Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version

If this slot rolls, the scum faction will have the entire rolelist revealed.



“Don’t anger the hamster.”
You are the Neutral Killer Charge Eraser!
Protector Virus (Passive) - Immune to death at night, immune to most occupation and redirection. Also immune to pốined, bleeding and Infect.
Discover Infected (Passive) - If you get killed before D4, a random Infected will get their class announced to the court. MM will be showed up as Sheriff.
Infected (Day) - Infect a player, anyone who has Infect will be marked up. Anyone get visited by Infected player will also get Infect. People immune to poison are immune to this. Infected can be cured but wont be noticed by the healer or the infected player player. Infinity use. 1 days cooldown. Bypass night immunity. Cannot target King. Can use Day 1.
Deadly Virus (Day) - Make a player poisoned badly, they will not know they was poisoned and will die in 2 nights. Can use Day 1. 3 Use
Holography Virus (Night) - Make a player and other who visited them being unhealable for the night. Will be guaranteed to visit the target. 1 Night cooldown. Infinity Use
Infected Trigger (Night) - Trigger all Infected, killing them. Bypass night immunity. 3 Use

Post 629

Crowned from:
Martin Luther
Jan Hus




“I will protect the innocent.”
You are Pharah, the Unseen Death Marking JOAT !
Unseen Offensive
Rocket Launcher (Passive) - For every night kill you perform, you also prevent visits to your target. Any players marked by Jump Jet who try to visit your target will also die. If you hammer a Blue Dragon, Green Kraken or Town-aligned player, you will be able to use Jump Jet twice the next day.
Jump Jet (Day) - Marks a player in your sights while learning of their abilities and flavor. - Infinite uses.
Barrage (Day) - You can say “ Justice rains from above! ” to kill every player you’ve marked with Jump Jet. - 1 use.
Concussive Blast (Night) - Occupies up to two players who you’ve marked with Jump Jet. - 2 uses.

If this slot rolls, all neutrals will have a day/night chat.

The Fool

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If this slot rolls, replace all members of the scum faction with neutrals. All neutrals in the game will share a private chat, and Town needs to get rid of all neutrals to win.

The Fool



“The true enemy of humanity is disorder.”
You are the Blue Dragon Transporter !
Photon Projector (Passive) - If you hammer an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss, Vatican or 4chan member then you can redirected up to three players that were not in their wagon to your selected target tonight.
Sentry Turret (Day) - Sets a Sentry Turret on a player, redirecting all visits to them to another for the coming night. You may also target yourself. - 3 uses.
Photon Barrier (Day) - Once during the Lynch Phase, you can say “ यही परम वास्तविकता है! ” and all players on the same wagon as you will gain night immunity for tonight. - 1 use.
Teleporter (Night) - Swaps two players aside yourself, causing all other players targeting one to target the other. - Infinite uses.
Energy Ball (Night) - Removes all negative effects on a target and prevents them from being occupied. - Infinite uses.

If this slot rolls, Town/BD will become the informed minority and the scum faction will be the uninformed majority.

The Fool



The False Prophet :shield:

Neutral Killer
Voice of Fate (Passive) - Immune to death at night, redirection and occupation.
Prophecy of Death (Day) - Select a player. Announce to the court that they will die tonight (can be healed and won’t kill death immune players). Doesn’t count as a visit. Can target yourself. - Unlimited uses.
Prophecy of War (Day) - Select a player. Announce to said player that they will die if they leave their room tonight, bypassing everything. Doesn’t count as a visit. - Unlimited uses.
Carrier of Ruin (Night) - Select a player. Occupy them and secretly force them to attack whoever they attempt to visit. - Unlimited uses.
False Prophecy (Night) - Reverse the effects of tonight’s prophecy. Prophecy of Death will kill everyone that visits the target and Prophecy of War will kill the player if they don’t leave their room. - 3 uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult, and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

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The Beast Lord :shield:

Neutral, Killer.
Survival Instincts (Passive) - You are immune to death at night.
Lion Form (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection.
Morph (Day) - Change your second passive to a different one. You will keep that passive until you change it again. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-day cooldown. Can be used on day 1.

Available passives:

  • Lion Form (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection.
  • Spider Form (Passive) - You are immune to poison/bleeding. Doesn’t heal you if you change to this passive while you were already poisoned/bleeding. You will be told if someone attempts to poison/bleed you.
  • Chameleon Form (Passive) - Your visits are hidden from investigators and you will appear as a class of your choice.
  • Owl Form (Passive) - You are unaffected by day abilities, except for poison or bleeding. You will be told when someone tries to use a day ability on you, and which ability.
  • Eagle Form (Passive) - You will know who visits you every night.

Rampage (Day) - Your night ability will be instantly available tonight if its on cooldown. 1 use.
Tiger companion (Night) - Kill two players. Unlimited uses, but has a one-night cooldown.
Tame (Night) - Change your first night ability to a different one. You will keep that ability until you change it again. Unlimited uses.

