Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version


Fix Yo Numbers

Named Starting Mad King

Blue Dragon Citizen that passively kills a person of their choice whenever they die bypassing everything


Fix your own numbers first
Named y’all fucked up the numbers (1130)

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Post 1034

Class from this thread of your choice and it’s aligned with all Good and Evil Factions.


Article #3: Turbo Mechanics

So you want to play a turbo (fast-paced game lasting about an hour). Great, you�ve come to the right place. This article will be detailing three things:

  • Fundamentals
  • Mechanics
  • Strategies

We�ll start with the basics, taken straight from a turbo OP for a standard 9-man vanilla game:


Main setup info:

  • 9 players: 2 mafia, 1 cop (with a pregame randomized vanilla townie check), and 6 vanilla townies
  • 18 min days, 6 min nights
  • Deadline lynch mechanics with majority lynch also in effect all days, starting Day 1 – i.e. the person with the most votes will be lynched at end of day, unless someone receives a majority of the votes before the deadline, in which case said person will always be lynched immediately

Other relevant info:

  • No outside communication allowed for any town-aligned players, you may only post in the game thread
  • Mafia may only chat with each other privately during night phases (check your role PM, which links to a private thread for this purpose)
  • If there is a tie, the lynch is randomized amongst those who are tied for the lead in votes
  • No lynch is a valid vote
  • Thread is locked during night phases
  • Actions are compulsory and will be randomized by the software if players do not use them at night
  • Roles are revealed upon death
  • Specific reminder for 2+2 players: Votes are not locked at LYLO

These are important to know as it can mean the difference between a victory and a loss.

Leaving peeks/providing cover:
As a turbo progresses people vote and talk as per normal. However, they also normally leave peeks such as �Beck town N0� (which means they are saying they peeked Beck as town on night 0, if they are the cop). They do this in order to pretend to be cop to provide cover (or to provide peeks if actually the cop), please read Yates�s article on cop cover for more information. If the cop dies, the town as a whole should go back and read the cop for their top town reads and if after d2, their top scum leans as well if the cop has died because the wording and language used can provide clues as to who the cop peeked and what their alignment is. This is an essential part of the game as it can provide a lot of info to work with, which is necessary in such a fast game.

Peeks (if left) are often left as four kinds:

  • Extremely common: In a list format, with peeks being at top or bottom depending on the peek, lists vary from reads list, to a simple peeks list to any combination.
  • Common: Through a solid read (x is a townie is a peek, x is likely a townie is generally not)
  • Uncommon: Only defending or attacking certain players � for example, soft defending one player on day one, two players on day two, or attacking only one player and defending one day two.
  • Rare: Through FPS style mechanics (voting everyone but your peek, putting your v peeks as scum)

Mechanics of voting:
There is majority lynch on all days, once the total votes of 5 for d1 (9 players), 4 for d2 (7), 3 for d3 (5 players) and 2 for d4 (3 players), is reached on a player the day is immediately over and the player is lynched. This is important to keep in mind when it comes to votes, as an early majority is not always a good thing, and can mean a lot of information is lost. If there is no majority, the round will end 18 minutes after day start with the highest vote getter lynched, or in the case of a tie it is randomised between the highest vote getters.

LYLO (Lynch or Lose):
LYLO, also known as Must Lynch, is a very common scenario in turbos, at final five (F5) where there are two scum and three townies alive and F3 where there is one scum to two townies. In this scenario it is important to look at the votes because they can often tell you mechanical information which you can use to help base reads and make correct decisions.

As a townie, if the cop and both scum are still alive at F5 it is vital to take into consideration both cop claims and work out any potential clear townies. It is EXTREMELY important to not vote early as scum can often jump on quickly and majority lynch a townie if you vote wrong. Take your time and work through the claims and attempt to find the scum. If there is no cop, it is imperative that you work out who is clear from cop peeks (if any are alive) and try to work out who can be scum together. At F3 it is also a very good idea to take your time to attempt to work out the correct decision. Early votes can lead to a similar situation as in F5 where a scum can easily jump on.

It is also important to realise that votes are not (at the moment) locked at LYLO and can be changed and unvoted so be prepared to do so if necessary. Also, make sure to keep an eye out on the time remaining in the round. Players should generally try to vote late enough that a good discussion has been had, but early enough to give other players time to also make a decision.

Here is a humorous game where a townie caught another townie in the majority trap in final three:…t-Dane-edition

Examples of potential LYLO scenarios:

Example 1 (F5): You are a townie in final five. Two players vote each other. There is no hammer on either player. This means that there is AT LEAST one scum in the pairing. This should be taken into consideration when considering possible teams, world building and who to lynch. Remember that this does not necessarily mean that there is only one scum in this pairing, just that there is at least one.

