Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version


The Observer, but is given a Possessor card until the end of D4, when they will be given their actual card. If they would be converted before then, they will not join the scum faction’s chat and will not be told who their team members are until they receive their true card.



Simon Belmont
Smash Special

Vampire Killer (Passive) - Whenever you visit a class with a demonic or unholy flavor you will kill them bypassing immunities.
Versatile (Passive) - All night abilities must be used once each before being usable again. This passive is disabled if you are the only smash character alive.

Uppercut (Day) - Become immune to occupation, redirection, and conversion tonight. (1 Use)

Axe (Night) - Kill a player if you are still alive in two nights. (Infinite Uses)
Cross (Night) - Occupy a player. (Infinite Uses)
Holy Water (Night) - Learn who targets your target. (Infinite Uses)

Defeat all who would stand in your way.

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(If this slot rolls and there is no Pope, instead roll the Pope)

Vatican Support

Reconciliation (Passive) - As long as you are alive, all players who become religious will die in three nights time if they are not converted into the Vatican faction. They will not be notified of this.

Spread the Good News (Day) - Choose a word. All players who say that word today will become religious. You may not choose any variation of ‘vote’, any player’s name, or words shorter than four letters. (2 Uses)

Bless (Night) - The user of the factional kill tonight will be guaranteed to kill their original target. (2 Uses)
Martyr’s Honor (Night) - Kill yourself and two players bypassing all forms of protection. (1 Use)

Defeat every other faction and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

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Pump Brother

Named Compulsive Even Day Vigilante


Pump Brother

Named Compulsive Odd Day Vigilante


Foreign Security Agent
Blue Dragon Investigative

Terrible Cover (Passive) - Every single one of your posts must have either a spelling or grammar mistake. You will keep this passive if your class changes.

Bribe (Day) - Make a player immune to conversion for the cycle. Can target yourself. (3 Uses)

Expert Investigation (Night) - Determine if a player is a member of the scum faction. (Infinite Uses)
Political Assassination (Night) - Kill the current king. Bypasses immunities if they talked shit about another country, and must be used in that case. (2 Uses)

Defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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Richter Belmont
Smash Special

Vampire Killer (Passive) - Whenever you visit a class with a demonic or unholy flavor you will kill them bypassing immunities.

Uppercut (Day) - Become untargetable by abilities for the cycle. (2 Uses)

Begone, Monster! (Night) - Unleash your fury. You may do an unhealable attack on a target which will kill them in two nights, an occupation on a target, and reveal the class of a target. (Infinite Uses - 2 night cooldown)
Castelvania Strut (Night) - Visit a player. This does nothing else. (3 Uses)
Defeat all who would stand in your way.


The Kobold

Neutral Investigative
Pack Tactics (Passive) - Every player you win with that visits the same target at yours at night will be empowered
Sunlight Sensitivity (Passive) - All actions done against you in daytime renders their doer empowered
Hiding from Sunlight (Day) - Become immune to death this night. You must have a “yipp yipp!” on all your posts for this to work. - 3 uses
Dragonkin (Day) - If a player has posted less than 50 posts during the day, mark them. You will know their win condition after two cycles. - Infinite uses
The first rule of the Kobold Fighting Club is… (Night) - Determine if a player can win with you. - Infinite uses
Yipp Yipp! (Night) - Remove a post restriction from a player. They must say “yipp yipp!” every post instead. - 3 uses
Eliminate all players (not factions) with “eliminate” or “defeat” on their win condition

Yes I have done a neutral who can’t win with anyone that are not survivors or poorly done class cards

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Lv. 35 Boss

City Mafia Special

That’s How Mafia Works (Passive) - Immune to death at night. Additionally, you will appear as a member of the Town to faction checks.

Clan Offer (Night) - Convert someone into a member of the City Mafia. You may have a maximum of 5 members of the City Mafia in total. [Infinite Uses]
Defeat every other faction and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.


(If this slot is rolled without a Lv. 35 Boss, instead roll the Lv. 35 Boss)

Lv. 10 Hitman

City Mafia Killing

Level Up (Passive) - If the first Lv. 35 Boss dies, you will take their place. If you die, the oldest Lv. 1 Crook will take your place.

Take Out (Night) - Kill someone. [Infinite Uses]
Defeat every other faction and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.


(If this slot is rolled without a Lv. 35 Boss, instead roll the Lv. 35 Boss)
(If this slot is rolled with a Lv. 35 Boss but without a Lv. 10 Hitman, instead roll the Lv. 10 Hitman)

Lv. 1 Crook

City Mafia Support

Loyalty (Day) - If either the Lv. 35 Boss or the Lv. 10 Hitman would be lynched today, instead commit suicide and kill the last voter. Cannot use when either the Lv. 35 Boss or the Lv. 10 Hitman have the highest amount of votes on them. [1 Use]

Protection Money (Night) - Occupy and heal a player. The Lv. 10 Hitman’s Take Out will bypass healing on this player. [Infinite Uses]
Defeat every other faction and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.



Insane Vig
Blue Dragon Social

Trigger-happy (Passive) - You must use your day abilities every day on d2 onwards.

