Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version

Post 382


Neutral Social

Social Experiment (Passive) - If you are alive on Day 2, BOATS will be hosted with the penalty for being blown up being that you start bleeding. Obviously, nobody likes this so you might want to kill this guy before then.

Bowen Shield (Passive) - Immune to death on Night 1. If you join the BOATS event and survive without bleeding this passive will be active at all times.

Oar Smash (Night) - Occupy a player (3 uses)
Survive until the end of the game.

Post 383

Коммунистический революционер

Нейтральный специальный
За Советский Союз! (Пассивный) - Невосприимчивость к любым негативным последствиям, включая убийство. Если вы умрете, то самый старый Совет превратится в коммунистического революционера.
"Трудовой лагерь" (День) - Депортировать двух игроков в ГУЛАГ сегодня вечером, занимая их, и они будут умирать 2 дня от голода. - 3 использования
Присоединиться к революции! (Ночь) - Убедите игрока присоединиться к Советам. Они останутся в качестве первоначального класса, но вместо этого они будут связаны с вами и разделяют вашу цель
. - Бесконечное использование(1- Восстановление на день)
Советская техника (Ночь) - Отправьте бригаду Т-34 в район игроков, убив игрока и всех посетителей. - Бесконечное использование(1-Восстановление на день)
Распространение коммунистов по всему миру, убийство любого, кто попытается противостоять вам.

Have fun with translating guys. :smirk:
Trust me in this way it’s better.



Communist Revolutionary

Neutral Special
For the Soviet Union! (Passive) - Immunity to any adverse effects, including murder. If you die, the oldest Council will turn into a communist revolutionary.
Labor camp (Day Ability) - Deport two players to the gulag tonight, taking them up, and they will die 2 days from starvation. - 3 uses
Join the Revolution! (Night Ability) - Convince the player to join the Soviets. They will remain as the original class, but instead they will be connected to you and share your goal. - Unlimited uses (1-day cool down)
Soviet Equipment (Night ability) - Send a T-34 brigade to the players area, killing the player and all visitors. - Unlimited Uses (1-day cooldown)
Spread the communists around the world, killing anyone who tries to confront you.



Capitalist Advocate

Neutral Investigative

Communist Pigs (Passive) - You will know if a member of the communist faction visits you, but not who they are or what they attempted. This class will only spawn in a game with the communist faction and is guaranteed to spawn with them. If there are no communists, reroll this slot.
Bribe (Day) - Target a player, they will be immune to conversion by communists. Does Not Prevent Unseen/Cult/etc. conversions. - 3 uses
Detect Revolutionary Spirit (Night) - Determine if a player is a member of the communist faction or not. - Infinite uses
Quash Revolutionary Spirit (Night) - If you have checked target player to be a communist, you will attack and occupy them. This bypasses For the Soviet Union! - 3 uses
Your objective is to defeat the communist faction, at any cost.

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neutral killer

Obivous (Passive) You can only use your night abilites in the first half of the night after that your current target will be informed that you have target them (You hear a person screaming and charging towards you)
The Legend (Passive) You are death and occupy immune
.LEEEROOOOY JENKINSSS (Day) Scream your name loudly informing the court that either you or 2 target players are leeroy they can’t be executed for treason today -2 uses
Rekless Charge Kill a player and everone who visit them if you would kill more then 2 players with this you will kill yourself instead- infinite uses
The legend lives on (Night) Target a player he will be the next leeroooy if you die - 1 use cannot target king. if your taget becomes kill he will become a psycho king
your ovjective is to kill the blue dragon, the Unseen, The Cult and all neutrals who stand in your way

387 & 388

The Pretender

Neutral Investigative
Royal Blood (Passive) - You can step up to become the new regent earlier than others.
No Allegiance (Passive) - You are immune to death at night. If you become king, you will become an Usurper King.
Ballot Mixing (Day) - If the King uses Decide Fate today, you will swap the decision. [2 Uses]
Assassination (Day) - Target a player, they will begin to bleed. If they have royal blood you will gain another use of Kinslayer. [3 Uses]
Family Matters (Night) - Determine whether a player has royal blood. You will also receive a clue to their class type, the same as princess. [Infinite Uses]
Kinslayer (Night) - If target player has royal blood you will attack them. You can also target the king with this. [2 Uses]
Goal: Make sure the game ends with no starting royals alive, other than yourself, or become the Regent and survive until the end of the game.

