Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version


Non-serious player

Blue Dragon Soclal
All of your posts must be off-topic. If you ever talk about the game you will be modkilled.



The Modkiller

Neutral Killer
Modshield (Passive) - Immune to death and occupation.
Modkill (Day ability) - Kill a player. Make everyone think they were modkilled. You might tell the host a fake “reason” for the modkill. Unlimited uses.



The BD Mastermind

BD Special
Convert (Night) - Select a player. If they are neutral, they will become BD. They will keep the same abilities. Unlimited uses, 1-day cooldown.
Foresight (Night) - Check if a player is neutral. 4 uses.

(Note, unseen version converts neutrals into Unseen instead, going through unseen member limit)


Note: This class can only be spawned by “The Post Restrictor”. If this slot is rolled, reroll it into something else

The Ultimate Post Restriction

Unknown Social

  • You must post at least 100 times per day
  • Each of your posts needs to be at least 1000 characters long
  • Each of your posts needs to have at least 3 likes
  • You must reference an anime or manga on every post
  • Each of your posts needs to be written in ye olde english
  • Your posts must be made of multiple haikus
  • You cannot use the letter A at all
  • You cannot misspell any words or make any grammar mistakes
  • The first letter of each word in a post must spell another haiku when put together
  • At the end of the day, the first letter on each of your posts must spell an essay on why the emoji movie is the best movie ever made when put together

This is too hard for me (Day ability) - Kill yourself and give this post restriction to a player of your choice.

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The Post Restrictor

Neutral Killer
Unstoppable (Passive) - Immune to death and occupation.
Clear voice (Passive) - Immune to any abilities that apply post restrictions
Post restriction (Day) - Target player will get a random post restriction. They cannot get “The Ultimate Post restriction” this way. A player can get multiple post restrictions this way. Unlimited uses.
Ultimate post restriction (Night) - Convert a player into slot 64 “The Ultimate Post restriction”, goes through conversion immunity. The player will keep their old faction. Unlimited uses.

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Spiritualist and Revenant

Haiku is like 5-7-5 so it’s impossible


Todd Howard

Neutral Social
Come on guys its on sale! (Day ability) - You will sell Skyrim to everyone that visits you tonight. 1 use.
Buy Skyrim! (Night) - Sell Skyrim to a player. Unlimited uses.
What do you mean you don’t want it? (Night) - Kill a player. Can only target people that haven’t bought Skyrim. 2 uses.
Goal: Make sure every living player has bought Skyrim.

(that’s the point, its just a standard kill disguised as a post restricition :wink: )



Game Killer

Neutral Offensive
Slow Death (Passive): For every additional day you survive, the night increases by 24 hours permanently.
Painful Death (Passive): You are night immune and all dayvigs will be reflected back at the user. If you are lynched, add 6 hours to the night phases for every player that voted you up. If you die at though something bypassing your immunity, add 48 hours to the night phases.
Grant of Time (Day): Instantly skip the day phase, adding 36 hours instead of 24. All forms of night chat cannot be used tonight. You gain a use every time you are attacked. [1 Use]
Waste of Time (Day): Occupy everyone tonight, including yourself, bypassing all immunities. Increase the night by 1 hour for every player occupied. Gain an additional use for every 3 players treestumped. [2 Uses]
Why is This Even Allowed (Night): Temporarily treestump a player for a day and a night. If they are scum, they will be unable to use their night chat tonight and be unable to use day abilities instead. You may target 2 people a night if you disable your passive for the next day. [Infinite]
A Stump is Already Dead (Night): Kill the person you have currently tree stumped, bypassing everything. Additionally, this will add 12 hours to the night phases. Gain a use every time you are occupied or redirected. [1 Use]

Win condition: Get the game canned for inactivity.

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Blue Dragon Offensive
True Aussie (Passive): Night and dayvig immune
Insult (Day): Redirect any day abilities target uses back to you. You are immune to their effects if they are a class number higher than yours except for 420. You will know what effect it was. [Infinite]
69 lol (Night): Force two players to target each other, bypassing immunites. [Infinite]

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Blue Dragon Social
"No Class Deserves A Hardcounter" (Passive): You know who the Revenant is bound to at all times. You know the complete class of the Revenant bond and this cannot be tricked/mindwarped/framed. You cannot die day 1 and night 1.
Ruthless Efficiency v2.0 (Night): Kill the Spiritualist/Revenant bond. This cannot be stopped in any way and bypasses everything. [3 Uses]
Your objective is to defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm




Neutral Killer
Royal Blood (Passive) - You can step up for King before others.
Loyal Traitors(Passive) - You are immune to the first five attacks on your life. If The Knight attacks you they die and then you lose this passive.
List 1(Day) Check if your target has Royal Blood or Forged Ancestry. -Unlimited Uses.
List 2(Day) Determine the class type of your target. - Unlimited Uses.
Kill the King(Night) Attack The King. If they are guarded you die.- 1 use
Send Assassins(Night) Order assassins to kill someone(you don’t visit) - 1 use for every 3 players alive at the start of the game.
Get rid of everyone who opposes you

Post 72

Triple Agent

Blue Dragon Investigative

Passive 1: Under protection - You cannot be killed during the day except by the King’s decide fate. If you would be lynched the day ends with no one dying instead.
Passive 2: Secret service - If you are killed by a member of the blue dragon then they will not suffer any penelty they would normally have for killing blue dragon members

Day Ability: Fact check - You cannot be framed tonight. Your night results will be accurate tonight. (3 uses)

Night Ability 1: Elite Spy - Learn target player’s immunitys (night, occupy, bleed and conversion) and faction. You may check one player per night per dead unconvertable BD (Unlimited)
Night Ability 2: Secured intelligence - check up to 2 players. You will learn if they are a conversation immune blue dragon. (Unlimited)

Goal: Be the only conversion immune blue dragon member alive and have the blue dragon win

Conversion Immune

Note: becoming King turns your wincon into the standard BD wincon.

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Literature Club Offensive
Vice President (Passive) - If Monika dies, you will take her place.
Crippling Depression (Day) - You will be immune to voting today and immune to death by any means tonight because you’re too depressed to get out of your room. - 2 Uses
There’s Cupcakes! (Night) - You will make a random convertible player join the club - 1 Use
Goal: You will win when MONIKA has eliminated all threats.

Original Literature Club ideas are done by @Ami Editing of some names and wording is done by me

Weebo weaboo on you i dabbo

Evil King but must decide fate execute MM


The Player

Blue Dragon Investigative
Spoiler Alert! (Passive) - If Monika attacks you, you are immune.
Sign-Up Sheet (Day) - You will see which classes the Literature Club currently has. - 2 Uses
Writing Poetry (Night) - Check to see if a player is part of the Literature Club. - Infinite Uses
Goal - Defeat the Literature Club, any other scum faction, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Conversion Immune


The Noble

@PoisonedSquid is the player convert immune? If so you should put that in the post

The Paladin

Should I make The Player convert immune?


The Acolyte (Pre-Removal)

Yes, yes you should.

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Post 79

The Random

Unknown Random

This classes ability’s will be a random 4 ability’s (counting passives as possible ability’s) and a random wincon all picked from other classes on the GIF Ashe thread. (in otherwords it picks 4 classes and gives this class a random ability from each and then picks a 5th class and gives it’s wincon and faction to this class). You will get the type that matches the majority of classes that you got your ability’s from. If there is a tie then RNG will decide.

Post 80

The Cult Leader