Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version


The Mistake

Unknown Unknown
Science Corruption (Passive) - If there is more than 3 factions in this game, you will be able to choose which faction you would like to join, if not, you will be assigned a random faction that is against The Scientist, this faction could be a faction that is not in the game, or is not evil.
No one cares about you (Passive) - If you die at night, your body will not be revealed, you will be soulless, you can not post in the forum at all or do anything to interact with it, you will be mod-killed in two days after this for “not being active” and will appear as a random class of your faction.
Curse of the unknown (Passive) - If you are lynched, you will kill the first person who voted you up and clean their class, you will appear as their class instead.
Untouchable (Day Ability) - Kill up to 3 people voting you, this will also kill you - you will appear as D.VA after doing this, to active this you must say “Nerf This!” - 1 Use… why would you have two… you’d be dead.
Useless (Day Ability) - Choose what Seeking for Justice will do tonight, choose between: Kill Someone and bypass night immunity (1 use), occupy someone (3 uses), check for scientist, (5 Uses, deactivated when Scientist is dead and the remaining uses will go into occupy someone.
Seeking for justice (Night Ability) - Depends on day ability.
Luck of the draw (Night Ability) - You will redraw as another class, you will become this class for one night, if you roll as another faction you are not, you will commit suicide with your class and logs being removed. - 1 Use.


The Scientist

Unknown Unknown
Corrupt Challenge (Passive) - You are immune to the first attack at night.
Paranoia (Passive) - If someone vists you, you will automatically visit them, if multiple people visit you, you will visit your starting target.
Science Corruption (Passive) - You will be given a faction that The Mistake is not in, can not spawn if the Mistake did not spawn.
Tears of Mistake (Day Ability) - Stop talking for a day, you will be immune to being found by The Mistake tonight. - 1 Use.
Lethal Injection (Day Ability) - Lethally inject someone, they will die tonight and can not be healed, they will not be informed - 1 Use
Stalking Presence (Night Ability) - Learn everyone who visits you and learn if The Mistake visited you, will not work if only 1 person visited you and you will gain a use of Paranoid Eye. - 3 Uses
Paranoid Eye (Night Ability) - Check someone, get their exact faction and steal one of their day abilities. - 0 Uses.


Freddie Mercury
Green Kraken :shield: Support

Innovative (Passive) - You cannot use the same reasoning for townreading or scumreading any two players.

Don’t Stop Me Now (Day) - Target player can target an additional player with their infinite use abilities during this night. Their actions will be guaranteed to succeed. (3 Uses)
We Will Rock You (Day) - Remove a target player’s immunities for the night. They will also be immune to conversion. (2 Uses)

Bohemian Rhapsody (Night) - If a player would be voted enough to be executed, extend the day by 12 hours and start a trial. (2 Uses)

Killer Queen (Plunder) - Make two players permanently immune to conversion. If they are attempted to be converted, they will explode, killing all their visitors, bypassing death immunity.

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Super Smash Brothers MELEEEEEEEEEE
Town Special

No Items (Passive) - You are immune to bastard mechanics. Also death immune once.

Fox Only (Day) - Convert a player into a Fox McCloud of their respective faction. (Infinite Uses)

Final Destination (Night) - Initiate a rap battle with a player, creating a private neighborhood chat. If you win, they will become a town-aligned Fox McCloud. If they win, you will join their faction if they are scum. (Infinite Uses)

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760 (If one slot rolls this, another slot will take its counterpart.)

Michael Jones

Town Killer

Nice Dynamite! (Passive) - You are in a night neighbourhood with Gavin Free (Player Name), who you know is Town. If he dies, you will gain a use of Mogar’s Fury.
Rage Quit (Day) - Directly swear at someone. If they insult you in any way afterwards, they will not be able to target you tonight. [Infinite Uses]
Play Pals (Night) - Defend Gavin Free, preventing conversion and killing his attackers. [3 Uses]
Mogar’s Fury (Night) - Attack a player. If any non-town-aligned player visits them, you will attack them as well. [1 Use]
Town wincon

