Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version


Serial Killer from ToS

Reaper, but is required to claim Reaper or be modkilled
in addition, has “or live to see the uninformed majority/ies of this game win” added on to their win con
named “gamethrowing” reaper


If this slot is rolled, all roles gain the “scared” modifier (they cannot claim or soft their true role or they will be vanillaized). Reroll this slot.

what’s the wincon


Dungeon Master Geyde (DMG)
BD Social
I am the DM! (Passive) - Death immune on night 1 and votes on you will secretly be nullified on the first day that there is a trial.
Deck of Many Things: Balance (Day) - Your target will have their alignment randomized tonight. It has to be an alignment of a class that is already in game and you cannot announce that this is going to occur beforehand. You will be occupied tonight if it is successful. [1 Use]
Deck of Many Things: Vizier (Day) - Choose one post. The Host will tell you if it is truthful or not but you will be unable to talk for the rest of the day. [1 Use]
Deck of Many Things: Moon (Day) - Grant 1 wish in the thread that doesn’t completely break the game. Any ambiguity is determined by the host and you will be occupied tonight. [-1 Uses]
Deck of Many Things: Jester/Fool (Day) - Your target will either receive 1 use of an ability or lose all uses of non-infinite abilities(50/50 chance). They must have at least 1 use of a non-infinite ability for this to be successful. [1 Use]
Deck of Many Things: Idiot (Night) - Nullify a player’s vote tomorrow and mark them with Idiocy. Using Comet on someone marked with Idiocy will let you have a secret triple vote on them instead. [Infinite]
Postpone Campaign (Night) - You will delay your target’s action by 1 or 2 nights(you decide). [Infinite, 1 night cd]
Deck of Many Things: Comet (Night) - If you are the hammerer or killer of your target tomorrow and they are a non BD player, you will gain a usage for an ability of your choice. You will also have a secret double vote on them tomorrow. [Infinite]
Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon.

@Geyde how do you like this meme class?

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no it isnt :eyes:
the revenant, except must see town win


The Revenant, but it’s Kape’s version and anyone who mentions the other version will be silently unable to use abilities that night


y’all meme classes be trash aka i fucking hate the revenant
named 1703

remember maxi to quote/link the class :eyes:
named reverant


why the fuck would i need to do that you can literally control+f to 1703
named whatever the fuck 602 is


Random role from 1 to 500 on this thread, but is renamed, “Maxi is a salty boi”. Also has a lisp


no u
bd social
passive: any people who are classes nerbins has made or are named Nerbins will be instantly modkilled at the end of d1, bypassing everything
bd wincon


stop talk
bd killer
cut your carbon emissions (day) - kill a player silently. you will commit suicide tonight if you kill a bd player and will be unable to use any abilities afterwards. [1 use]
break your nico nico kneecaps (night) - cause a player to bleed, dying in 2 nights if not healed. [2 uses]
defeat all threats to the bd

because it makes it much easier on people looking up a class :shurg:
any classcards with the words “bypassing everything” on an effect that directly affects players other than themselves are rerolled for the rest of this game.
then, reroll this slot

Idk if this has been done before.


If this class is given to someone with an actual class name as their name, give them that class. Otherwise, reroll this slot.

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noble but must say owo in every post or be modkilled

Converts into the aristowo or the apowostle

chronomancer but must say owo in every post or be modkilled



aristocrat but must say owo in every post or be modkilled
converted from owoble



apostle but must say owo in every post or be modkilled
converted from owoble

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Furry UwU

Vanilla Townies but only the known furries in the community could roll it, and they must say UwU for at least 20 post a day or else they suicide immediately into OwO.

BD wincon.

BD Killer
Night ability (inf uses) - Kill target player with a post restriction.
BD wincon.

Converts to:

Purple Nowo
Unseen Killer
Night ability (inf uses) - Kil target player with a post restriction.
Unseen wincon.