Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version

Post 41

Passive Princess

Blue Dragon Investigative
Royal Blood (Passive) - You can step up to become the new King earlier than other players
Passive Talker (Passive) - You may not start any conversation or inquiry during the day, unless asked to. Doing so will disable Princess’ Tea Party and Alone and Exposed.
Mesmerising Stare (Day) - Stares persuasively at one person. He will be redirected to you tonight. 3 uses.
Alone and Exposed (Night) - Discover the exact class of your visitor if only one person visited you that night. Infinite use.
Princess’ Tea Party (Night) - Start a tea party with your maids.You will know who visit you that night. Infinite use.
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Passive Duchess

Unseen Investigative
Royal Blood (Passive) - You can step up to become the new King earlier than other players
Passive Talker (Passive) - You may not start any conversation or inquiry during the day, unless asked to. Doing so will disable Together for the Night and Duchess’ Tea Party.
Mesmerising Stare (Day) - Stares persuasively at one person. He will be redirected to you tonight. 3 uses.
Together for the NIght (Night) - Discover the exact class of your target and receives the feedback her recieves if no one visited your target that night. Infinite use.
Duchess’ Tea Party (Night) - Start a party with your maids.You will know who visit the Unseen that night. Infinite use.
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Post 42

Passive Maid

Blue Dragon Investigative
Passive Talker (Passive) - You may not start any conversation or inquiry during the day, unless asked to. Doing so will disable Servants Gossip and Servitude Presence .
Servitude Presence (Passive) - If a party other than the Prince and the opposing faction starts a night chat, you will be able to see a log of their conversation the next day.
Surprise Royal Party (Day) - Throw a party for the royalties. Those with royal blood will be able to talk in a night chat during the next night. 0 uses.
Servants Gossip (Night) - Target a player. You will know what classes visit your target. Infinite use.
Maid’s Secret Planning (Night) - Prepare a surprise party for the royalty. Using it three times will generate a use of Surprise Royal Party.
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Passive Handmaiden

Unseen Investigative
Passive Talker (Passive) - You may not start any conversation or inquiry during the day, unless asked to. Doing so will disable Servants Gossip and Servitude Presence .
Servitude Presence (Passive) - If a party other than the Prince and the opposing faction starts a night chat, you will be able to see a log of their conversation the next day.
Debut Party (Day) - Throw a party for the Assassin and Mastermind. They will receive Royal Blood Passive in addition to their existing passive. 0 uses.
Servants Gossip (Night) - Target a player. You will know what classes visit your target. Infinite use.
Introduction to the King (Night) - Put in a good word of for the Assassin and Mastermind to the King. Using this three times will generate a use of Debut Party.
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Post 43


Love Offensive

Romantic Air (Passive) - Night actions without serious flavor will have no effect on you.
Connecting Love (Passive) - You, Romeo, and Juliet shares a night chat.
Love Arrows (Day) - Target two players. They will turn into Romeo and Juliet. Infinite uses. There can only be one Romeo and Juliet at a time.
Lead Arrows (Night) - Target two players. Any attempt for them to visit each other will fails. Infinite uses. 1-Day Cooldown.
Poison and Rapier (Night) - Tonight, Romeo’s Dance with the Lover Boy will also kill all visitors and Juliet’s A Poison Called Love will also poison all visitors. 3 uses.
Survive with Romeo and Juliet and kill everyone in the way of their love.

If Eros rolls, Romeo and Juliet should also be used.

Post 44

Romeo :shield:

Love Killer

Bound by Fate (Passive) - You will commit suicide if Juliet is killed.
Connecting Love (Passive) - You, Juliet, and Eros share a night chat. You and Juliet share a Day chat.
En Garde! (Day) - Kill anyone that tries to target you or Juliet with a Day Ability. 3 uses. Using En Garde! disables Dance with the Lover Boy for the night.
Dance with the Lover Boy (Night) - Pick a target. You will attempt to kill him. Infinite uses.
Survive with Juliet and kill everyone in the way of your love.

Juliet :shield:

Love Killer

Bound by Fate (Passive) - You will commit suicide if Romeo is killed.
Connecting Love (Passive) - You, Juliet, and Eros share a night chat. You and Romeo share a Day Chat.
Runaway Darling (Day) - Tonight, you and Romeo will be night and occupation immune. 3 uses. Using this will disable A Poison Called Love for the night.
A poison Called Love (Night) - Pick a target. You will attempt to poison him. Infinite uses.
Survive with Romeo and kill everyone in the way of your love.

