Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version


Insane Prince (Will appear to be Prince when the rolecard is given. Basically uninformed.)

Automatically executes any Knight/Phys/Phil Swift claim regardless of their uses of Execute.


Neutral Killer

Omnipresence (Passive) - Immune to death from lynching once. Immune to death at night once.

Seal (Day) - Guess a player’s class. If correct, they will die and you will gain a use of It Comes. (Infinite Uses)
Rend Flesh (Day) - Cause a player to start bleeding uncontrollably. They will die in two nights if not healed. (2 Uses)

It Comes (Night) - Terrify two players. Their win condition will be changed to See the Archfiend win, with them not counting as a member of a main faction for the purposes of your win condition IF they are alive in two nights time. (0 Uses)
Obliterate (Night) - Target player will commit suicide. (1 Use)

Survive to see the defeat of the main factions.


Knight but immune to death once. Applies to CS and they are not informed of this passive



Renamed bastard knight who kills all court wizards they visit or are visited by


Reflexive Vanillarizer
Unseen Special

Bullet Time (Passive) - Any player who visits you is vanillarized if they are not a converter or a neutral killer.

Neutralize (Night) - Change target’s class into one with no abilities. (Infinite Uses)

Defeat all who would stand in your way.


Paranoid Sniper
Mafia Killer

Paranoia (Passive) - All players who visit you will be killed.

Headshot (Day) - Kill a player provided they have either hardclaimed or have made less than 50 posts during the course of the game. The latter scenario can only be used on d3 onwards. (2 Uses)

Bulletproof (Night) - Gain immunity to death for the night. Your passive will now bypass immunities for the night. (2 Uses)
Assist (Night) - Make the user of the factional kill guaranteed to visit their target. (2 Uses)

Defeat all who stand in your way of domination.


Mafia Special

Distinguished (Passive) - Immune to death once. You will appear as not suspicious to any investigative abilities.
Authority (Passive) - During each night, you may choose to train a member of the mafia to become another role. They may not be trained into any unique roles and will be occupied on the night of training.

Falsified Records (Day) - If target player is a member of the mafia, they will appear as not suspicious to investigative results for the cycle. If target player is anyone else, they will appear to be suspicious to all investigative results for the cycle, alongside appearing to visit the Mafia’s kill target. (3 Uses)

Blackmail (Night) - “Convince” a player to join the Mafia. Refunds use if this fails to convert. (1 Use, cannot gain more than this)
Hail of Lead (Night) - The performer of the factional kill can target an additional player tonight. (1 Use)

Defeat all who stand in your way of domination.


Foolest of Fools
If you were checked by a princess or an associated role, that sucks for you cause this result will spell your doom

Rioting (Passive) - If you are lynched, three of the players who voted to execute you will be changed into foolsochemists.

Get yourself lynched.


Starting Mad King


The Real Omnimiller
Neutral Special

"I claim miller" (Passive) - Immune to death from everything but lynching. Any ability (investigative or not) targeting The Real Omnimiller will yield an investigative result showing The Real Omnimiller has been targeted. Cannot change class. Will always silently lose king elections.

Witch Hunt (Passive) - Day 1 it will publicly be announced “The Real Omnimiller” is in the game. If he survives to day 4, everyone, but the real omnimiller, wil lose.

Survive until day 4 and watch the world burn.

I replied to you, because I copied your format, woops




Orange Man
No Politics (Day) - If anyone brings up a political statement in thread. Instantly dayvig them, killing them epic style
No Poltics 2 (Night) - Kill target player. This only works if the target has a political related class
Contradiction (Night) - since I accidently made your classname political out of nowhere. you will be assassinated by El Chapo tonight. This bypasses all immunities - 1 use
Minimise all political talk from the thread and kill any political classes in the game. this includes yourself


the bad orange man is orangeandblack5

Orange doesnt deserve this hate. but I have to play it off so my epic class above this one dosnt get the delete for joking about politics in a game which should be politically neutral.
Since I felt bad for my previous post because politics is one of the most toxic things to talk about.
Named Scorned that has orangeandblack and bad (951) as target. If one of these arent present in the game. randomise the target


Terry Crews

Old Spice Neutral Killer
16 hours of B.O. Blocking POWEEEERRRR (Passive) - Your old spice makes is so powerful that you break into a random forum game. It makes you death and occupy immune due to it’s B.O. Blocking POWERRRRRRRRR
Block (Day) - Block all B.O. from visiting you tonight. - 2 uses
Odor Blocking Body Wash is too Powerful to Let this Commercial End (Day) - If a member of the Blue Dragon is executed on trial. Another trial will be started. (Same message as Bounty) - 1 use
Get shaved in the face (Night) - Kill target player with your old spice shaver. Bypassing all immunities - Infinite uses
POWERRRRRR. in a can (Night) - Redirect targeted player to another player. Bypassing redirection immunity. Additionally you will know who visited your target. - 3 uses
Your objective is to block all body odor from the game for 16 hours. (Kill all main factions and any neutrals that oppose you.)

1 Like


The Giant
Neutral Killer


Physical Specimen (Passive) - Immune to bleeding, death, occupation, and redirection. At the beginning of the fourth day gain two uses of Rampage.

Monstrous Presence (Day) - Prevent a player from using abilities for the cycle. (2 Uses)
RAGE! (Day) - Your abilities will bypass immunities for the night. (2 Uses)

Crush (Night) - Kill target player. (Infinite Uses)
Rampage (Night) - Kill target player and all players visiting them. Can target yourself. (2 Uses)

Defeat all opposition in your way to the belt.


Missionary :star:
Blue Dragon Special

Light’s Providence (Passive) - Your converting abilities bypass immunities only against non-leader scum and non-nk neutrals.

Smite (Day) - Make a player immune to conversion until they are healed. They will die in two days unless healed. (3 Uses)

Convert (Night) - Change a player into their respective Blue Dragon class if they are scum-aligned. Otherwise turn them into a Crusader. (Infinite Uses, 1 night cooldown)
Purify (Night) - Silence a friendly minion. Draw a card. (Infinite Uses)

Defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into the Zealot, the Cult Leader, and any special class conversion for the rest.

>Use it at night
>Day ends
>Oh look it's been a day
>Convert 2 nights in a row
>Win D3 due to numbers

Also that sniper seems pretty op, potential to get massive kill counts(and probably will)

Death immune sheriff that can target 2 people every night, can find all scum, and tailor/framing abilities don’t affect him.


Point Guard
Blue Dragon Social

Keeper (Passive) - You are anonymously revealed as the Point Guard at the beginning of d2. If you die either your target or a random blue dragon will become the new Point Guard.

From Downtown (Day) - If target player is Blue Dragon aligned, you will die and they will become the new point guard. If not, kill target player in broad daylight. (Infinite Uses)

Defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Immune to conversion


Mafia Goon who must make at least one reference to the Godfather each day


Consigliere but part of the Blue Dragon


Blue Dragon Social

Sleepover (Passive) - Each player will have a private night chat with the player below them in the player list.

Party! (Day) - All players who ping you today will be added to your private night chat. (1 Use)

Defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.