Gavin Free

Town Investigative

Nice Dynamite! (Passive) - You are in a night neighbourhood with Michael Jones (Player Name), who you know is Town. If he dies, you will gain a use of Follow The Nose.
Gavin Logic (Day) - Make a tinfoil accusing your target, which must be no less than 150 characters long. If your target questions the logic of your tinfoil in any way afterwards, they will not be able to target you tonight. [Infinite Uses]
Play Pals (Night) - Protect Michael Jones, preventing conversion and attacks and discovering the class types of all of his visitors. This does not reveal the names of the visitors. [3 Uses]
Follow The Nose (Night) - Scout a player to see who visits them. You will also learn the visitors of anyone visiting your initial target. [1 Use]
Town wincon


If this slot rolls, re-roll 2 others classes.


Blue Dragon Investigative

Disguised (Passive) - All Non-BD aligned investigative abilities that target you will be framed.

Stakeout (Day) - Learn if the target used a day ability at the beginning of the night. (3 Uses)
Mole (Day) - Your next Ransack will be guaranteed to be correct, and will also notify you if they are a Magic User. (2 Uses)

Ransack (Night) - Determine if the target has weapons. (Infinite Uses)

Classes that have weapons:

  • Prince (execute)
  • Knight
  • Physician (Knives for Procedures)
  • Paladin (Sword in Art)
  • Spy
  • Assassin
  • Enforcer
  • Poacher
  • Cult Leader (For Sacrifices)
  • Any Cult that take Alts from BD classes that show up as positive to the check.
  • Mercenary
  • Sellsword/Fanatic
  • Alchemist
  • Reaper
Magic Users
  • Court Wizard / Variants
  • Chronomancer / Variants
  • Priest / Variants
  • All Members of the Cult
  • Inquisitor
  • All other Neutral Killers


Town Killer

3…2…1 (Passive) - Whenever you jail a player, they must respond with their class in the first 3 hours or be automatically executed.
High Elo Plays (Passive) - All players that become modconfirmed will be modkilled immediately.

Jail (Day) - Jail a player. Target may be freely changed before final target is decided at the end of the day. (69 Uses)

Execute (Night) - Execute your prisoner, modkilling them. You will gain 5 uses if you execute people who are considered confirmed BD. (3 Uses)

You win when all mayors are dead or BD wincon


Deleted for a reason as not a class for this thread.


PGO Rampaging Compulsive Miller Guiltless Macho Strongman Ninja Elite Anytime Vigilante
Bastard Killing

Nerf This (Passive) - If you are lynched, you may shoot up to a third of your wagon, rounded down. All the role modifiers are in effect.

PLUS ULTRA (Day/Night) - Shoot a player, modkilling them and blacklisting them from the dead chat.

You must kill all players.



Wrath of God (Passive) - All players who visit you will be converted into a Mormon. If they cannot be converted, they will be SMITTEN BY GOD. Your presence results in all demonic classes becoming random neutral killers that know who you are at the start of the game. They cannot kill or vote you.
Saving them from their sins (Passive) - If you are lynched, all players on your wagon will have to right a 1000 word essay on why what they did was wrong, or else face a grizzly fate at the hands of a modkill.

Jesus Was The First Person To Revolutionize The T-Pose (Day) - Target player will be unable to make coherent sense when speaking for the rest of the day, due to complete and utter confusion. (40 Uses)

Love Thy Neighbor (Night) - Target two players. If they are of different factions, convert them both into the same one. Can target the King. (Infinite Use)

You must defeat all shitty meme characters.





Rigelian Special

Phantasm (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Mounted (Passive) - You are able to use both night abilities in the same night. All Dayvig abilities will be redirected to you, and will have 100% accuracy.

Lock and Order (Day) - Choose a player and lock them up in the dungeon. You and your prisoner can send a single 1000 character message to one another over the course of the night. - oo uses.

Kriemhild (Night) - Exact justice upon your prisoner and kill them, bypassing all immunities. If you kill a Rigelian, you will lose all your remaining uses. - 4 Uses
UUUUUUUUUNNCLEEEEE (Night) - Scream extremely loudly, informing the king of your presence and name. Any player that visits you tonight will learn your class.

BD wincon


Well, that smarts.



