Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version

> # The Centaur
> Blue Dragon Special
Ability Score Increase - Strenght (Passive) - Immune to AoE visit prevention.
Ability Score Increase - Wisdom (Passive) (Passive) - Always knows how many players visited you last night
Fey (Day) - Discover if a player has a fey-themed class. Includes elves. - 1d4 uses
Charge (Day) - Using hooves will allow you to kill a random second player tonight - 1d4 uses
Hooves (Night) - Your hooves are natural melee weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with a hoof, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to their death. - 1d4 uses
Equine Build (Night) - Transport two players that night - 1d4 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Twitch Streamer

Neutral Killer

Kappa (Passive) - Immune to death at night. Immune to poison/bleeding/similar.
SeemsGood (Passive) - At the start of the game, select two players. If one of them targets you with an ability, day or night, gain a use of your limited use abilities.

PogChamp (Day) - Force a player to shoot another player in broad daylight. [1 Use]
MonkaS (Day) - Target player will be forced to vote any player that reaches L-1 in a majority game (does not include voting you). Otherwise, target player will be forced to vote themselves. [2 Uses]

LUL (Night) - Make a target player attack themselves instead of performing their night ability. If the target does not die, their ability will go ahead as normal. [Infinite Uses]
CmonBruh (Night) - Attack a player that voted you today, bypassing everything. [1 Use]
Defeat all members of the main factions and any neutrals that stand in your way.


Twitch Chat
Neutral Social

TriHard (Passive) - Can only spawn if The Twitch Streamer (986) spawns. Immune to death once.
EZ Clap (Passive) - If you kill the Twitch Streamer, you will gain all of their abilities and your win condition will change to defeat all non-meme characters.

BabyRage (Day) - All votes on target player count as two today. (2 Uses)

PepeHands (Night) - Learn target player’s class. (Infinite Uses)
ForsenLUL (Night) - Kill a player, bypassing the Kappa passive. (2 Uses)

Survive to see the defeat of both of the main factions.

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Ugh, I really wanna be able to host this when it reaches 1000 but I know I’ll still be hosting Scales of Justice :sob:


Mercy (558), but will be modkilled if someone mentions anything relating to the No Mercy song by The Living Tombstone.


The Disorganised King

Named Good King, but for as long as they are alive, logs and deathnotes will not be shown.



z (Passive) - Z Z zzZ z ZZZ zZ z z ZZ z Z zZzZ Z.
Z (Day) - z ZZz Zzzz zZZz zZ z Z Z zZ.
ZZz (Day) - zZZ zZZ Z Z ZzZ ZZZ z ZzZZ Zzz zz zZz z z.
zzz (Night) - zz zz zzz z zz z zz z zzzzz z Z.
zZzZzZ (Night) - Z z zZ ZZzZ z zZzZzZ zz Z zZ.
Zzz zZ Zz zZz zZZ ZzZ ZZ Z.



Unique classes are no longer unique. Reroll this slot.

992 prince but is converted into the kidnapper with simlar abilities but if they jail they wont meet with the unseen (when unseen try to convert)


The Streamsniper

Named Scorned that always and only has The Twitch Streamer (986) as their target. If The Twitch Streamer is not in the game. Spawn one in.
Additionally, The Streamsniper is required to fortnite dance in thread after the Streamer’s death so they will get reported by the streamer.
Not doing so by the end of the next day cycle will instantly modkill them and if they won. Will not give them the win


lıɐus uʍop ǝpısdn.


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Named Physician. Converts to the Ticking Snail 1480.



@eevee delet this

named reaper

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Emoji Mountainous :star: :shield:
Mafia Social

The Worst Setup Ever Desgined by Human Hands (Passive) - You can use both day abilities in a single day. As long as you are alive, all abilities that offer deals will have the same flavor.

Abomination (Day) - Target player can only use emojis in their posts for the rest of the day. If they break this restriction, they must only use emojis in their posts for the entire game. Cannot target the same player twice. (Infinite Uses)
:wink: (Day) - Offer a player a deal. If they accept, they will gain access to Abomination permanently and will die if they do not use it at least once per day. (Infinite Uses)

Defeat all who would stand in your way.

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Big Gayde

Neutral Social
Mask of Many Faces (Passive) - If you are executed by the court, you may appear as a class of your choice. You must submit this class to the host before you are executed. You may choose the class at any time and change it at will.
Trickery (Passive) - Immune to being occupied at night. Additionally, the night after your execution, all players who voted to execute you will be redirected to visit themselves.
No Me (Day) - You may decide the lynch today, bypassing everything. This may not be used until day 5. - 1 use
Costume Examination (Day) - Learn the faction of the player you Masquerade as at the end of the night, if you use it. This ability is affected by framing, unlike Masquerade. - 2 uses
Masquerade (Night) - Appear as the class, faction and type of your target to investigations tonight. Abilities that change the apparent class of your target will not affect Masquerade. Additionally, if you die tonight you will also appear as the class. You will not know the class of your target. - Infinite uses
Hide (Night) - Become immune to death tonight you coward. - 2 uses
Your objective is to be executed for treason.



