scum faction with any your day/night abilities, you will kill your next attacker at the cost of your life, bypassing immunities.
Bandit’s Sense (Passive) - Players who visit you will not be able to be visited by other players.

Tracking Shot (Day) - Learn who the targeted player visited last night. (2 Uses)
Open Vein (Day) - Cause a player to bleed. They will die in two days if not healed. (2 Uses)

Point-Blank Shot (Night) - Kill all players who visit you tonight preemptively. You will be immune to conversion. All stress gains / losses are cut in half. (2 Uses)
Wicked Slice (Night) - Attack a player. (1 Use)

Stress: 0/200

Stress Mechanics

When stress = 200, you will commit suicide.

Gain 20 stress whenever a town-aligned player dies
Gain 40 stress whenever a town-aligned player is lynched
Gain 50 stress whenever YOU kill a town aligned player

Lose 10 stress whenever a scum-aligned player dies
Lose 20 stress whenever a scum-aligned player is lynched
Lose 75% stress whenever YOU kill a scum-aligned player

When converted…

Unseen Offensive

Unparalleled Fitness (Passive) - Can use both night abilities in the same night.

Grapeshot Blast (Day) - Select two players. They will be prevented from using any night abilities tonight. This has 20% accuracy individually. (2 Uses)
Connections (Day) - Prevent a player from voting for the rest of the day. They will not know this. (Single Use)

Pistol Shot (Night) - Mark a player. When targeted by Hidden Blade, they will bleed to death in a single night. When targeted by Grapeshot Blast, it will have 75% accuracy instead. (Infinite Uses)
Dirty Work (Night) - Kill a player who has made less than 20 posts today. (2 Uses)

This class is not affected by stress, as they are dedicated to their mission even when facing their potential death.

Unseen Wincon

This class becomes the invoker when converted into the cult.

Cult Alts!

All alts cost 1 point

Cannot take Point Blank shot

Rend for the Old Gods (Open Vein alt) - Cause a player to bleed uncontrollably. They will die in two days if not healed. When used a second time, you will die at the end of the next day. (2 Uses)
Enforcer’s Presence (Bandit’s Sense alt) - All members of the Cult are immune to occupation and redirection. Your visits will be guaranteed.
Headhunt (Wicked Slice alt) - Attack a player who is bleeding. Bypasses healing. (Single Use)
Tracking shot stays the same.

When converted into the Abyss, becomes the Nameless

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Neutral Special

Ancient Curse (Passive) - Immune to death at night once. You cannot target the starting King with any of your abilities.
Boundless Knowledge (Passive) - You will learn how many members of each faction there are at the beginning of each night.

Gaze (Day) - Discover a player’s faction. This will always be correct. (2 Uses)
Regulate (Day) - If there is only one member alive on one of the main factions, kill a player silently. (Single Use)

Haunt (Night) - Force a player to target you tonight. You will be death immune to their attacks. (Infinite Uses)
Insidious Rune (Night) - Frame a player. (Infinite Uses)

You win when the winning faction only has one player alive. This does NOT include the Starting King.


The Therapist

Blue Dragon Investigative

Night Ability (Confess) - See if your target has done anything wrong.(Infinite Uses)
Night Ability (All Ears) - Target 2 players and see who’s more powerful.(2 Uses)
Goal: Blue Dragon’s goal.

The Psychologist

Unseen Investigative

Day Ability (Mind of A Killer) - See if the target is an Killer class.(2 Uses)

Night Ability (Manipulate) - Decide who your target targets tonight. Their visits will be hidden. They will still be able to perform their night action and your night action at the same time.(Infinite Uses - Only works on Killer classes - Only killing abilities will be used.)
Night Ability (Eavesdrop) - See what your target did the night before.(2 Uses)
Goal: Unseen’s goal.

Wrong Doings

  • Your target was prevented from visiting their target.
  • Your target attacked someone.
  • Your target redirected someone.

