Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version



Named Demigod


Count Geyde
Named Vampire



Named Mercenary



> # The Dragonborn
> Blue Dragon Killer
Draconic Ancestry (Passive) - Choose a type between Acid, Lightning, Fire, Poison and Cold. You are immune to attacks with the chosen flavor.
Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin (Day) - Announce yourself as the Dragonborn - 1d4 uses
Breath Weapon (Day) - Kill a player. - 1d4 uses
FU ROS DAH! (Night) - Kill all players on your room this night - 1d4 uses
wait wasn’t it supposed to be d&d (Night) - Undo all vanillarization effects - 1 use
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


(Jerma Related)

The Pencil
Neutral Investigative

Cheap Shot (Passive) - If you are attacked by a member of a scum faction, negate the attack and instantly convert yourself to their faction. You do not count toward the member cap and converting you does not cause a cooldown.
Indisputably Evil (Passive) - You will appear as suspicious to all investigative abilities.

Pierce (Day) - Silently kill a player. The attack will be negated if they are a member of the scum faction, and you will join their team. (1 Use)

Defeat the Blue Dragon and survive to see all other Jerma Rumble characters dead.

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(Jerma related)

The Sellout

STAA (Passive) - Three random players will be marked as commercial agents. You will know who they are, but they will not know they are a commercial agent. Your commercial agents are: [REDACTED]
LIFE IS PAIN! I HA- (Day) - Guarantee that you will succeed in obtaining a spot in a commercial tonight when visiting a commercial agent. - 1 use
Journey to A List (Night) - Visit a player. If they are a commercial agent, you will have a 50% chance of acing the commercial. Once you obtain a role in a commercial from a commercial agent, that player will lose the commercial agent status. - Infinte uses
Obtain a spot in all three commercials.



Town Support

One-Shot Bulletproof (Passive) - Immune to death once. When you are attacked you will be informed of it.

Scream (Day) - Make a player unable to perform any day actions. They will not be informed. (3 Uses)

Guard (Night) - Redirect all attacks toward the target to yourself. (Infinite Uses)

Defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Enforcer, Bouncer, Knight, or any other support based conversion for other factions.


(Jerma Related)

Truck Punchline
Neutral Offensive


2Fast2Quick (Passive) - Your actions are guaranteed to succeed regardless of any sense of logic or moral reprehensibility.

Ruin the Joke (Day) - Charge directly toward another player, causing them to be sent to the other side of the planet. They will die in two nights time, and be unable to be healed. (2 Uses)

Lag (Night) - Target player will be unable to visit or be visited for the cycle due to having ~2 FPS. (3 Uses)

Defeat the Blue Dragon and kill any other Jerma Rumble characters.

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(This slot acts as the Assassin for the unseen if rolled.)

Oddjob :star: :crossed_swords:
Unseen Killer

Overpowered (Passive) - The first attack of each player on you will fail.
Golden Gun (Passive) - Once per game you may choose to strongman attack a chosen player in addition with your normal night action. This passive is shared among all future Oddjobs.

Hat Toss (Day) - Cause a player to start bleeding. This will regain a use whenever it is either healed or otherwise fails to effect a player. (3 Uses)

Assassinate (Night) - Kill target player. (Infinite Uses)
Hat Slice (Night) - Kill two players. Does not count as visiting. (1 Use, shared)

Defeat the good faction and any other threats to your domination.

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Neutral Offensive

Divine Punishment (Passive) - The three curses remain when your class changes, and can only be removed by an ability that specifically targets post restrictions. After Day 5, they can be also removed by conversion abilities.

Curse of Grounding (Passive) - What was most beloved by you had been torn apart. You can’t reply to any players you have liked in the thread before the game started and players that have liked at least one of your posts.

Curse of Mimicry (Passive) - Their master took away their voices. Can only talk by copying and pasting phrases other players have said before, from dot to dot. Copying individual words and such is prohitibed.

Curse of Plagiarism (Passive) - The spark of creativity was torn from their souls. You can only cast a vote after someone had told you to.

