Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version


Town Corrupt Cop

Passive 1: All About the Money - If you run out of gold you will commit suicide

Day Ability 1: Bribe - Spend 50 gold to force pardon yourself
Day Ability 2: Hire Help - Spend 20 gold to be immune to death tonight

Night Ability: Robbery - Steal gold from a player causing them to bleed. Gold received depends on player class.
Night Ability: Cop - You are the town cop! Each night you may check a player, determining whether they are a member of the mafia or not.
You win when the Mafia is eliminated. Also have at least 100 gold by the end of the match.

Some of the gold costs might have to be tweaked probably but for the Robbery ability if it is a Royal Blood or Cult/Unseen member you will steal 25 gold you cannot rob the King and any other class you will steal 15 gold. You will not be able rob the same person twice in a row. I also don’t know if the bleeding should cause death in 1 night or 2 night but I think it would help make the Physician a little more useful with more healing needed to be sent out.


Town Paranoid King :crown:

Deadly Tenacity (Passive) - If you are attacked, you will kill your attacker before you die.
Royal Finger (Day) - Your next vote will count twice. - Infinite uses
Decide Fate (Day) - Decide the fate of a player on trial. - 1 uses
Order Execute (Night) - Send a guard to attack a player. The attack bypasses night immunity, and it’s use is announced to the court the next day if succesful.This abillity would be disabled if target wasn’t a Neutral - Infinite uses(Not Usable until Day 3)
Eliminate all Neutral roles.


Sweetheart Doctor
Passive-Loved: since you are loved by everyone, When a killer sees you and tries to murder your face, he will stop because he loves you. (death immune once for the entire night) Immune to occupation and redirection.

Passive-I can’t live without you:The person who you made love you will die if you die.

Day ability 1- Somone love me- Choose a person. They will be notified that they must protect you (Regardless of faction) and they will gain a 3 use day ability that will heal you if you are attacked. Amount of uses pass down to the next person. They can use another day ability in the same day. The use of this ability is mandatory on day 1.

Day ability 2: if your loved one died choose another one. If they die you die.

Night ability 1 - Mutal relationship - Heal the person that loves you. (2 uses since it isn’t a merc)

Night ability 2 - LOOK AT ME I AM LOVED-Occupies the target.

Notes: Reaper will just consume a soul. #buff reaper
You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.


Infected Vigilante
Passive 1: Already Infected: Immune to poisoning/bleeding

Passive 2: Determined: Immune to death once

Day Ability 1: Terrible Disease: Make infection cough go through infection immunity, unlimited uses but it does need you to have 2 infected players and it has a 2 day recharge time

Day Ability: Worst Disease Yet: kill a person at night

Night Ability 1: Infection Cough: Infect a player, 1 day recharge time, if you infect a poisoned/bleeding person they will die even if healed. Phys, stone skinned alch, and herb are immune to being infected and you will be informed of that, unlimited uses

Night Ability 2: Infection Shield: protect yourself from attacks and infect anyone visiting you, 2 use, can only be used after night 3

Goal: Survive to see the survivors at the end infected with the disease


Every night, you may follow a player, seeing who they visit.
You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

I am already tracer
Named Tracer (not Tracer!).


Reposting classes from FMs isn’t original or fun
Neutral Social
Resolve (Passive) - You secretly take 10 more votes to lynch, as well as being immune to occupations, redirection, and death. This cannot be bypassed. You will always know how many reposts are left in the game and will lose your immunities when your wincon is completed. You may use both day abilities every day.
Bitch gimme your class (Day) - Target two people. Learn their class instantly if they are a repost. [Infinite]
Hold my knife (Day) - Frame a player for 2 cycles. [Infinite]
Hold my knife in your heart (Night) - Kill a player, bypassing everything. This will not consume a use if they are a repost. This ability will be disabled upon achieving your win con. [3 Uses]
Your goal is to kill all reposts or get @Mercenary mislynched if they are in the game


Be yourself, everyone else is already tracer
Scorned with Tracer!, I am already tracer or OW-themed classes as targets.



Blue Dragon: Unique


  1. Respect your elders : Whoever kills you at night, or votes you first for a successful execution, wont be able to vote the next day. (Like a reaper chill)

Day Abilities:

  1. Empower Runes (2 Uses): You will be immune to occupation and target changing tonight.

Night Abilities:

  1. Rune of Power (Unlimited Uses): Protect a player from negative effects (except death), cant be used on the same target 2 nights in a row.
  2. Rewind Time (2 uses): Warp time arround a player, whatever happens to them that night will be delayed until the NEXT night.*

*Some tips about the skill:

The selected player will NOT be notified .
If the target is attacked N1, but is not healed, wont be healeable N2 and will die.
If he is healed N1 and attacked N2, he will be healed.

Post 1120


Named Alchemist which every their post has to be sarcastic or you will be modkilled.

Just FYI Town is a Evil Faction. KEK



Named Noble who can only make 30 posts per day.

Can you do another grand idea turbo
Mafia who is revealed as innocent child D1


…You’re a boring monster
Named Reposting classes from FMs isn’t original or fun (1117)

Arachnid Tamer


Sneaky Venom - If Jailed, the prince will be infected.
Huntress of The Night - Will Become the Spider Queen if everyone is infected

Day Abilities

Spider Eyes - Select an Infected Player, you will know their class(3)
^Allows More Claiming Possibilities if too OP please comment.

Night Abilities:

Egg Burst - Lay an Egg inside a player, anyone who visits them tonight will also be infected, and so will the person the player you selected Visited.
^ You Will Only Be able to select people who are not infected

Venom Defence - Anyone who visits you tonight will be infected, you will be immune from death as well.(2)


Spiderlings - Immune to death at night
Royal Blood - Same as normal

Day Abilities:

Spider Venom - Poison a player with spider venom, they will die in one day if not healed(infinte)

Night Abilities:

Egg Hatching - The Player you selected will have spiders burst out their chest, killing them.

Okay Geyde is your co host have fun
Vanilla town that is revealed as mafia D1



He was once a peaceful chopper living happily with his wife and chopping woods for the castle. But after the true about his wife death, he swear to take revenge on the king and his fellows, who caused his wife death.

Old Armor (Passive) - Death immune and bleed immune.

Blood Axe (Passive) - Your attack become unhealable after 3 kills.

Burn Woods (Day) - Burn woods infront of player door for tonight, occupy them and anyone who visit them. 3 Uses

Axe Chop (Night) - Kill a player. Infinity Uses

Rampage! (Night) - Attack a player, also attack anyone visit you and your target, even if their visit did not count as a visit. You will sacrifire your death immune for the night and your attack will bypass death immune. 1 Use

Win condition: Defeat player in two main factions and any neutrals that stand in your way.



stop trashing the thread with your boring classes pls… i came here to play grand idea not fucking ritual mafia or regular mafia
Named …You’re a boring monster (1123)

Fool that converts people into the unseen when lynched


Blue Dragon Citizen


y’all fucked up the numbers
Named stop trashing the thread with your boring classes pls… i came here to play grand idea not fucking ritual mafia or regular mafia (1127)