Example 2 (F5):
You are a townie in final five. You have two votes on you, but nobody is placing a third on you. This means 99.5% (unless the scum are slowrolling bitches) that the mafia team is EXACTLY the two people voting you. All previous suspicion on other players is now irrelevant, from your point of view the two players who are trying to lynch you are guaranteed to be scum, because otherwise you would be hammered and town would lose.

Example 3 (F5):
You are a townie in final five. One player has two votes on him and nobody is hammering. This means either that the target is a townie and both players voting on him are scum or that the target is a scum. Note that if the target is a scum, the mechanics of the situation do not eliminate bussing as a potential move.

Example 4 (F3):
You are a townie in final three. You have been voted by one of the remaining players. The remaining player has not hammered you. This means that the player voting you is 100% to be scum and all effort should be directed to proving that.

Example 5 (F3):
You are a townie in final three. Both the other players are voting each other and you have not hammered. You are confirmed to the thread as a townie.

These are all mechanics without taking into consideration the cop and possible claims. Sometimes the scum fail to kill the cop (or decide against killing the cop to attempt to win a claim battle). It is up to the townies to work out who is telling the truth.

Cop Hunt Clear (also known as SHC, Seer Hunt Clear):
The scum will often try to nightkill someone they think is the cop at night, which means that they will generally kill someone who has a correct town peek. It is important to take this into consideration for lynch votes, it can be faked by the scum but it can also function as a potential extra peek. Keep in mind who is SHC and what their behaviour is, it is not an automatic extra peek and taking it as such can lose you the game, as seen here:…-Tuesday-Turbo

Strategies and Lines of Play:

As Cop:
There are many different ways to play each role and the cop is no different. General cop play consists of leaving a peek (x town N0 or some variation discussed earlier) on day 1, some choose not to leave a peek however. Some players try to defend their peek day one if wagoned, others ignore it, and others still lynch them to make themselves not look like a cop. These plays can backfire and it is up to you to judge what action you want to take.

An example of cop FPS can be seen by Stormslyde in this game (it backfired):…ng-IN-THE-PAST

An example of townie not understanding mechanics can be seen here (voting the person who peeked them over the scum who has them as a scum in their claim):…ow-with-pie%29

When it comes to leaving peeks, it depends on the individual user, and it would be wise to keep the same way of leaving peeks in your vanilla townie game to ensure that you don�t have a firm tell with your cop game. When it comes to d2 and leaving peeks, it is generally accepted to leave them the same way. It is advisable to make sure your peeks will be clear on a reread, whether through the use of a list, explicit language, or vote records. If you are still alive going into night 2, it is important to consider your claim, the alignment of the lynched player day 2, and who to peek in order to potentially lock the game. You need to be prepared to claim immediately and generally explain your peeks and where you left them. It is HIGHLY unadvisable to attempt fancy play on D3 and further as a cop as it often backfires.

As Town:
Your general play will be to leave peeks in thread in attempt to draw a nightkill as well as hunt scum. When it comes to fancy play, many townies continue to leave cop cover continuing into D2, which is important for helping the cop. Some townies like to claim cop to draw the nightkill, generally claiming 1 or 2 live town peeks. This can have added benefits if a scum has died day 1, as the cop gets an extra peek if the townie draws the night kill which can generally lock the game. It is generally unwise to claim a scum peek as a vanilla townie unless you think you know that the real cop has scum peeked someone, or you are very sure someone is a scum. It can end in disaster, as the real cop can be outed, they can counterclaim, or worse, you could claim a scum peek on the actual cop! If it works, it can often be a game winning play, high risk high rewards.

It is wise to consider who has peeked you d1, as it often provides a disincentive to try and lynch that person. They could be the cop, and lynching someone who has a peek on you is generally looked down upon. From Day 2 and onwards it is important to not only continue hunting scum but keep an eye on potential cop claimants as you will be potentially forced to come to a decision at F7, F5 and/or F3.

As Mafia:
Your general play is to avoid the lynch and attempt to lynch and/or nightkill the cop, at least for days/nights 1 and 2. On Night 2, if the cop is still alive, the scum have the option to consider not night killing who they think could be cop in an attempt to win a claim battle at f5. It is always important to consider what you claim as a scum in these scenarios because it is likely one scum will need to counter claim the real cop. If the cop is missed, the claim battle generally must go ahead, though sometimes (rarely) the cop has not locked the game.