Blue Dragon (Very) Offensive

You Can’t Beat Wall Street! (Passive) - If an ability other than your own would force you to lose a use of your abilities, instead gain a use of your abilities. You keep this passive even if your class changes.
Corporate Pirate (Passive) - Ye must speak like a Pirate, or t’is to Davy Jones’ Locker with ye, arharhar! Ye be keepin’ this curse e’en as yer duties change.

Yarr! (Day) - Burden someone with the Corporate Pirate Passive ability. Cannot target the King. [2 Uses]

Say Uncle (Night) - Apply your patented cheese move, the Camel Clutch, on a target, occupying them for the night. If you use this on a target three times, you will kill them. [Infinite Uses]
Manipulate The Market (Night) - Each visitor to you will increase your voting power by one, to a maximum of 3 additional votes. [2 Uses]
BD Wincon


Unseen Offensive (On Vacation, please allow up to 48 hours for a response to emails)

You Can’t Beat Wall Street! (Passive) - If an ability other than your own would force you to lose a use of your abilities, instead gain a use of your abilities. You keep this passive even if your class changes.
Corporate Pirate (Passive) - Ye must speak like a Pirate, or t’is to Davy Jones’ Locker with ye, arharhar! Ye be keepin’ this curse e’en as yer duties change.

Yarr! (Day) - Burden someone with the Corporate Pirate Passive ability. Cannot target the King. [2 Uses]

Say Uncle (Night) - Apply your patented cheese move, the Camel Clutch, on a target, occupying them for the night. If you use this on a target three times, the Assassin will gain an extra use of 2-for-1. [Infinite Uses]
Crash The Market (Night) - Select a target, they and the person they visit will lose their ability to vote for the next day. [1 Use]
Unseen Wincon

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Post 768


Neutral Killer

Determination. (Passive) . While you are not immune at night, you will always know how many people there are left before you can acheive your win condition. Should you die, you may revive yourself either 1, 2, or 3 nights later, after choosing what class you flip as… You can reverse time 3 times before you lose. Should you lose, absoloutely everybody else will win, regardless of whether they are alive or not.

i know you’re not a human, but it’d be nice if you could pretend to be for my brother (Passive) - You may join the wolf faction’s chat if you are “converted”, but will not have any abilities. You may choose what class you appear to be to your “wolfbuddies”.

But Nobody Came (Day) - Prevent all visits to you tonight. (4 uses)

FIGHT (Night) - Kill a player. This attack will 1-shot (strongman) against all Unique classes. (Infinite uses)

Kill everyone in this sorry world, and move on to the next.



Mister Diddlez

Neutral Disturbing Killer

Champion of Diddling (Passive) - Immune to death at night. Immune to bleeding/poison/similar. As long as you are alive, Social classes will appear as Killer.

Time To Diddle (Day) - Your two watches allow you to speed up or slow down time during the day.

  • Turbo Watch - Reduce the current day timer by a quarter of the phase length (Example: If the day phase lasts 72 hours, Turbo Watch would reduce the timer by 18 hours). [4 Uses]
  • Broken Watch - Increase the current day timer by a chosen amount of time. The next day, that amount of time will be removed from the day timer (Example: If you chose to increase the day by 36 hours, the next day phase will start with 36 hours removed from it). [1 Use]

The Diddler’s Elbow (Night) - Attack a player and reduce the next day timer by 4 hours. If you kill a class that can win with you, you will increase the next day timer by 12 hours instead.
Remove The Bag (Night) - Reveal yourself to be Mister Diddlez at the start of tomorrow. Upon doing so, you cannot be voted against that day, everyone’s abilities will fail during that day/night phase, and you can use The Diddler’s Elbow twice during that night. [1 Use]

Kill everyone that would oppose you.

Heh heh… 7 69.



DIO :star:
Mafia Special


「The World」 (Passive) - Immune to death, occupation, and redirection. Twice per game, you may say publicly during the day “ZA WARUDO,” and quote two players, killing them bypassing all immunities.
Attain Heaven (Passive) - Three players are marked as your targets. You do not know who they are. When any of them die, you will be notified. When all of them are dead, all of your abilities will be upgraded for the rest of the game.