The Usurper King

Neutral Special
Pass The Torch (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next King.
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote counts as two.
Royal Pardon (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. [2 Uses]
Decide Fate (Day) - You may choose the whether the player on trial will be executed or pardoned. [1 Use]
Guard? (Night) - Prevent all visits to you tonight. [1 Use]
Disinherit (Night) - Permanently remove a player’s royal blood. If this is successful, you will gain two uses of Guard?. [Infinite Uses]
Goal: Survive.

Credit to @Moleland for the Usurper King



Yo, SFoL42 I’m going to host next Grand Idea, so come up with some Halloween themed classes would ja? I may or may not rig rolls in favour of halloween themed classes I like

Happy Hello Een



The Halloween Themed Fool
Like FoL Fool, but Halloween themed

Like that?

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Yeah, like give them a post restriction of jack o lanterns or something idk


Hollow Fool

FoL Fool, but most post a jack o lantern emote/picture in a third of their posts or be modkilled.




Neutral Special

Passive: All players you visit become pumpkins.

Eat the innards - Discover a player’s class. - oo uses

Turn everyone else into Pumpkins.

Also @Marcus_Doodalee add a class to your post

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Hollow Prince
FoL Prince but must post a jack o lantern in a third of their posts or be modkilled.

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Hollow Knight

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Das a good game
Goal- See Hollow Knight win

Post 395

The Embodiment of Halloween

Neutral Special
The Haunting (Passive) - If this class spawns, a Revenant or other ghost-like entity class must spawn. All classes with titles akin to this will be occupy-immune and redirection immune as long as this class lives.
Allegiance of Candy (Passive) - You are immune to death at night. If you become king, you will become the KING OF HALLOWEEN.
Trick or Treat (Day) - Target a player. They will have a 50% chance of dying immediately, bleeding, poisoned, or being occupied for their next ability. Otherwise, they will be healed OR death-immune tonight. [Infinite Uses]
Horror Film (Day) - Target a player, they will begin to bleed. At night, they will be attacked. You will not be seen as a visitor. This ability bypasses healing but not death immunity. [Infinite Uses]
Candy Detection (Night) - Determine where the target player visits and who visits them. You will recieve the exact class of who they visited. If they visited no one, you will recieve the faction of the target player. [Infinite Uses]
Halloween Night (Night) - You will attack all non-neutral visitors that visit the target. You will be seen as a visitor to all of them. [Two Uses]
Goal: Live to see the demise of all non-neutral classes.

(I had to check what post I am, also Isn’t there a bigger thread already, why Ashe’s version?)


Number ree

@Margaret read op pls


Post 396

The Monster Hunter

Neutral Investigative
Hit List (Passive) - Three random players will be marked as Monsters. The Witch must be killed by the Book of Prayers, the Werewolf must be killed by the Shotgun, and the Vampire must be killed by the Mirror of Light. If you attack a monster not using the corresponding weapon or a player that isn’t a monster, the attack won’t work.
Blood Analysis (Day) - Check a player to see if they are a monster and what type of monster they are if they are a monster. - Infinite uses
Mirror of Light (Day) - Cause the player to bleed. They will die in two nights if they are not healed. - 2 uses
Shotgun (Night) - Attack a player. - 2 uses
Book of Prayers (Night) - Attack a player and grant any visitors to the target death immunity. If the player is not the Witch, they will be given death immunity as well. - 2 uses
Live to see all three of the Monsters dead

Basically, this is the Halloween version of the Inquis


Post 397

Casper the Friendly Ghost

Named Mystic


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You sneaky bastard.



Ghost: Any class with the name ghost in its name, or is invisible