Citizen Kang :crown: :shield:
Town Special

BEGONE Fiend (Passive) - Any player that claims that Citizens are unfun to play as will be dayvigged. In addition, your vote counts as twice the normal amount. An election for the new king will be held if you die.
Bastard Mechanic (Passive) - Add a random bastard mechanic to the game at the start of the game.

Screech (Day) - Instantly execute a player. (1 Use)
Post Restriction (Day) - Give a player a post restriction of your choice. (2 Uses)

Guard! (Night) - Summon a guard to protect a player. If they are not a member of the town, they will be occupied. (3 Uses)
Ultimatum (Night) - Remove all of the target’s abilities for the next cycle. (Infinite Uses)

Defeat every non-town faction. You may win with neutrals.

Crowned from all citizen classes.

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One of either a Town Cop, Town Doctor or Town Firefighter.



Random Random

This class will have two random passive, day, and night abilities chosen from random classes in the Grand Ideas thread.

Random wincon from a random class in the Grand Ideas thread.


I was going to make a 1000th class gets a cookie class rip

Named scorned who has the 1000th class as a target.


I’m So Sorry Geyde

Named Mercenary who starts with Geyde as their contract. If Geyde is not in the game, reroll this slot.



Black Stache

Named Good King

1004 (Jerma Related)

Neutral Offensive

Center of Gravity (Passive) - All abilities targeted to the players one above and one below you on the player list are instead directed to you. This bypasses immunities.
Celestial Body (Passive) - Immune to non-Jerma class abilities. Any killing abilities redirected to you by Center of Gravity will be redirected back to their owner, and will be guaranteed to kill them.

Satellites (Day) - All abilities targeting you for the cycle will fail. (1 Use)

Crush (Night) - Land on a player in the ring, crushing them under the force of
7.34767309 × 10^22 kilograms/400 - 500 pounds. This will kill them, unsurprisingly. (3 Uses)

Defeat all other Jerma Related characters.

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Hamlet Special


Rapturous (Passive) - When you bleed or are attacked and survive, heal 30 stress. Instead of dying when hitting the stress cap, your win condition is changed to Kill all who stand in your way.

Suffer (Day) - Transfer bleed from another player to yourself. You will gain one use in all limited abilities. (Infinite Uses)
Exsanguinate (Day) - If you are bleeding, kill a player silently and cure yourself of bleed, healing yourself from attacks for the rest of the cycle. Disable this ability after use. (1 Use)

The Lashes (Night) - Choose your night ability!

  • Lash’s Anger - Cause a player to start bleeding at a random point in the next day. You will not heal any stress if you target them with Suffer. (1 Use)
  • Lash’s Solace - Occupy a player, healing 20 stress if successful. (1 Use)
  • Lash’s Kiss - Heal yourself and another player. This will not cure bleeding that has been caused by the effects of Suffer. (2 Uses)
  • Lash’s Cure - Learn if the target player cannot win with you. (1 Use)

Defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Stress Stats

10 whenever a BD or Hamlet aligned player dies
20 whenever a BD or Hamlet aligned player is lynched
40 whenever YOU kill a BD or Hamlet aligned player

10 whenever anyone other than the aforementioned groups die
20 whenever anyone other than the aforementioned groups are lynched
20 whenever YOU kill a player not mentioned in the aforementioned groups.

When converted…

Unseen Special

Rapturous (Passive) - Immune to death while bleeding. All bleeding effects will take an additional night to kill you. You will keep this passive if your class changes.

Endure (Day) - Grant all unseen members immunity to death for the cycle. (1 Use)
Rain of Sorrows (Day) - If you are alive tomorrow, bleed the two targeted players and yourself. (1 Use)

Punish (Night) - All other players who attempt to visit your target will be prevented and bled at a random point tomorrow. Fellow members of the unseen can visit unabated. (2 Uses)
Redeem (Night) - Cure all bleeding from players who are bleeding. The assassin will be able to target an additional player with Assassinate for each player who was cured tonight. This effect applies for the night this is used only. (1 Use)

Immune to stress effects.

Defeat every other faction and any neutrals that stand in your way.

Cult Alts!

Reclaim (Endure) - Bleed yourself in order to give all cult members one use in all limited abilities. (2 Uses)
Exsanguinate (Exsanguinate) - If you are bleeding, kill a player and cure yourself of bleeding. This will not cure bleeding when used a second time. (0 Uses)

Lashes of Mithras (The Lashes)

  • Ritual Dagger - Cause yourself to bleed in order to make all Cult members appear as the least suspicious result to investigative abilities, hiding their visits. You will die the next night if not healed. (1 Use)
  • Eternity’s Collar - Heal yourself and a non-cult member. If you save them from an attack not performed by the Cult, the Cult Leader’s next Brainwash will come off of cooldown after use immediately. (1 Use)
  • The Burden - Occupy a player. If they hammered a member of the Blue Dragon or the Hamlet, disable all of their abilities if they are either Blue Dragon or Hamlet aligned. (1 Use)
  • The Testament - Kill all players who visit you tonight reflexively. (1 Use)


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