Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version

The Hydra Head
At the beginning of the game, pick a player. You will become their hydra head. You cannot be voted, but if your hydra dies you die as well.



“Justice ain’t gonna dispense itself.”
You are the Blue Dragon Roleblocking Day Vigilante!
Blue Dragon Offensive
Peacekeeper (Passive) - If you hammer an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss, Vatican, Navy or 4chan member or kill them during the previous day, you will also gain a use of Fan the Hammer.
Fan the Hammer (Day) - Silently day vigs a target during the day phase. - 1 use.
Deadeye (Day) - By saying “ It’s high noon. ” - and quoting up to four players, you can use your ultimate and you will mark the selected players. Until the end of the day you can post the message “ Draw! ” and ping up to two of them to day vig them. The remainder two will be occupied for the night. - 1 use.
Flashbang (Night) - Occupies a player for the night. - Infinite uses.
Combat Roll (Night) - Occupies all players who visits your for the night. - 2 uses.
Defeat the Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss, 4chan, Vatican, Navy and neutrals that try to oppose you.

This kills yourself

Reaper but can reap 2 people at a time




“With every death, comes honor. With honor, redemption.”
You are Hanzo, the Unseen Tracking Vigilante !
Unseen Investigative
Storm Bow (Passive) - For every night kill you perform, you will also kill who your target visits providing they do not visit an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss, 4chan, Vatican or Navy Member. If you hammer a Blue Dragon, Green Kraken or Town-aligned player, the player who they’ve visited last night will also die the coming night.
Filthy Hanzo Main (Passive) - No matter what you are converted into, your class name will still be Hanzo.
Storm Arrow (Day) - The performer of tonight’s factional kill will be able to kill an additional player, does not work if Hanzo is performing the night kill. - One use.
Lunge (Day) - Prevents you from being killed during this day or the coming night. - 2 uses.
Sonic Arrow (Night) - Allows you to learn who your target visits. - Infinite uses.
Dragonstrike (Night) - You can nightpost “ 竜が我が敵を喰らう! ” in reply to your target to kill a player, bypassing all protections. - 1 use.
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss, 4chan, Vatican and Navy factions; and any neutrals that dare stand in your way



“I’m a one-man apocalypse.”
You are Roadhog, the Unseen Beguiling Godfather !
Unseen Offensive
Scrap Gun (Passive) - For every night kill you perform, you will also redirect your target towards you. Hammering a Blue Dragon, Green Kraken or Town-aligned player will allow you to kill an additional player the coming night.
Take a Breather (Passive) - You will be shown as an Blue Dragon Member to faction checks and will be immune to death at night.
Whole Hog (Day) - Once during the Lynch Phase, you may say “ Mhwehehehuh! ” and will be able to select two additional targets to kill tonight provided that you are performing the factional kill. - 1 use.
Chain Hook (Night) - Redirects a player to you. - Infinite uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss, 4chan, Vatican and Navy factions; and any neutrals that dare stand in your way

that should be all.


Bounty Hunter
Hamlet Investigative

Collect Bounty (Passive) - If a player you visited last night is lynched, your next investigative check will be guaranteed to be correct. You will also no suffer any stress penalty if they were town aligned.

Flashbang (Day) - Force a player’s day abilities to target themselves. (2 Uses)

Scout (Night) - Determine if the target is a member of the scum faction. (Infinite Uses)
Planned Takedown (Night) - Determine if the chosen player can win with the last player you checked. (3 Uses)

Stress: 0/200

Stress gains are 20/40 and stress losses are 20/60

when converted…

Unseen Investigative

Uppercut (Day) - Force a player’s day abilities to target themselves. You will know what ability was redirected. (2 Uses)

Mark for Death (Night) - Learn a player’s primary night ability. (Infinite Uses)
This is How We Do It (Night) - Edit target player’s logbooks. If they die tonight, their logs will be replaced with the ones you wrote. (2 Uses)

Cult Alts!

All cost one

Planned Takedown
Mark of the Great One (Scout) - Determine a players class if they are town aligned.



Pick a player at the start of the day(d1 or d0 depending on if there’s a d1 lynch). You will become whatever class they are, sharing a win condition and creating a day/night chat with them. You will not join their scumchat if they are scum


The Hand of Death

Blue Dragon Killing
Ultimate Shield (Passive) - Your abilities and passives cannot be disabled, prevented, redirected, affected by occupation, protected from, reversed, nullified, or otherwise be messed with by any other class.
Loyality(Passive) If you would be converted you die instead.
HAND OF DEATH PART ONE (Day) - Disable all abilities and passives on your target for one day and night. - 1 use
HAND OF DEATH PART TWO (Night) - Kill yourself and your target. They and you cannot be revived or otherwise be brought back from death. Deaths by this ability cannot be reversed, and are unaffected by time altering effects. Pierces all forms of death immunity and protection. - 1 use
Eliminate all threats to the Blue Dragon and ensure that one Blue Dragon survives.


Jesus Christ

Citizen but they revive themselves three days after death.