Powerful Meter

Special > Investigative
Investigative > Support
Support > Social
Social > Killer
Killer > Offensive
Offensive > Special



“The world ends with you.”
You are Frostbite, the Unseen Roleblocking Gladiator !
Endothermic Blaster (Passive) - If you hammer a Blue Dragon, Town or Green Kraken-aligned player, you can choose up to two players outside their wagon to occupy tonight. Cannot be used alongside Icicle.
Icicle (Passive) - If you hammer a Blue Dragon, Town or Green Kraken-aligned player, you can choose up to two players outside their wagon to prevent their voting and make them not count towards majority. Cannot be used alongside Endothermic Blaster.
Ice Wall (Day) - Resets all votes and prevents anyone but you and your target from being voted for the day - 2 uses.
Blizzard (Day) - Once during the Lynch Phase, you may quote five players with “ 冻住!不许走! ” and occupy all the players you have quoted for the night and prevent them from using any more day abilities for the day. - 1 use.
Cryo-Freeze (Night) - Roleblocks a player for the night. - Infinite uses.

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-Neutral offensive


-Neutral offensive


-Neutral offensive


-Neutral offensive


-Neutral offensive

The first passive pretty much outs you anyway


Cult Killer a paladin but Test Faith occupies and kills any cult members found instead(can’t be affected by frame or mindwarp) cause fuck the cult

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Hamlet (town) Offensive

Zealous Vigil (Passive) - All stress gains / losses are halved until day 3. You will also be immune to Occupation and Redirection. You will keep this passive upon changing class.
Bulwark of Faith (Passive) - All attacks on your night target will be redirected to you. You will be immune the first time you are attacked this way.

Inspiring Cry (Day) - Target player will live for an additional night if they were to die tonight. Target also heals 25% stress. Can target yourself. (2 Uses)
Zealous Accusation (Day) - You will attack whoever you visit tonight. (Single Use)

Stunning Blow (Night) - Occupy a player. You cannot stun the same player twice in a row (Infinite Uses)
Holy Lance (Night) - Redirect all abilities to your target, bypassing immunities. You will be immune to death tonight. Heal 10 stress for each ability redirected. (Single Use)

Stress: 0/200

Stress Mechanics

When stress = 200, you will commit suicide.

Gain 10 stress whenever a town-aligned player dies
Gain 20 stress whenever a town-aligned player is lynched
Gain 30 stress whenever YOU kill a town-aligned player.

Triple all stress gains when a religious character is the one who dies.

Lose 10 stress whenever a scum-aligned player dies
Lose 20 stress whenever a scum-aligned player is lynched
Lose ALL stress whenever you kill a member of the Cult

You will lose 50% stress whenever you kill a neutral player.

When converted…

Unseen Support

Zealous Vigil (Passive) - You will be immune to Occupation and Redirection. You will keep this passive upon changing class.
Conviction (Passive) - When you are lynched, the Mastermind will be able to convert tonight, regardless of cooldown.

Battle Heal (Day) - Heal a player tonight. If the Assassin were to be attacked when targeted by this ability, they will kill their attacker, bypassing immunities. (2 Uses)

Smite (Night) - Remove a player’s immunities for the night. This includes applied immunities such as Guards!. (2 Uses)
Crippling Strike (Night) - If the target player would have visited a member of the Unseen, you will occupy them for two nights. (2 Uses)

This class becomes the invoker when converted into the cult

Cult Alts!

You cannot take Holy Lance.
Stunning Blow can be taken for 1 cult point, and does the same thing.

1-cost alts

Dedication (Bulwark of Faith) - If a member of the cult were to be attacked, you will be attacked instead. You will have one time death immunity to attacks redirected to you.
Harrowing Howl (Inspiring Cry) - The Cult Leader will be able to attack an additional player with Eradicate. (Single Use)
Cult Vigil (Zealous Vigil) - All stress gains will be doubled.

2-cost alt

Last Sacrifice (Zealous Accusation) - You will explode, killing yourself and two players if you live until the end of the day. Cannot target the King. Cannot kill targets that would normally be death immune during the night. (1 Use)

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How about ‘after adding players to your neighborhood’

583 - Criminal (572)
584 - The Psychologist (574)
585 - Zealot (582)