If Romeo and Juliet roll, Eros should also be used.

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Post 45


Love Support

Romantic Air (Passive) - Night actions without serious flavor will have no effect on you.
Beauty Queen (Day) - Tonight, all male classes will visit you. You will know who they are. 3 uses.
Lovelife Advice (Day) - Tonight, all female classes will visit you. You will know who they are. 3 uses.
Arranged Marriage (Night) - Pick two targets. If their classes are a male and female, they will gain Romantic Air Passive. Infinite uses.
Give all living players Romantic Air.



The Swearer :shield: :crossed_swords:

Neutral Offensive
Passive: Sworn: You must swear a derogative term in every post you make, else you will be modkilled. Not Valid Day 1.
Passive: Too Fucking Many: If there are too many players (Over 25) in a game, Anyone who visits you will be given the Sworn passive.
Day Ability: Feel My Pain: For the rest of the day and night, a player will be given the Sworn passive. (2 USES).
Night Ability: Rage: Swear words at a player, occupying them for the night and giving them the Sworn passive permanently. Sworn will be disabled on you for one day. (Infinite Uses)

WIN CONDITION: To survive and see all living players to be seen with the Sworn passive. If this win condition is met, the game ends immediately and win conditions are calculated.

Convert Immune




Blue Dragon Support

Love of Poetry (Passive) - You can only speak in a form of limerick, rhythmical poetry, or haiku. Failure to follow this restriction will result in a modkill. The only exception where you can speak normally is when you vote someone. This restriction carries over to private day and night chats.
Infectious Love (Passive) - Anyone that visit or is visited by you will receive Love of Poetry passive.
Fanatical Love (Day) - Add an additional restriction to the Love of Poetry restriction. Everyone except the Poet will have to obey the additional restriction. 3 uses.
Heroic Tale (Night) - Target a player. Your target and everyone that visits your target will be occupation immune the following night. Infinite uses.
Tragic Tale (Night) - Target a player. Your target and everyone that visits your target will be occupied the following night. Infinite uses.
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Evil Poet

Unseen Support

Love of Poetry (Passive) - You can only speak in a form of limerick, rhythmical poetry, or haiku. Failure to follow this restriction will result in a modkill. The only exception where you can speak normally is when you vote someone. This restriction carries over to private day and night chats.
Infectious Love (Passive) - Anyone that visit or is visited by you will receive Love of Poetry passive.
Fanatical Love (Day) - Add an additional restriction to the Love of Poetry restriction. Everyone except the Poet and the Unseen will have to obey the additional restriction. 3 uses.
Poetic Tale (Night) - Except for the Assassin, everyone that visit the Assassin’s target will receive Love of Poetry passive and will be occupied for the night. 1 use
Tragic Tale (Night) - Target a player. Your target and everyone that visits your target will be occupied the following night. Infinite uses.
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Shuri what have you done



Neutral Killer
Depression(Passive)- You are so depress that you everyone that visit you will gain depression.They will not know they are depressed. People who visited or the people with depression visited will also gain depression.
Sayo-nara(Day) - You will spread your depression to someone. They will not know they are depressed.(Infinite uses)
Hanging-out (Day) You will hang-out, scaring the one who is being accused of treasons, causing a immediate death. They will be notified there is Sayori, though. (infinite uses, 1-day cooldown)
I gently open the door(Night) - Making everyone who is depressed suicide the next 24 hrs during the day. They will be notified they are going to died. (infinite uses)
Goal: Kill everyone that oppose you and then make the club great again.


The Vengeful Tomato

Neutral Killing
Passive - Vengeful Vegetable - You are so eager to revenge the humanity so you are occupied immune and night immune.
Passive 2 - Tomato-ish - You will appear as to be covered in red tomato when being investigated.
Day ability- Splat! - Throw a metal tomato to the target’s face, causing them to be bleeding and will died when the day ends. They will not be notified about it.(Infinity uses)
Night ability - Tomato day! - You throw three toxic tomato to the three target you want, causing them to be appeared as covered in tomato when being investigated. If a person covered in tomato visited another person covered in tomato, it will cause a chain reaction, causing both player dying and people who visited them get covered in tomato. You will be notified who get covered in tomato at end of each day. You are immune to died to this ability if someone visited you. Bypass Night Immunity.(Infinite uses)
Win con: Kill all player that will oppose you to stop you from revenging the humanity.