Available night abilities:

  • Tiger companion (Night) - Kill two players. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-night cooldown.
  • Rhinoceros companion (Night) - Kill a player. Bypasses healing and death immunity. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-night cooldown.
  • Crocodile companion (Night) - Kill a player and anyone that visits them. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-night cooldown.
  • Bear companion (Night) - Kill everyone visiting you. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-night cooldown.
  • Snake Companion (Night) - Envenom up to two players. They will die in 2 nights unless healed. Envenomed players cannot use day abilities. Unlimited uses, but has a 1-night cooldown.

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way


The Collector :shield:

Neutral Killer
Perseverance (Passive) - Immune to death once.
Analyze (Day) - Select a player, you get a pairing of class types. Their class type will be one of the two. The pairings are Killer/Offensive, Support/Social and Special/Investigative. - Unlimited uses.
Exploit Weakness (Day) - Guess a player’s exact class. If you guess it right, they will be killed immediately. (Can’t be used on the King). Players killed this way will also grant collect’s bonus - 2 uses.
Collect (Night) - Kill a player. - Unlimited uses.
You will get a permanent buff the first time you kill a player of a specific class type:

  • Kill an offensive role: You will become immune to occupation and redirection.
  • Kill a support role: You will become immune to poison/bleeding. Perseverance now makes you immune to death permanently.
  • Kill a killer role : “Collect” now bypasses healing.
  • Kill an investigative role: Analyze now gives you 1 result and the target’s faction.
  • Kill a social role : Gain 2 extra uses of “Exploit Weakness”. When you use “Exploit weakness” you can guess two classes instead of one. If the target player is any of those classes they will die.
  • Kill a special role: When you first get this buff, choose a class. You will appear as that class to investigators. Also hides your visits from investigators.
  • Complete all other quests: “Collect” can now target two players.

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way


The Count :shield:

Neutral, Social. (Has neutral killer goal and can’t spawn with a neutral killer)
Tyranny (Passive) - At any point in the game, you can DM the host to publicly reveal yourself as the Count. If you do this, all your votes and accusations will count as three.
Resolve (Passive) - Immune to death and occupation at night. You will appear as Blue Dragon to faction checks.
Propaganda (Day) - Select any ability from a Social Blue Dragon class of your choice and use it. If its a night ability, it will be used tonight instead (it will not count as visiting). - 3 uses.
Fate decided (Day) - Kill a player in plain daylight. - 1 use, you gain 1 extra use each time a member of the Blue Dragon is executed on trial. Cannot be used during a trial.
Sow Discord (Night) - Select up to two players and make them appear suspicious to investigative results. Unlimited uses.
Political Backlash (Night) - Select two players. If the first one would be executed on trial, the second one will die instead. Can target yourself. 2 uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way

Note: If the Count steps up he will turn into a Psycho King, since he is technically a Neutral Killer.


The Evil Twin :shield:

Neutral, Killer. Always spawns with The Good Twin
Special Bond (Passive) - You and your twin can communicate at night. If your twin dies at night, his killer will be revealed to you.
The Evil Gene (Passive) - You are immune to death at night.
Slash (Night) - Kill a player. - Unlimited uses.
Psycho protector (Night) - Protect your twin tonight, healing any poison/bleeding effects on him and making him night immune. Everyone who visits your twin tonight will die. 3 uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way


The Good Twin :shield:

Neutral, Support. Always spawns with The Evil Twin.
Special Bond (Passive) - You and your twin have a private chat. If your twin dies, you die as well.
The Good Gene (Passive) - You are immune to occupation. You will appear as Blue Dragon to investigative results.
Swap (Day) - Swap class cards with your twin for the rest of the game. 1 use. (You will become the evil twin and the evil twin will become the good Twin. All limited use abilities will keep the same number of uses). Cannot be used if either you or your twin are on trial.
Cleanup (Night) - Make your twin occupy immune and hide their visits from investigators. 3 uses.
Smart Protector (Night) - Heal your twin from any poison/bleeding, and occupy anyone trying to visit him. 3 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way


The Siren :shield:

Neutral Killer
Charm (Passive) - You are immune to death, occupation and redirection for the first 3 nights or until you convert your first minion, whatever happens first.
Siren’s song (Passive) - You and your minion can speak at night. If you would die at night (including death by poison/bleeding), your minion will die in your place.
Siren’s Gaze (Day) - Select a player. If they can be converted you will know their class type. Can be used on day 1. - 4 uses.
Lure (Night) - Select a player, if they are a convertible GD class you will convert them into a minion. They will keep their previous abilities, but their goal will change to “Make sure the Siren wins.”. If you already have a minion, your current minion will die (this cannot be healed or prevented in any way) - 3 uses. You will not lose a charge of this ability unless a player is converted.
Attack Order (Night) - Send your minion to attack a player, in addition to their chosen night action. If you don’t have a minion you will attack them yourself - Unlimited uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way



