Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version


Pest Control

Neutral Special
Taking Out The Trash (Passive) - If this class is rolled but there are less than 3 Litizens in the game, reroll this slot.
Bug Bomb (Night) - Kill a player. If they are a Litizen, this bypasses any protection, healing, visit immunity or night immunity. - Infinite uses
Locating Scum (Night) - You learn the name of a player who is currently a Litizen. - 2 uses
Your objective is to survive to see all Litizens in the game dead.

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The Court Wizard but you can’t barrier Marl.

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Polymorphic Litizen

Neutral Social
Useless (Passive) - You have no abilities.
Polymorphic (Passive) - At the start of an odd-numbered day (including Day One), you become an unconvertible Blue Dragon aligned Citizen with their win condition. You return to being a Litizen at the end of the odd-numbered night.
Your objective is to survive.





Neutral Social
Useless (Passive) - You have no abilities.
? (Passive) - You appear as a Support type Blue Dragon class to investigations, including the Pest Control’s Locating Scum.
Your objective is to survive.

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Tough Skinned Litizen

Neutral Social
Useless (Passive) - You have no abilities.
Tough Skin (Passive) - You are immune to death at night, once.
Your objective is to survive.

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The Governor :shield:

Kingdom Investigative
Kingmaker (Passive) - Your vote for the next Regent counts as three votes.
Certify (Day) - Target a player, they will be convert immune tonight, provided they have royal blood. [3 Uses]
Trace Lineage (Night) - Target a player, you will find out whether your target has Royal Blood or not. [Infinite Uses]
Background Check (Night) - If a Regent’s election was held during the previous day, then you will be informed of which factions had their members step up. Neutrals will count as members of the Kingdom. [1 Use]
Blue Dragon Wincon

For all intents and purposes Kingdom classes are on the same team as the Blue Dragon. Regent = King.


The Diplomat

Kingdom Social
Apparent Corruption (Passive) - You will appear suspicious to investigators.
Royal Blood (Passive) - You can step up to become the new Regent earlier than other players.
Networking (Day) - Target a player. You will know whether they used a day ability at the end of the day. [2 Uses]
Negotiations (Night) - Allow a player to send you a message tonight. You will be anonymous. [2 Uses]
Gossip (Night) - Recieve the feedback of all abilities used on your target, even if the user did not receive the feedback themselves. Cannot see attacks or conversions, or any abilities which would reveal the presence of an infected convert. [Infinite Uses]
Blue Dragon Wincon


Litizen Cultist

Neutral Special
Not Useless (Passive) - You have abilities! Go you.
Convert (Night) - The target player is converted into a Litizen (conversion immunity still applies, and members of scum factions are considered immune). You do not share a chat with them. If you die however, the oldest surviving converted Litizen becomes a Litizen Cultist. - Infinite uses, 1 night cooldown
Your objective is to survive.


Converted from the The Governor

The Infected Governor

Infected Investigative
Kingmaker (Passive) - Your vote for the next Regent counts as three votes.
Connection (Passive) - If you or a fellow member of the Infected step up to be king, they will be able to communicate in the Infected Chat as normal.
Spread (Day) - Infect a player with a stronger strain of the Gor Serum, killing them in two nights time. [1 Use]
Trace Lineage (Night) - Target a player, you will find out whether they have royal blood or not. [Infinite Uses]
Erase Records (Night) - Remove a player’s royal blood passive. [1 Use]
Unseen Wincon

For all intents and purposes infected classes can be converted to any faction. Becomes a Seeker if cult game.


Converted from The Diplomat

The Infected Diplomat

Infected Social
Royal Blood (Passive) - You can step up to become the new Regent earlier than other players.
Spread (Day) - Infect a player with a stronger strain of the Gor Serum, killing them in two nights time. [1 Use]
Infected Network (Day) - You will receive the names of people to use day abilities today. [1 Use]
Infectious Intrigue (Night) - Recieve the feedback of all abilities used on your target, even if the user did not recieve the feedback themselves. Your target will appear as Patient Zero to investigators. [Infinite Uses]
Whispers (Night) - Allow a player to send you a message tonight. You will be anonymous. [2 Uses]
Unseen Wincon


Litizen Encryptor

Neutral Social
Useless (Passive) - You have no abilities.
Encryptor (Passive) - While you are alive, all living Litizens in the game know each others’ identities, and can speak with each other during both the day and night phase. A Polymorphic Litizen is removed from this factional chat on phases that they are a regular Citizen.
Your objective is to survive.