Neutral Special
Passive: OwO snuggles: You will not visit someone that is guarded or visiting that will cause you to get killed. In addition, you will pass this class onto the youngest member of your furry faction if you die before N3.
Passive: They say that sub is cancer: Night immunity, redirection immune, and convert immune.
Day Ability: Creepy Asterisk: Creep someone out with your Asterisk, they will die in 2 night. (infinite uses)
Day Ability:Send Yiff: Convert someone to your own faction instantly at day. They will have the original class as they have, but their win con is to win with you. All BD and Neutral are convertible unless specify as convert immune. There is no cap on how many member of furry you could have. (infinite uses, 1 day cooldown)
Night Ability: Blushing: Occupy a player because you decided to go on a visual novel date with them. (infinite use)
Night Ability: Aww: Kill someone with your cuteness. (infinite uses)
Win con: Kill all player oppose your faction.


Just Monika

Literature Club Special
Just Monika (Passive) -You are immune to everything except for lynching.
JuSt MoNiKa (Day) -You will recruit a person into the Literature Club. You can only have up to four people in the Literature Club at a time. - Infinite Uses (1 Day Cooldown)
JUST MONIKA (Night) - You will kill someone tonight, regardless of faction. - Infinite Uses
Goal: You will win when you have eliminated all threats to the clubs stability (You are the only person alive remaining)

And I already did Physician, Livicus

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Literature Club Support
Let’s Bake! (Day) - You will make a tasty cake for a player, this person can no longer vote as they are stuffing their face with cake :3. - 3 Uses
It’s Literature Too! (Night) - Read some manga with a club member making them healed for the night. - Infinite Uses
Goal:You will win when MONIKA has eliminated all threats


The Idiot

Blue Dragon Special
Scrapegoat (Passive) - You will come up as aligned with a random hostile faction when checked. Once checked, you will always return the same hostile faction to investigators.
Useless (Passive) - You are useless. You cannot be promoted into any other class(except Idiotic King). You cannot kill or convert. You will be always converted into Still an Idiot.**
Defeat the Unseen or cult, and any neutrals that seeks to do you harm.

Converts into Still an Idiot without regards to the faction who converted them, and what they would normally be.

Still an Idiot

Unknown Special
Still Useless (Passive) - You are useless. You cannot be promoted into any other class(except Idiotic King). You cannot kill or convert.
Goal is the goal of the converting faction.

King version:

Idiotic King

Unknown Special
Busy(Passive) - You cannot be occupied or redirected
Head of State(Passive) - Your vote counts as two when voting someone up.
They Must Be Guilty(Day) Whoever is currently on trial gets executed immediately. - 1 use
Kill Intruders(Night) Whoever tries to visit you is prevented, and whoever is prevented from visiting you by this is attacked by an unhealable immunity piercing attack. - 1 use
The goal of the Idiotic King is the factional goal of the preceding class.




Literature Club Social
Bond by Book (Day) - You read a book with someone in the club, they will get a buff which only you will know about. - 3 Uses
Just Like Paper (Night) - You will stab someone making them believe that they are bleeding. - Infinite Uses
Goal: You will win when MONIKA has eliminated all threats.

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Post 57

A class for me ? I am very plased



Post 58


Reroll this slot. Whoever initially rolled this will be considered to have every player name (in game or not). They will be notified about this.

Ex: If only captain can roll a class then someone else could roll it by rolling this class first.


Post 59

OOC Killer

Neutral Killer
Passive 1: Filler - every instance of X in this class card refers to the number of posts in the GIM Ashe version thread that contains anything besides a class card and post number.
Passive 2: Shield - You will be immune to death, occupy, redirection and bleeding a combined total of X times

Day Ability: Stay on topic! - Target player cannot vote or use day ability’s for the rest of the day. (X uses)

Night Ability 1: Eliminate - Kill X players of your choice. Bypasses everything. Their wincon will also be changed to a survivor wincon. They cannot be revived (1 use)
Night Ability 2: Standard Kill - Kill target player (Unlimited)

Goal: Eliminate the main factions and any neutrals that stand in your way.

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this needs a few more post restrictions!


Serious player

Blue Dragon Social
All of your posts must talk about the game. If you ever post something off-topic, jokes, memes, sarcasm or any posts that make it look like you are having fun playing this class you will be modkilled.