Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version

Unknown Investigative
Named ToL Inquisitor.



Named Mercenary

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í42 Dev
Named Comitatus, but can turn people into Moderators, Judges and Guides.

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Neutral Support

Lämpsexuäl (Passive) - You will always spawn if the Sunbearer (1050) spawns. Reroll this slot if the Sunbearer (1050) doesn’t spawn. You will know who they are and have a private chat with them. You are immune to all forms of occupation and redirection while the lamp is unbroken and will commit suicide the night after the Lamp breaks.
The Light Burns (Passive) -You may use two day or two night abilities per cycle, but may not use a day and a night ability in the same cycle. You will start bleeding, dying in two nights if not healed, for every third ability you use.
Möth Spy (Day) - Lay an egg on your target. The egg will hatch one cycle after you lay it, allowing you to learn who they visit. The moth will stay on them until a player visits them, killing the moth. [2 Uses]
Compound Eyes (Day) - Learn who visits the Sunbearer tonight. [2 Uses]
Swarm Guard (Night) - Prevent all players to the Sunbearer tonight. [3 Uses. 1 Night Cooldown]
Möth Ritual (Night) - Invoke the rituals of the God(s) of light, killing yourself to heal the Sunbearer tonight. The lamp cannot break the night you use this ability, causing the lamp to go to a random Blue Dragon(or a random player if there are none left) if the Sunbearer dies. You must say the name of a deity of light during the day for this to work(Galeem works :wink:). [1 Use]
Your goal is to ensure that the lamp doesn’t break.

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Ted Tonate


Named Psychopathic Short Fuse (#814)



Prince but aligned with the cult with only one use of Execute.


The True Face of Alchemy.
Alchemist with no healing potions. Wincon is to bomb a prince or someone who contracted The Plague.



Neutral Jerk

Each night, you may convert someone into a Neutral Survivor with no abilities. If you die, one of your Neutral Survivor converts will die each night in the order in which you converted them.
Survive, or have a Neutral Survivor live until the end of the game.

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Neutral Support
Comprehending the Heart (Passive) - You are married with one player with human thematic. You will share wincons with them. If they get converted to something unhuman, the usage of To Sacrifice is mandatory on the next night.
Mirror Script (Passive) - You will absorb all attacks done against you. Each one of them will give you a Charge. You can also perform two actions every night.
The Cluster (Day) - By default, you are connected to the Cluster. You can use one day action to abandon or rejoin it. Being inside the Cluster allows you to suffer all effects to actions caused on them. Being outside the Cluster allows secret communication with your human lover. (Infinite uses, 2-day cooldown)
Naming Oneself (Day) - A random word from a dictionary will be picked out. This will be your name. If someone says your name, you can choose to grant them day immunity for the remaining of this day. (3 uses)
Far Cry (Night)
Normal attack as long the player had claimed a class without a human or machine theme or attacked you before - 1 charge
Ninja effect to attack - 2 charges
Strongman effect to attack - 2 charges
Attack anyone you want - 3 charges
Those powers can be combined. An attack with multiple of those powers is considered only one action.
To Sacrifice (Night) - Kill yourself. Gain a charge to spend at this night. (1 use)

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@Solic :eyes:


Damon Gant


Neutral Killer

Corrupt Blood (Passive) - Votes to become King count as two for you. If you are crowned King, all players will receive incorrect results from Investigative abilities as long as you are alive.
Untouchable (Passive) - Immune to death at night. Immune to bleeding/poison/etc.

Pull Rank (Day) - Your vote will count as two today. This will not be announced publicly or affect the number of votes required to reach majority. [3 Uses]
Demote (Day) - Remove a player’s Royal Blood passive. [1 Use]

Subdue (Night) - Kill a player. Anyone who would discover you attacking that player will be prevented from mentioning you or voting you tomorrow, and you will learn their identity. [Infinite Uses]
Fall Guy (Night) - Select a player. If you would be lynched tomorrow, that player will be lynched in your place. [2 Uses]
Kill everyone that stands in your way.



Blacksmith :shield:

Third Dagger Killing
Third Dagger (passive) - Speak to the Third Dagger at night.
Eyedrop (day ability) - Poison a player. They will die in 2 nights unless healed (2 uses)
Hammer and anvil (night ability) - Select a player. You will attack them tonight.
Bend those to your will, and kill the rest.

Backwards Mastermind

same as cult leader except not apart of the night chat


Mafia Social

Bribe (Passive) - The first ability to be used on you will fail.

The Slip (Day) - Send a player an anonymous message some time during the night. They may choose to respond. It will appear as if a mystic had used ‘Link Minds’ on them. (2 Uses)

Inject (Night) - Replace a player’s feedback with one of your choice. Be creative! (Infinite Uses)

Defeat the good faction and any other threats to your domination.


Fool but they are secretly a masochist with no abilities and are lynchproof.

1065 Genji Blackmailer
Conversion of Genji. Has the same abilities but the I Need Healing passive is replaced by the following night action:
You need healing (Night) - All this player can say next day is “I need healing”. Infinite uses.

The Hollow Knight
Named knight who can only win if the Möth loses.

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cutoff for the turbo classes is here

1067 (heck you blue)

you need a class in every post @mercenary

named tol mercenary


Actual 1068 cause Maxi skipped 1067

Prince who must out D1 through the host or be modkilled.


Hurr Durr 69 lel

Named Foolsochist