Some players like to fakepeek their scum partner, which is a fine strategy and gives some leeway for defending your teammate if they come under attack or are likely to. It can also work with claims later, though one should be wary of what they have previously claimed. It is generally a good idea to try and hunt the cop on D1, by pushing people who have not peeked you or people who you think have high cop equity.

On Day Two and going forward if the cop is not dead it is very advisable that you try to keep in mind the peeks that people have left, and try to be aware if you have been potentially peeked or not. Working out who could be the cop and who their peeks are can be game winning. It is also important not to give up once you have been peeked, you can attempt a counter claim or lynching outside the claim, but these moves can be risky.

Bussing is not a very common move day one of turbos due to the effect of losing a scum partner and not but can be very effective if pulled off. If the cop dies early bussing becomes a much more viable tactic and a well-executed bus can often seal games which might be in tricky situations. It is generally advised to adopt a wait and see approach when it comes to lynching your own teammate.

Cop/Seer Hunt Clearing yourself (killing someone with a town peek on you Night 1) is not a very common strategy for scum as it purposely gives the cop another peek (unless they are fpsing) and can backfire horribly, but can also help secure wins and help struggling scum survive for a bit longer. It can also be worthwhile to consider on night 2, if you have little idea who a possible cop could be, and it is important to take that into account when considering a claim battle. Take it on a case by case basis.

Claiming cop as mafia:
Examples of a bad scum claim:
Claiming with a scum peek on both townies is an automatic loss as both the cop and the townies will vote against you and that will lose you the game. Claiming with a town peek on the cop will also mean you generally lose a member at F5 if not the game as well. Scum claims need to convince at least one of the remaining townies to win (as your scum partner can join your wagon/majority lynch a townie).

An example claim in an F5 with players:
[(Kaze, Roman, Saber) Village and (Visorslash, Allundberg ) Scum]

Saber, Village Cop claims:
Kaze town, (alive town)
Owen town, (dead town)
Visor mafia (alive mafia)

Meaning scum are Visorslash and either Roman or Allundberg.

Scum Visor claims:
n0 lissa (dead townie)
n1 allund w (alive scum)
n2 saber w (alive cop)

Meaning scum are Allundberg and Saber.

In this scenario, neither person has locked the game. Kaze is always town in this scenario and should pick the wagon between Saber and Visorslash. Roman has a choice between saber and visor, and allund has to vote visor. Note in this scenario, Allundberg can easily majority lynch Saber if a townie votes wrong.

The vote count would typically look like this:
Visor (saber, allund)
Saber (Visor)

Kaze and Roman are left to vote to decide the game. It is important in these scenarios to consider that scum peeking your partner can give you the opportunity to convince two townies, as both potentially have a decision to make. In the scenario where neither claim is lynched, the likely candidate to be lynched in this scenario is Allund, and it is important as a scum to nightkill Kaze, the mechanically clear townie going into F3.

Cop Hunting as mafia:
There are many different methods to cop hunting as a scum, and as you play more games you generally get a better understanding of how to hunt. Many good scum also try to hunt during the day, by pressuring players who have cop equity in an attempt to get them to claim or get lynched. The following are a few of the tips I use:

  • Remember how people leave their peeks as vanilla townies
  • If they leave their peeks as vanilla in big text and colours and as cop as just a one off read, keep that in mind when rereading for the cop.
  • How likely is the peek?
  • This is a debatable method, but it’s one I use to some success. If someone peeks someone they village read a lot, you can generally discount that person as being cop because of the low odds of the peek. Peeks that seem strange � a weird read, an unlikely target can often be the cop. If someone peeks someone they know you can also tend to rule them out. This can be a risky method, but it helps as a starter of reducing the possibilities of cop.
  • Language
  • How does the person talk to their peek? How the person peeked reacts to that player?
  • How do they react under pressure? Do they try to soft cop? Do they suggest that being lynched is �bad�? (Common cop tell)
  • How do they react when their peek is under pressure?
  • How do they talk to other players? Some players get very aggressive as cop.

Cliffs :

  • Make sure you are aware of the setup and how turbos run.
  • Make sure you understand the mechanics of your situation.
  • Make sure you keep an eye on the clock and try not to vote early in LYLO as a townie.
  • Understand the possible plays available as any role.
  • Lynch scum (or kill townies).

This article was originally published in forum thread: #3: Turbo Mechanics (by Visorslash) started by Thingyman View original post

Named Cop (50%) or Mafia Goon (50%)


Black Rose Citizen

Miller BD citizen


That’s just a shitpost
Named Fix your own numbers first (1133)


The Necromancer (Neutral Killer) This is a neutral killer centered around the idea of creating an army of undead. The zombies themselves are pretty bad and die easily but are still better than nothing. They can be used to keep the necromancer alive at night and also to create distractions to disrupt the main factions’ investigations or heals. And in the lategame, they can also be used to take control of the court if there are enough of them. The undead have very limited communication between each other so will often act stupidly or eratically.

