Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version


Double Crosser

Neutral Special
What Did You Expect (Passive) - While you are alive, no one except you can win. You cannot die to anything bypassing immunity or healing except by the Prince(and other variants).
Faked Death (Passive) - If you die, you may choose to flip as any class or to not flip at all.
Intercept Information (Day) - All investigations will receive false feedback tonight. This does not affect Framing in any way. [3 Uses]
Failure Is Not An Option (Day) - Pick a player. They will turn into the Double Crosser if you die. This ability cannot be prevented in any way and bypasses all conversion immunity. If you would be lynched but still have a use left, then you will be able to use this before you are lynched. If the player you targeted dies, then regain the use. [1 Use, Shared]
Plant Evidence (Night) - Plant evidence on 2 players, framing them permanently until you they die. You may only have 2 people framed at once until one of your framed targets is executed. You will gain benefits each time one of your framed players is executed. [Infinite]

  • 1 Execute: You will gain a use of Emergency First Aid and can frame an additional player.
  • 2 Executes: You will become immune to death once. You will be notified if you lose your death immunity
  • 3 Executes: Gain a use of Failure Is Not An Option.
  • 4+ Executes: Become permanently immune to death and gain a use of Emergency First Aid.

Emergency First Aid (Night) - Heal yourself tonight and the next day, you are occupy immune when you use this. [2 Uses, Shared]
Your goal is to have a Double Crosser alive at the end of the game.



NeutraI lnvestigative
No One Expects The Spanish lnquisition (Passive) - Your visits are hidden.
Holiest Blessing (Passive) - You are immune to death twice. This will be lost once you achieve your objective.
Preemptive Strike (Day) - If the player you target with Find Magic tonight is a magic user, then you will attack them. This cannot be framed. [2 Uses]
Piercing BIow (Day) - Your attacks bypass immunity tonight. [2 Uses]
Find Magic (Night) - Determine whether a player is magical or not. [Infinite]
RuthIess Efficiency (Night) - Attack a player. They cannot be healed. [3 Uses]
Your objective is to kiII aII magic users.

(Yes I am posting this every time I see Maxi fuck up)

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as you can see, you(@Nerbins) and @Marcus_Doodalee are the ones who fucked up lol

736(should be 737 :/)


Neutral Killer
Inherent Glamour (Passive) - You can choose what class you are checked and will flip as. Additionally, you are immune to all forms of death and bleeding.
Shapesplitter (Day) - Target a player, you will decide what they flip as if they die today or tonight. [2 Uses, 1 Night Cooldown]
Pop Blossom (Day) - Charge yourself, making yourself immune to occupation and redirection tonight. Any players visiting you or your target will die tonight, bypassing immunity and healing. [1 Use]
Blooming Burst (Night) - Kill a player. Anyone visiting them will start bleeding and die in 2 days if not healed. [Infinite, 1 Night Cooldown]
Tangle-Barbs (Night) - Occupy everyone visiting your target. Additional effects are applied depending on the number of people who visit them. (You don’t count as a visitor and won’t be occupied by this obviously) [Infinite]

  • 1 Player: Regular occupy
  • 2 Players: Tangle-Barbs bypasses immunity tonight and your next use of Blooming Burst will also bypass immunity
  • 3 Players: You gain a use of Pop Blossom and players will not receive a tick for occupation/redirection immunity.
  • 4+ Players: Everyone visiting will start bleeding and die in 2 nights unless healed

Your goalis to eliminate everyone standing in your way.

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Neeko Neeko Nii

Neeko must stay unseen… until the last moment

Anime Slayer
Your Opinion Does Not Matter (Passive) - Anyone with an anime pfp will never receive feedback. This does not take effect night 1.
Neeko Neeko Nii (Passive) - When you die, every player who has or had an anime pfp this game will suicide.
Sad Tomato (Night) - Make someone a sad tomato, forcing them to have an anime pfp for at least 1 full cycle. [Infinite]
Your goal is to kill everyone with an anime pfp.

@Marluxion rate


738 (Jerma Related)

If this is rolled, two players will play as parts of the two person horse. They will have a private chat with the other that they can use at any time.

Two Person Horse
Neutral Support

Tag Team (Passive) - You will have a constant neighborhood chat with your teammate. If one of you dies, they will flip as the Top Half of the Two Person Horse, and the other will resume play as the Bottom Half of the Two Person Horse. You will have a shared ability pool with the other player, but can use multiple abilities in the same day. Neither player can step up to be King. If one of the team is converted (can only happen through bypassing abilities), the other will become the Bottom Half with the wincondition to defeat the faction who converted their partner.