Share the Pain (Day) - Send a message up to 500 characters to a random player with post restriction. Curse of mimicry still applies. (Infinite Uses)

The Missing Spark (Day) - Select one of the three curses. After three days, they will be amenized for one of the following. (3 uses)

Curse of Grounding (Passive) - What was most beloved by you had been torn apart. You can’t reply to any players you have liked in the thread before the game started.
Curse of Mimicry (Passive) - Their master took away their voices. Can only talk by copying and pasting phrases other players have said before, from comma to comma. Copying individual words and such is prohitibed.
Curse of Plagiarism (Passive) - The spark of creativity was torn from their souls. You can only cast a vote after someone had already voted the person.

Expert Forgery (Night) - Choose a player. You will swap class cards. The three curses remain with you. (1 use)

Why is there a class with four passives (Night) - Choose a player and remove one of their passives at random, stealing it to you. (Infinite uses, one night cooldown)

Give the three curses an end.


Town Investigative

Gun (Passive) - Attacks bypass medieval based night immunities (such as guards or shields).

Dismantle (Day) - Prevent a player from performing their day abilities today. They will not be informed. (1 Use)

Search (Night) - Determine if a player can kill. If they have the ability to perform a factional kill, this will receive a positive check. (Infinite Uses)
Supply (Night) - Give a player a gun. They will be able to perform a vig shot instead of their normal night action tomorrow. Must be done with ‘/shoot [player]’. (1 Use)

Defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Duplicitous Guard
Blue Dragon Support

Curse of Str-odd (Passive) - May only use Defend on odd nights, and must be used on those nights. Is guaranteed to visit the intended target, even while in jail.
Even Knight Vig (Passive) - Must used Riot on even nights, and must be used on those nights. Is guaranteed to visit the intended target, even while in jail.
Sideshow Wordsmith (Passive) - You must make at least five terrible puns per day or else a random BD will die.

Defend (Night) - Defend a player from attacks, killing all their attackers bypassing night immunity. Will also kill any player who attempts to investigate them. (Infinite Uses)
Riot (Night) - Kill a player. If the target was a member of the Blue Dragon you will kill all of their visitors as well including yourself. (Infinite Uses)

Defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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TJ “Henry” Yoshi

named fool


42 callback!
Named passive maid (#42)



Each night, you and your teammates can select a word that is at least four letters long to use as a trigger word. The first person who says that word gets blown up. You can not use the same word twice. You can also perform a factional kill on each night except for Night 0.
Defeat all who would oppose you.

1044 Lucky GM! You choose what class or effect should this spot have.

1045 All players are secretly survivors. Game ends at Day 5.

1046 All players but Firekitten secretly win this game. Game ends when Firekitten dies or is eliminated. If no Firekitten is in game, all classcards with Firekitten on them (this includes wording and Firekitten as a spectator) counts. If still no Firekitten, the player with the most posts loses when there is one or no players alive, all others secretly winning.

1047 Noble hell
Every feedback is publicly revealed to the Court at dawn.


Matthias Priest

Blue Dragon Support
Backup for Judas Priest 966. Name won’t change on class changing.
Defeat all scum factions but the Vatican, and neutrals (religious themed neutrals being the exception) that seek to so you harm.


Moderator :crown:
Unknown Special

Spoopy Mod Powers (Passive) - Your vote counts as two. If you die there will be a vote to determine the next Mod. Also, you are immune to occupation, redirection, and post restrictions.
Banned (Passive) - All players who are executed by the court or killed by your abilities are not added to the dead chat and cannot be revived. Once per game you can choose to ban a player who has broken the global rules.

Banhammer (Day) - Kill target player bypassing all immunities and end the day instantly. You will lose your Spoopy Mod Powers passive. (1 Use)

Lock Thread (Night) - Target player will be unable to be targeted by abilities for the night. This does not count as a visit. (3 Uses)
Promote (Night) - Turn target player into a class of your choice. Starting Mod only. (1 Use)

Win with your alignment.

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At the start of the game, change this player’s name to the Sunbearer. They will continue to have their abilities and alignment as normal. They receive an object called the Lamp.
If the Sunbearer is attacked and dies, the Lamp will break.
If the Sunbearer is lynched, the first voter will gain the Lamp.
If the Lamp is broken, there shall be no more dayphases.
The starting Sunbearer may willingfully break the lamp to leave the game victorously if they are on the final three. If this happens, the other two players lose. People of the Sunbearer’s alignment won’t him, but neutrals who accomplished their goals will.

Spawns with Möth (in reply to that post). The Möth CAN happen to be the starting Sunbearer.
Turn any Knights that spawn into Hollow Knights (1066)