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The Satanist

Citizenin the same WinCon and faction as the 666th class on this thread



Neutral Special
Interlocked (Passive) - Once you copy someone, your soul will be connected to theirs. Any effects on you or them take place on each other, you keep this passive if your class changes.
Unlocked (Passive) - You will gain everything the other player has and will lose all your abilities and gain theirs.
Stop copying me! (Day Ability) - If someone votes the same player as you, you can use this ability, you will instantly kill that person. - 1 Use
Jynx! (Night Ability) - Lock your soul with a player, you will copy their class and lose all your abilities to gain theirs.
Win Condition: Same as whoever they copy into


The Vanillarizer

Neutral Offensive
Passive - Immune to death at night.
Post restriction (Day) - Turn a player into a vanilla citizen with a post restriction of your choice. - 3 uses.
Vanilla Citizens are fun too! (Night) - Turn a player into a vanilla citizen. Bypasses conversion immunity - Unlimited uses
Goal: Make sure no one in the game has fun. (You win when all remaining players besides you are vanilla citizens)


The Satanist(661)


The Satanist (661)

The Fool


The Morning Star

Evil Special
Pure Malice (Passive) - You will learn the exact classes of all scum and classes you can win with in the game. Scum will learn your class if they visit you and their ability uses and cooldowns will be refreshed. Additionally, negative effects will have no effect on you and will instead empower you for a cycle, ensuring the success of your abilities and giving you a charge of an ability of your choice.
Seven Deadly Sins (Passive) - You may use up to 3 abilities per cycle and may not use Lust, Greed, Sloth, Pride, Gluttony, Envy, or Wrath on anyone that’s not sinful. The sinful status is removed once you use Lust, Greed, Sloth, Pride, Gluttony, Envy, or Wrath on a sinful player. The sinful status does not stack.
Echoing Desires (Day) - Send a player a private message through the host. This makes them sinful, allowing you to target them with your abilities. You may not tell people who you are with this ability. [Infinite]
Brainwash The Masses (Day) - Any citizen-esque classes will be converted to The Satanist (Class 661) at the start of the next day and all scum will be empowered tonight. Additionally, every player will be marked with the sinful status tonight. This disables the rest of your abilities if this is successful and fails if you die before then. [1 Use]
Lust (Day) - Redirect your target to a player of your choice, bypassing immunities. [3 Uses]
Pride (Day) - Players will unable to target a player of your choosing this cycle if they are not scum. [3 Uses]
Wrath (Day) - Your target will attack whoever they visit tonight. [3 Uses]
Sloth (Day) - The next ability your target tries to use will fail
Gluttony (Night) - If your target uses a night ability, then it will be disabled the next night [3 Uses]
Envy (Night) - Your target will require 80% of votes(rounded up) to lynch them tomorrow. This effect will be hidden until they reach the amount of votes required. [2 Uses]
Greed (Night) - Target player will consume an additional use of the ability that they are using. If they use an unlimited use ability, then a random limited use ability will lose a charge, if they have any. [4 Uses]
Reveal Sins (Night) - Learn target player’s exact class. [3 Uses]
You win if at least one other scum class wins.

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Plague Doctor
Hamlet Support

Experimental Vapors (Passive) - Whenever you cure a player of bleeding or blight, gain a use in all limited abilities.

Battlefield Medicine (Day) - Cure a player of bleeding/blight. Cannot target players you’ve inflicted these statuses on. (Infinite Uses)
Empowering Vapors (Day) - Target player will be guaranteed to visit their target. (1 Use)

Plague Grenade (Night) - Inflict up to two players with blight. (1 Use)
The Cure (Night) - Bring a town-aligned player back from the dead as a citizen with no abilities. Disable this ability after use. (0 Uses)

Stress: 0/200

Stress gains are 20/40 and stress losses are 10/40.

Citizen stress works at the same amounts.

When converted…

Unseen Offensive

Experimental Vapors (Passive) - Whenever you cure Bleeding/Blight, you can prevent two chosen players from using day abilities in today and tomorrow.

Battlefield Medicine (Day) - Cure a player of Bleeding/Blight. (Infinite Uses)

Destructive Concoction (Night) - Attack a player. (Single Use)
Incision (Night) - Accelerate a player’s Bleeding/Blight, killing them if they weren’t healed.

Cult Alts

All abilities can be taken and cost one

The Cure turns them into members of the cult who will die when the PD dies.


The Thief

Blue Dragon Offensive
Stealthy (Passive) - Immune to most occupation and redirection at night, will keep this passive if class changes.
Self-Trained Criminal (Passive) - Your visits will be hidden from others.
Pickpocket (Day) - Steal someones day ability, you will have to choose 2 players to use this ability, you can choose yourself. - 3 uses
Burglary (Night) - Steal someones night ability. - Infinite uses
Stolen Ability (Night) - Use the stolen ability you stole the night before, you can choose yourself. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Robber

Unseen Offensive
Stealthy (Passive) - Immune to most occupation and redirection at night, will keep this passive if class changes.
Master-Criminal (Passive) - Your visits will be hidden from others.
Pickpocket (Day) - Steal someones day ability, you will have to choose 2 players to use this ability, you can choose yourself. - 3 uses.
Burglary (Night) - Steal someones night ability. - Infinite uses
Stolen Ability (Night) - Use the stolen ability you stole the night before, choose 2 players, you can choose yourself. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Cult Alt:

Cult Points: 2

Burglary (Night) - Steal someones night ability and automatically use it, must choose 2 players to activate. - 2 points.
Can Choose any other Cult Alts

669 - Evil King
670 - Devout King

671 - TOL Reaper

672 - King Henry, but aligned with the Cult.