“Never stop fighting for what you believe in.”
You are the Blue Dragon Charger and Drainer !
Maximus’ Original Sin (Passive) - Get modkilled at the middle of Day 5.
Passive 1: Purity - Enchanting a player with nothing channeled will make the target conversion immune that night
Passive 2: Mana - Fire and Ice enchantments cannot be used on on any players that have already been aided by that enchantment. All enchantments will wear off if you die or are converted

Day Ability 1: Channel Ice - Enchant will make the target death immune (Unlimited)
Day Ability 2: Channel Fire - Enchant will make the target occupy and redirect immune (Unlimited)

Night Ability 1: Enchant - Apply the channeled effect on target player until it gets triggered or you apply the same enchantment on someone else. If an enchantment is triggered you will know which one. (Unlimited)
Night Ability 2: Biotic Grenade - Heal a player and everyone visiting them - 1 use.

Converts into Bastet



Hamlet Unique Social

Bloody Shroud (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection. Any non-town aligned players will learn of your class whenever they target you with abilities. All bleeding/poison abilities will kill you in one night instead of two.
Let Down the Mask (Passive) - You will lose 25 stress each night. Any players who visit you will gain 40 stress.

Chop (Day) - Attack a player in broad daylight. (1 Use)

Reflection (Night) - Two players of your choice will be in a night neighborhood chat with each other. (Infinite Uses)
Quarantine (Night) - Open up a private neighborhood between you and a chosen player for the night. (Infinite Uses)

Stress: 0/200

Stress is gained at a 15/25, while stress is lost at 20/30.

When converted…

Unseen Unique Social

Last Will (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection. All players who visit you will gain 40 stress.

Withstand (Day) - You will learn what abilities your target(s) for Quarantine and Reflection use. (1 Use)

Reflection (Night) - Two players of your choice will be in a night neighborhood chat with each other. (Infinite Uses)
Quarantine (Night) - Open up a private neighborhood between you and a chosen player for the night. (Infinite Uses)

unseen wincon

Cult can take any ability at the cost of one cult point.

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If this slot rolls game will reroll with this slot




“Even if I sacrifice my body, I will never sacrifice my honor.”
You are the Blue Dragon Deflector !
Shuriken (Passive) - If you hammer an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss, Vatican or 4chan member then you can choose a player outside their wagon to kill at night.
Cyber Agility (Passive) - You will survive the first night or day kill on you.
I NEED HEALING! (Passive) - All healers are instanctly redirected to you.
Deflect (Day) - If any player attempts to daykill you then you will redirect their attacks back to themselves, also works on ultimates. - 2 uses.
Fan of Blades (Day) - Kills a player in broad daylight. Upon using it, your passive will be deactivated - One use.
Dragon Blade (Day) - Once during the Lynch Phase, saying “ 竜神の剣を喰らえ ” will gain you two additional uses of Swift Strike, Fan of Blades will not deactivate Shuriken, and Cyber Agility will refresh. - 1 use.
Swift Strike (Night) - Redirects any attacks targeting you to another player. - 2 uses.

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You people skipped like 50 numbers

Named citizen


The Deserter

Green Kraken Investigative
Barbaric Route (Day) - If the player you target with Corporal Testing is a member of the Navy tonight, you will kill them bypassing immunities. - 1 use
Corporal Testing (Night) - Test if targeted player is a member of the Navy - Infinite uses
Royalty’s Training (Night) - Find targeted player’s possible classtype. The pairings are K/O, S/So and I/Sp - Infinite uses

Converts to The Defector or any other specifically aligned class.

The Defector

Unseen Investigative
Barbaric Route (Day) - If the player you target with Corporal Testing is a member of the Navy tonight, you will kill them bypassing immunities. - 1 use
Corporal Testing (Night) - Test if targeted player is a member of the Navy - Infinite uses
Royalty’s Training (Night) - Find targeted player’s exact classtype. - Infinite uses


Lets avoid posting anything other than classes here to make the thread easier to read. You can always do this when you need to talk to someone :wink:

Named citizen


Post 650

Let’s steal the spot cuz why not.

Named Litizen.

The Party Pooper
If this slot is rolled, the entire setup will be a normal game of FoL

The Fool


The Commander :shield:

Navy Special
Plunder’s a Plunder (Day) - Disguise the entire Navy as specific classes, you may choose which class they disguise as.
Enroll (Night) - Convert target convertable player to the Navy. Their class will be the same as their current class with the Navy wincon, unless stated otherwise. If you have failed three converts in a row, you will target a random convertible player. - Infinite uses - 1 night cooldown
Disagreement (Night) - Kill target player, bypassing all immunities. - 1 use
Your objective is to defeat all other factions and any neutrals that stand in your path.

Upon death, oldest navy becomes new commander.