Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version

post 516

The Lurker
neutral Investigative
Many Eyes (Day) - The next time a day ability is used, you will know who used it. - 2 uses
Lurk (Night) - Follow a player and learn who they visit. If they are afraid, you will also learn who all visits them. - Infinite uses
Infiltrate Cerebrum (Night) - Learn a player’s class. - 2 uses
you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win

Post 517

The Therapist :shield: :crossed_swords:

Blue Dragon Support
Brave Soul (Passive) - Any players you visit will no longer be afraid, and immune to fear for the night.
Therapy (Day) - Learn if a player is afraid. You will be informed if they become afraid in the future. - 3 uses
Inspect (Night) - Learn if a player is a member of the Abyss. - Infinite uses
Embrace Vice (Night) - Prevent all visits to yourself. You will remove fear from yourself if you are afraid. - 2 use
Your objective is to defeat the Abyss and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Convert Immune
Only Spawns if Abyss is in the Game

All #s fixed (I think)!
Sorry for the edit notifications everyone

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Thanks Ashe!

518 The Asheassin

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> # The CL
> Neutral Special
no (Passive) - day ability can be used infinite amount of times per day
convert (Day) - change wincondition of target to (you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win) - Infinite uses
you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win


The Senpai

Neutral Social
Circle of Love (Passive) - You have an exclusive chat called the Love Circle.
You’re sugoi, kawaii desu ne (Passive) - All members in your Love Circle must be called [name]-chan or [name]-kun, and you shall be called [name]-senpai or simply “Senpai”. Senpai can instead call a member of the love circle [name]-kouhai or “Kouhai”. Refusing to do so will result in a modkill.
I-I d-don’t love you, baka! (Passive) - No kouhai is able to mention the existence or inexistence of Senpai on the game.
Love Triangle (Day) - Pick a player. They will join your neighborhood at the start of the night. - Infinite uses
You give me dokis (Night) - Pick a class from the Grand Idea FoL - Ashe’s Version topic. All your kouhais will become this class. - 1 use
And shades of grey (Night) - Kill three random members of your Love Circle. - 1 use
Live to see a member of the Love, Furry, Literature Club, 4chan or a pair of Lovers win. If they are not spawned, you must see the Blue Dragon, the Green Kraken and the Town lose.

The social lel


> # The mystic
> Neutral Special
link minds (Day) - change wincondition of target to (you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win) - Infinite uses
you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win


> # The court wizard
> Neutral Special
barrier (Day) - change wincondition of target to (you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win) - Infinite uses
you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win

524 - Litizen, but wins when H_Hjasik loses.


525-Lightsin, Ez Claps all Hjask classes

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(Neutral Hopeful)
Passive-If someone win condition can’t be accomplished (unless they have a main faction win condition currently) then change it to you win if you survive.
Goal:You win if you survive



> # The knight
> Neutral Special
guard (Day) - change wincondition of target to (you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win) - Infinite uses
you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win


> # The prince
> Neutral Special
jail (Day) - change wincondition of target to (you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win) - Infinite uses
you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win

529- Double Lawbreaker

[Passive] K-Pop Sings in Japanese, and has anime schoolgirl look LUL

[Passive]Default It! Does Default dance all the time

Your objective is to never let pug ban you


> # The king
> Neutral Special
allies (Day) - change wincondition of target to (you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win) - Infinite uses
you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win




> # The evil king
> Neutral Special
guards (Day) - change wincondition of target to (you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win) - Infinite uses
you win when H_Hjasik wins if he isnt in game you cant win

At least Memesky was funny. :eyes:


No u