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The Magician

Kingdom Offensive
Focused (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Earth Barrier (Day) - Your target player will have all visits prevented on them tonight. [1 Uses, Can Target Self]
Mind Trick (Night) - Force two players to target each other. [Infinite Uses]
Tornado (Night) - Swap the position of two players, causing all players who target your first target to target the second and vice versa. [3 Uses]
Blue Dragon Wincon


Converted from The Magician

The Infected Magician

Infected Offensive
Focused (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Spread (Day) - Infect a player with a stronger strain of the Gor Serum, killing them in two nights time. [1 Use]
Infection Barrier (Day) - Your target player will have all visits prevented on them tonight. [1 Uses, Can Target Self]
Mind Cloud Trick (Night) - Force two players to target each other. [Infinite Uses]
Toxic Tornado (Night) - Swap the postion of two players, causing all players who target your first target to target the second and vice versa. [Infinite Uses]
Unseen Wincon


Litizen Mason

Neutral Social
Useless (Passive) - You have no abilities.
Best Friends (Passive) - If at least one other Litizen class is in this game, you have a day and night chat with them while you are both alive. If not, reroll this slot.
Your objective is to survive.

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The Chronomancer, converts to The Timesnatcher


Class Freezer

Blue Dragon Support
Freeze! (Night) - The target player becomes conversion immune, bypassing all bypasses. No matter what, their class can not change for any reason, including if they are voted to be crowned King, or would normally become a different class in their faction (in this case, the next oldest player inherits the class, if there is any). If you use this ability on a different player, the old player’s class becomes unfrozen, but will remain unaffected by any of the attempts to convert it while it was frozen. - Infinite uses
*Defeat the Unseen, Cult, any other scum faction, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Ability stays the same when converted to the Unseen or Cult.

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The Occultist :shield: :crossed_swords:

Neutral Killer
Corrupting Energy (Passive) - Any player that visits you will be corrupted. For each player that is alive and corrupted, your Corruption Rating increases by 3% per night and caps at 100%. You will know your corruption rating at the start of each night your gains at the end of it. You start with 0%.
Shield of Corruption (Passive) - You gain defensive bonuses depending on your Corruption Rating.

  • 5%+: The Occultist will be immune to death at night.
  • 15%+: The Occultist will be immune to occupation and target changing.
  • 25%+: The Occultist will be immune to Bleeding and Infection.
  • 65%+: The Occultist will automatically kill all incoming attackers.
  • 90%+: The Occultist will be immune to Frenzy and execution by the Prince and will instead kill the Prince when jailed.

Mental Corruption (Day) - If the target uses an ability tonight, they will receive incorrect feedback. Only usable if your Corruption Rating is at 40% or higher. Able to use it against two players at once if your Corruption Rating is at 75% or higher. Gains an additional charge per 30% corruption. [1 Use]
Dreadful Omen (Day) - Prevents any voting from happening during the day. Can only be used when the Occultist’s Corruption Rating is at 90% or higher. [1 Use]
Burst of Corruption (Night) - Only usable if your Corruption Rating is at 5% rating or higher. Kill a player. Gains the following bonuses depending on the your Corruption Rating. [Infinite Uses]

  • 20%+: The first attack does not count as a visit.
  • 35%+: The first attack bypasses night immunity and healing.
  • 55%+: The Occultist is able to select a second target.
  • 65%+: The second attack does not count as a visit.
  • 70%+: The second attack bypasses night immunity and healing.
  • 75%+: The first attack kills all players who visits the first target.
  • 85%+: The second attack kills all players who visit the second target.

Beacon of Corruption (Night) - Target a player. Increases your Corruption Rating by 5% and causes Corrupting Energy to trigger against anyone visiting the your target along with the target themselves. Allows selecting two targets if your Corruption Rating is at 50% or higher. [Infinite Uses]
Goal: Destroy both the major factions and any neutrals who may stand in your way.

Alice’s class, not mine btw.


The Mind Flayer :shield: :crossed_swords:

Neutral Killer
Insanity (Passive) - You are immune to death at night, occupation and redirection.
Mindstorm (Passive) - Once per night you may guess a player’s class. If you are correct you will attack them, bypassing death immunity. You will gain a one-night buff depending on who you kill with this passive. This passive will be disabled if you guess incorrectly twice. Cannot Target the King. The first time you use this passive, your presence will be announced to the court.
Insight (Day) - Gain a clue to your target’s class type. You receive the same results as princess. [4 Uses]
Mind Read (Day) - You will see who your target visits tonight. [4 Uses]
Brain Destruction (Night) - Kill a player. You will be able to choose who they target tonight, bypassing redirection immunity. [Infinite Uses, Redirection Does NOT work on the King.]
Whispers of Insanity (Night) - Cause a player to commit suicide, destroying their logs and allowing you to determine what they flip as the next day. You will receive their real class and their logs. [1 Use]
Possible Buffs Gained:

  • Killer: Gain an addition use of Whispers of Insanity.
  • Offensive: You will occupy everyone visiting you, bypassing occupy immunity.
  • Support: You will heal yourself tomorrow night, curing infection and bleed.
  • Social: You will be guaranteed to visit your target.
  • Investigative: All uses of Insight and Mind Read will be replenished. Your visits will be hidden from Investigators.
  • Special: You will appear as the class of your choice to investigators.

Goal: Destroy both the major factions and any neutrals who may stand in your way.