Death immune on the first night.

Day Ability 1:
Necrosis: Cause a player to bleed (2 uses)

Day Ability 2:
Telepathic control: Telepathically send a message to all zombies (3 uses)

Night Ability 1:
Curse: Attack a player. If they die, they will be resurected as a zombie. (1 use)

Night Ability 2:
Resurect: Visit a player. If they die, they will be resurected as a zombie. If they do not die, regain 1 use of “curse”. (infinite uses)

Resurection is NOT a conversion, and thus convert-immune targets can become zombies. When resurected, a zombie is not told who the necromancer is or who the other zombies are. Also, if a knight becomes a zombie, they will keep their “armoured” passive if they still have it. Finally, the necromancer is given helpful icons to remind him of who he has zombified (like the sorc’s bomb icons) Now on to the abilities of the zombie:

Zombie (Neutral Killer) This is only spawned when the necromancer resurects someone. Its goal is to make the necromancer win. If the necromancer dies, all zombies die the following morning.

Undead: Immune to bleeding. If killed during the night, they will appear as their original class pre-resurection. If killed during the day they will appear as a zombie.

Day ability 1:
Telepathic message: telepathically send a message to the necromancer; he will know who sent it. (1 use)

Day Ability 2:
Give life-force: Sacrifice yourself this night in order to heal the necromancer and give him one additional use of “Curse”. (1 use)

Night Ability 1:
Defend: Protect a player, giving your life to prevent the attack. (note: you do not kill the attacker, unlike the knight’s similar skill; the “armoured” passive will prevent the first blocked attack if the zombie has it). Will not work on a target the necromancer is visiting (same as the sorc not attacking death immune people) (infinite uses)

Night Ability 2:
Moan: Become occupy/redirect immune for tonight and redirect target player to you. Will not work on the necromancer. (infinite uses)


Bitch what
Named That’s just a shitpost (1138)


You fucked up the numbers again!

Named Mastermind

(Max, you skipped 1137 and 1139)

1 Like


The Wraith (Neutral Killer)
Occultic Revelation:
You will see the feedback of abilities of everyone that you used Haunt on.

Immune to death and bleeding + hidden occupy immunity.

Day Ability:
Haunt (inf use)
Haunt a player, you will attack them in 2 nights. (1 day delay)

Eternal Nightmare (2 use)
Players Haunted by you will be unhealable and your attack will pierce death immunity tonight.

Night Ability:
Poltergeist (4 use):
Force a player to target a second of your choice.

Necromancy (3 use):
Use the first night ability of any dead player. (Cannot use conversion abilities. Can only be used once per body.)

Innocent child but is revealed as mafia d1

It’s actually a guilty child
Named guilty child who reveals as mafia D1. Is blue dragon.


I blame merc’s giant fucking shitpost when im on mobile
Named Bitch what (1139)

Mafioso that is revealed as mafia D1



LOL unnumbered

Named Binary Scorned (962)


The Physical Representation Of Fade’s Annoyance At People Signing Up To Closed Signups
The Darkgod being so annoyed at people who joined the game before it was open has forced you to begin a ritual that will summon him into the world where he will purge everyone who joined before he opened the game
DarkGods Mark (Night) - You mark your target with a letter from FadeBlade that you choose they know they were marked and you can’t use letters that have already been used. When all targets have been marked and someone speaks his name, he is summoned and kills all the people who joined the game before he opened it. nothing can prevent him
Darkgods interference (Passive) - You are immune to death and occupy at night and already contain 2 letters from FadeBlade that you choose. when one of your targets dies and lacks a mark of FadeBlade they are marked with a random letter you know what letter it was. The letters from DarkGods Mark will always be revealed when their death is announced
Your objective is to see The Darkgod summoned while you are alive

This VERY OLD thing.


lmao i numbered it before you posted that bitch
Named Mafioso that is revealed as mafia D1 but is unlynchable and can kill 2 people every night even if jailed or occupied (1145)


Ghost Leader (Ghost Faction)
Passive -

  1. Ghost || Speak to the Ghosts at night.
    Day -
  2. Lead || Send a Private message to all Ghosts (oo)
    Night -
  3. Order || Convert a player to the Ghosts tonight. (oo)
  4. Gaze || Determine the Kings Faction. Can only be done after day 4. (1 use)


It’s 1148, genius :^)

Named Assassin