Windmill Technique (Day) - Prevent any non-Jerma related attacking abilities from targeting you or your partner for the rest of the day and the night. You will also not be able to be voted. (2 Uses)
Flawless Strategy (Day) - Gladiate a player. All votes on them will count as double the normal amount. (1 Use)

Trample (Night) - Occupy and Heal a player. (Infinite Uses)

Survive or see that all other Neutrals are dead.

Bottom Half of the Two Person Horse
Neutral Killing

Enraged (Passive) - Whichever faction led to the death of your partner will be your target. Whenever you kill one of their members, your abilities will not take up a use. If your partner died by execution, their hammerer’s current faction members will be your targets.
The Strongest Part of the Horse (Passive) - Immune to death once from non-Jerma related killing abilities.

Clothesline (Day) - Kill a player. If they were your teammates’ killer, you will be able to attack an additional player. (2 Uses)

Flying Kick (Night) - Learn if a player is one of your targets. (Infinite Uses)

Kill all of your targets. If your targets are neutral you must see all other neutrals in game lose.


doesn’t this out the bottom part of the horse when one of them dies


Solic (Named Reaper)


It shows up as “[x]” upon flip. I’ll clarify that though, it’s slightly confusing.

edit: Fixed to not state that.


King K. Rool

Named Prince who only spawns in “Dong” Games. Is guiltess.



Named Scorned whose targets are determined by the first two players that reply to a post of Solic.

Post 742

Vicious Solic

Named Scorned who has players with ability to modconfirm themselves as Blue Dragon as his targets. They can vote ONLY their targets or they will be modkilled.



Memesky 4000

Neutral Social
Convert Immune, cannot be bypassed.
Legends Never Die (Passive) - You cannot die by any means except lynch. This cannot be bypassed.
Memelord Status (Passive) - You have 3 additional votes which is hidden until hammer is reached.
Sub 4 Sub (Night) - Your target will be immune to death tonight and they will gain the Memed status. Players who have the Memed status will have their vote reduced to 0 while voting you. You gain an additional hidden vote permenantly. [Infinite]
Your goal is to meme as hard as you can.



Memesky 69

Neutral Killer
Convert Immune, cannot be bypassed.
This World Is Mine (Passive) - You cannot die by any means except lynch. Additionally, your visits will be hidden and you cannot be prevented by any means. This cannot be bypassed.
OG Memelord (Passive) - You have 3 additional votes. You may choose to disable/enable this effect whenever you want.
:joy::ok_hand::fire::fire::100: (Day) - Turn a player into a Memed Litizen at the end of the day. [2 Uses, 2 Night Cooldown]
Shameless Plug (Day) - You may target 2 people with Sub 4 Emotes tonight. [2 Uses, 2 Night Cooldown]
Sub 4 Emotes (Night) - Your target will be macho tonight and they will gain the Memed status. Players who have the Memed status will have their vote reduced to 0 while voting you. You gain an additional hidden vote permanently. [Infinite]
Your goal is to kill everyone who isn’t subscribed to you.

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MS Paint

Neutral Investigative
Colorful [Passive] - You must post at least one shitty repost or have a post with multiple colors in it at least once per day or you will be mod killed.
Color Picker [Night] - Know one of the colors in your target’s name in hex code. (Infinite,1 Night Cooldown)
Poorly Drawn Repost [Night] - Become the class of a non-unique dead player, with only half of their abilities(rounded up). The abilities you get will be RNGed. You win condition will not change and you will be occupy and redirect immune the night you use this. [1 Use]
Your goal is to ensure the major scum faction lose.



Janna, the Storm’s Fury

Neutral Killer
Passive - Tailwind - Your visit cannot be seen or tracked.
Passive - Vengeful - Since you’re tired of not getting congratulated while you used everything to save your adc, you are occupy immune and death immune.
Day ability - Howling Gale - You target a post. The person above and below the post will die in 2 night. The person that typed the post will die in 1 night. They will not be notified. (3 uses)
Day Ability - Zephyr - You throw your birdy to someone that is currently on trial. On use, you target another person, if the person on the trial is executed, then the person you targeted will also get executed along with them. (2 uses)
Night Ability - Eye of the Storm - You shield someone with your eye of the storm. Protecting their life. However, the person above your target will get sucked inside your eye of the storm, killing them brutally. If your eye of the storm saved someone, you will gain a extra use of Monsoon. (Infinite uses)
Night Ability - Monsoon - Enter a phrase that is longer than 4 character. Tomorrow, you will kill anyone who says the phrase at the end of the day. (0 uses)


Janna’s Cancer

Blue Dragon Social
Passive: You are immune to death once
Passive: You can only spawn if Janna is in the game. Make Janna suicide at the end of N2 if you are alive.