Why is this a BD role (Day) - Kill a player silently provided they have hardclaimed. (Infinite Uses)
Nuke (Day) - Kill a player bypassing everything provided they have made more than 100 posts during the game. (2 Uses)

Defeat the scum faction(s) and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

(Converts into The Enforcer and social classes for other factions.)

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Smash Killer
Charging Climax (Passive) - Every time you attack a player, your charge will go up by 25%. Once your charge reaches 100%, you will be able to use Infernal Climax. If you use it, the charge goes back to 0% and the process starts all over again. Current charge: 0%
Dancing Bullets (Night) - Attack a player. - Infinite Uses
Infernal Climax (Night) - Kill all players that visit you tonight. The victims cannot be healed nor protected from this attack. - 0 uses
Defeat all who stand in your way.


Mafia Goon

Named Miller


Geyde Stop Procrastinating and start writing on the ToL RP you literal dumbo :fire: :shield:
Blue Dragon Social

@Geyde (Passive) - You must ping Geyde at least once per day cycle in the main thread, even when dead.
I have a project (Passive) - All players who attempt to say why they haven’t been able to be active will be dayvigged.

REEEEE (Day) - Replace another player’s day abilities with this. They will not be notified. (Infinite Uses)

Last Ditch (Night) - Kill Geyde if they are in game. (1 Use)

Defeat the scum faction and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.



The Fifth Amendment
Neutral Social

Right to Remain Silent (Passive) - While you are alive, players who don’t respond when jailed cannot be targeted by Execute. Their jailer is informed of this at the beginning of the night.

Pistol Whip (Night) - Shoot a player. (1 Use)

Defeat the good faction at any cost.


Post 1022

Sheriff from Nottingham

Named Sheriff who instead of “Expert Investigation”, he has:

Pay up your taxes, punk! (Night) - Take away money from a player. If they evildoer they will pay double. (Infinity Uses)

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Neutral Killer

Already In Your Mind (Passive) - You are immune to all forms of death, occupation, and redirection and will know everyone who visits you. You will know the exact class of any player who is insane, psychotic, paranoid, or traumatized.
Dementia (Passive) - Any player with Psychosis will be framed, and you will learn their exact class after 1.5 cycles of being infected with it.
Creeping Insanity (Day) - Give a player the Psychosis status. They will be informed after a cycle and you will learn of their classtype immediately. [Infinite]
Sleeper Agent (Day/Night) - Pick a player with the Psychosis status. Their Psychosis status will be removed but any player to target them with abilities will be attacked by your Sleeper Agent at the end of the night. This may not be used on yourself. [2 Uses]
Mindbreak (Day/Night) - Cause a player to suicide if they have the Psychosis status or if they are insane, psychotic, paranoid, or traumatized. You will gain a use every time you infect 2 people with Psychosis or every time a(n) insane, psychotic, paranoid, or traumatized player dies. You may not target the king with this ability. [0 Uses]
Lurking Madness (Night) - Give a player the Psychosis status. They will be informed after a cycle and you will learn their classtype at the end of the night. This ability bypasses prevention. [Infinite]
Nightmare Phantom (Night) - Summon a phantom to attack a target, bypassing immunity. You will not be seen as visiting them and will gain a use every time 4 players die. [2 Uses]
Your goal is to defeat the main factions and any neutrals who stand in your way.

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Simon Belmont (1007) but aligned with BD


Bayonetta (1018) but a Neutral Killer



Demigod/Vampire Special

Troublemaker (Pasive) - You do not need to follow any post restrictions and may lie as much as you want without any negative effects.
Hybrid (Passive) - You share both the benefits and the detriments of Demigod and Vampires.
Sing A Disney Song (Day) - Proclaim yourself as Geyde.
Plot Hook (Night) - Redirect a player to you tonight. [Infinite]
thikcc voice (Night) - Kill a player. [2 Uses, 2 night cooldown]

Vampire Traits

  • Your abilities will be empowered during the full moon(every second night).
  • You will be healed the night you attack someone.
  • Negative effects will be empowered against you during the day.
  • If you make more than 100 posts during the day, then you will be bleed and die in 2 nights.

Demigod Traits

  • You will heal yourself every third night.
  • Your attacks will bypass death immunity every third night.
  • Anyone with Enhanced Senses or Monster Instincts that visits you will know that you are a Demigod.
  • You will be given the Unclaimed status.

(Unclaimed: You will be given the Unclaimed Demigod (1027) classcard at the beginning of the game. Every night you may roll a 1d3. Once you roll a 3, you will be given your real classcard immediately. You will be given your real classcard at the end of N3 regardless of whether you have rolled a 3 or not.)


Unclaimed Demigod

Demigod Offensive

Unclaimed (Passive) - You will be given the Unclaimed Demigod (1027) classcard at the beginning of the game. Every night you may roll a 1d3. Once you roll a 3, you will be given your real classcard immediately. You will be given your real classcard at the end of N3 regardless of whether you have rolled a 3 or not.
Ambrosia and Nectar (Night) - Heal someone of attack. If they were not attacked, then this use will not be used up. [1 Use]

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Oh my god how many Geydes do we have on this thread
Named scorned who has to lynch every class with “Geyde” on their classcard. Includes themselves.