ROAD ROLLER DA (Day) - Drop a steam roller on a player, killing them. Can only be used after activating your passive. When upgraded, this ability can be used at any time and will bypass all forms of protection. (4 Uses)
Flesh Bud (Day) - Convert a player into a Godfather with no abilities at the start of the night. They will know who you are if they were successfully converted. When upgraded, this ability has unlimited uses. (2 Uses)

Stand Rush (Night) - Kill a player. You will learn who they visited and who visited them afterwards. When upgraded, you will also learn the class types of all visitors. (Infinite Uses)
Overmind (Night) - Learn all the classes that are in the game. You will not know who they are assigned to, or if any player has been converted. (2 Uses)

You must kill all who stand in your way.



Serial Killer :shield: :star:
Blue Dragon Killer

Psychopathy (Passive) - If you are jailed, you will kill the player who jailed you. If you are occupied or otherwise prevented from visiting your original target, you will kill the player who caused that to happen.
Resolve (Passive) - Immune to death from BD Aligned Killers. Includes the Prince’s Execute.

Stalk (Day) - Determine a player’s class if they are a member of the Blue Dragon. (3 Uses)

Stab (Night) - Attack a player. This action must be done every night or else you will die. (Infinite Uses)

BD Wincon + You must kill all Princes


Assassin replacement

Agent 47 :crossed_swords: :star:
Unseen Killer

Expertise (Passive) - You will appear as Blue Dragon to investigative abilities. Your visits will be hidden. If the Mastermind dies after night 3, you will become the new Mastermind. Your attacks bypass healing if there is two or less members of the Unseen alive.

Takedown (Day) - Kill a player silently. Using this a second time will reveal you in broad daylight. (2 Uses)
Tools of the Trade (Day) - Gain a night ability from any class on the Grande Idea thread. You may NOT choose abilities belonging to the Prince, any of their variants, or converting abilities. (2 Uses)

Assault (Night) - Kill a player. (Infinite Uses)

Unseen Wincon

That reminds me of something


Agent X(Neutral Social)

Passive-Party never ends-You are immune to death at night. As wel, you can use your day ability as many times as you want each day.
Day Ability 1-Party Invite-Once per player, you can send them a message that can be as long as you want it to be. They can send you a message back and you can send one last message-Unlimited Uses.
Day Ablity 2-Party Ruiner-Invite six people into a party. This party is actually an event. The event works like this. The 6 people invited will be spilt into two groups of three where each group will be given a private message thread. People are warned NOT to talk about this until it’s over, if they talk about it they are modkilled. Each group will be put into a prisoner dilemma type scenario. Each group has an option to either kill a random person in the other group, or to not kill at all. If both groups choose kill, a random town person out of the 6 people will die. If one chooses killer while the other doesn’t. a random person in the group that didn’t kill will die. If both choose to not kill, everyone in both groups will become a vanilla town (or a mafia Goon) as well lose their vote for that day-1 use
Win Condition-See BD Lose

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Horrible Human Being
Neutral Bastard

The Bastard Phase (Day) - Initiate an ITA Phase that lasts for 4 hours. All results will be delayed until the end of the phase. You will have 100% accuracy while all other players will shoot themselves when they fire. (1 Use)


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Extra Info for this Class: May only be used in Bastard games, can be taken for bastard games if wanted and not grande.

The Reaped Vessel

Neutral Bastard
Cries of Loneliness (Passive) - You may send only one message per day, if you do not send a message with over 1,000 characters every day (apart from day 1 or day 2), you will be mod-killed.
Fate Injustice (Passive) - Pick a target, if they die, you will take the attack and kill the attacker, bypasses night immunity, you can not be healed.
Corrupted Mind (Day) - Get a message from a dead or alive player, the player who sent it will not be revealed as dead or alive. - 1 Use.
Mind Blink (Day) - Send a message through the mod, this will be announced through the court.
Curse of Unknown (Night) - Guess for a Bastard Mechanic, if you guess correctly you will be able to lose a passive of your choosing or remove it entirely or gain a use of Revenge. - 2 Uses.
Revenge (Night) - Reap a player, bypasses night immunity. - 0 Use.