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The Outter (BD Social)
Passive-You must replace out D3, the person who replaces you gets mystic but able to use as many night actions as they want in one night.

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This slot cannot roll if any characters that are in the fictional game “Super Smash Brothers Ultimate” rolled.

Town Killer

EVERYBODY IS CHEATING BUT ME (Passive) - If you are attacked by the scum faction, you will not die, but instead join the faction that killed you. If you were attacked by a neutral player, you will join their team instead of dying, creating a neighborhood chat between the two of you.
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH (Passive) - If you are not being egotistical or otherwise a burden on society, you will be modkilled.

You’re Lousy (Day) - Insult a player. You may use AtE against them today with no repercussions. If they mention how you aren’t in Smash, you will die. (Infinite Uses)

You’re Cheating (Night) - Throw a bomb at somebody (they will not be notified). If they do not say ‘no u’ by the end of the day, the bomb will blow up, killing them.

You are a Town Killer. So your goal is to kill town. If all town are dead, you win. But you’re still not in Smash.



Ben Shapiro

Neutral Support
Facts (Passive) - You cannot be attacked by any player, unless they have found a contradiction in your logic.
Epic Gamer (Passive) - Whenever you point out a contradiction in somebody’s logic, or somebody OMGUSing, mark them permanently, revealing if they have dayvig immunity.
Okay, This Is Epic (Night) - Give somebody night immunity and a dayvig. Infinite Uses
Trump Card (Night) - Remove a players dayvig immunity and mark them for 1 day. 2 uses
Get a marked player to commit a big ded i guess



Everyone in-game must post at least 25 posts relating to Fortnite before day 1 ends and 25 extra times before they die, otherwise they cannot win the game , even if their faction wins. Re-roll this slot



King K. Rool except i never actually played a DK game so idk what his flavour could be

Neutral Killer
Gargantuan Gut (Passive) - Death Immune.
Crown Toss (Day) - Throw your crown at someone, silently stealing a use of their ability and giving it to you. You will be informed of what it is. 2 uses
One Helicopter Boi (Day) - Be notified of anyone who uses a day ability on you for this day. 4 uses.
Blundersucc (Night) - Target two players. The first will be occupied, and instead attack the second. Infinite uses.
Literal Slam (Night) - Kill 3 players, sacrificing your death immunity. 1 use.
Win i guess NK goal woo


Little Mac

Neutral Killer
K.O Meter (Passive) - Every time a night passes, gain a charge of this meter. Every time you get attacked, you get a charge of this meter. Every time you attack someone, gain a charge of this meter. If you get 10 charges, you may use the K.O punch. You cannot gain any more charges after the maximum charges.
Champion of the Ring (Passive) - Death immune.
Jolt Haymaker (Day) Attack a player in the day. If they have death/night/davig immunity, this will not kill them. 2 uses.
Straight Lunge (Night) - Attack a player. If you choose to use this ability but attack no one, you may charge it. Charging it for 2 nights will allow you to kill 2 players through death immunity. However, you cannot use Straight Lunge or K.O Punch the next night.
K.O P U N C H (Night) - Kill 4 players. This bypasses all immunities, and you are cannot be killed by any means.
Nk Goal

Do you feeeeeeel the unbalanced within this :^)


Nice Guy™
Neutral Social

ALL WOMEN ARE QUEENS (Passive) - If a female role would die by any means, you will die in their place, protecting them from lynches for the following day. You know the identity of any players with the ALPHA CHAD passive.
"Good Person" (Passive) - Suspicious to investigative results.

White Knight (Day) - Gladiate a player. You may only use AtE against them. (4 Uses)

Raid (Night) - Occupy a player. If they are a Twitch Streamer, they will not be able to vote for the next day. Cannot target the same player twice in a row. Can target the King. (Infinite Uses)

All female roles must win. In addition, you must see all players with the ALPHA CHAD passive lose.


Neutral Support

ALPHA CHAD (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection. Whenever you hammer a player, gain a use in all abilities. You will have a private night chat with all other neutrals who have achieved their win condition, including dead ones. You are immune to death during the day to non-neutral attacks. You can use both day abilities in a single cycle.

Weird flex, but ok (Day) - Become immune to death tonight. (4 Uses)
Flirt (Day) - Narrow down a player’s class type down to two possibilities. (3 Uses)

Taunt (Night) - Heal a player. All attacks on them will be redirected to you, and you will be death immune to attacks. (2 Uses)
Assault (Night) - Kill a player. If you would die as a result of this action, you will be notified, and the action will not take place. (2 Uses)
