Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version



Neutral Killer

Passive - Please go kys - Elias is tired of your stuff. Occupation and redirection immune. His attack will always be successful no matter the circumstances is. Whoever visit him will be prevented from speaking in the day phase for the next 12 hours, and he will be notified of the player that visited him by the game host, and grant a use to his ability - PeRiSh
Passive - Me InNoCeNt -



Player who rolls this slot is given this passive:

Marathon (Passive) - At the end of every night, the current holder of this card is replaced out of the game. This passive stays upon class change of all kinds.

Reroll this slot

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Blue Dragon Killer
Hidden Identity (Passive) - If anyone comes to say “Artoria Pendragon” or “King Arthur” in the thread, or if someone gets to know your exact class (including by guessing or you claiming in any chat you might have), your abilities will be weakened.
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes for you to become King counts as two.
Avalon (Day) - Heal yourself or another player tonight. When used on another player, it costs double the uses. If you are weakened, you can’t use this ability to heal yourself. - 3 uses.
Excalibur (Night) - Choose a player. If they do not have a class type in Ashe’s GI Thread, you will perform a kill on them tonight and block all other visitors. If you are weakened, this ability will not block other visitors. - 1 use.
Invisible Air (Night) - Select a player. If a killer class type visits them, you will roleblock and kill the offender. If the visitor performed an attack, you will not roleblock them, but instead the attack will be redirected to you. The redirectioned attack can be healed and loses all immunity-bypassing properties. If you are weakened, this ability will not be able to remove the immunity-bypassing effect of the attack and you will not attack the offender. - Infinite Uses.

Converts to Saber Alter (1725) or the Acolyte.

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Post 1724

Lord of Reddit

Neutral Killer

r/woosh (Passive) - If a player is succesfully wooshed (in the eys of the host), both you and the player who wooshed them cannot be visited tonight.
r/AskReddit (Passive) - You literally cannot be removed from the top page. This makes you naturally immune to death at night.

r/Gaming (Day) - Reveal your entire role. The thread’s recognition of you as a GAMER is so strong that you can only be lynched if every other player unanimously agrees to lynch you. - 1 use.
r/RoastMe (Day) - All players must visit you tonight. This might’ve been a mistake. - 1 use.

Quarantine (Night) - Kill a player. Anybody killed with this ability is placed in a seperate chat from Dead Chat. - Infinite uses.
r/cursedimages (Night) - RESUMMON MEMESKY - 0 uses.
You win by killing everybody or by having every single player in the game like one of your posts on day 1, winning the game alone



Saber (Alter)

Unseen Investigative
Hidden Identity (Passive) - If anyone comes to say “Artoria Pendragon” or “King Arthur” in the thread, or if someone gets to know your exact class or the class you were before (if converted) (including by guessing or you claiming in any chat you might have), your abilities will be weakened.
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes for you to become King counts as two.
Excalibur Morgan (Passive) - You wield Excalibur Morgan. It has 3 uses. Whenever you use All the World’s Evils or Black Sword of Ultimate Light, spend an use. If you were weakened before being converted, Excalibur Morgan will only have one use. If you get weakened after being converted, Excalibur Morgan loses all uses.
All the World’s Evils (Day) - Select a player. If they can’t win with the Unseen, you will learn their exact class. If they can’t win with the Blue Dragon, the Mafia or the Green Kraken as well, they will be notified. - Infinite uses.
Promised Victory (Night) - Choose a player. You will learn their exact class type. - Infinite Uses.
Black Sword of Ultimate Light (Night) - Choose a player. If they can’t win with the Unseen, occupy them. Tomorrow, all votes against them will be doubled. - Infinite Uses.

All the World’s Evils Feedback:

You were investigated.

Converts to and from Saber and the Acolyte.

Compulsive Day Childkiller
Whenever someone reveals their class in the same manner of an Innocent Child, you will compulsively kill them at the moment they reveal.

Compulsive Day Changeling
Neutral Special
Whenever someone reveals their class in the same manner of an Innocent Child, compulsively turn them into a Spawn
If noné with those ICesque abilities spawned, this person becomes a Spawn.
Win condition is to eliminate all people but other spawns, survivor wincons and the Changeling.

Neutral Killer
Stab (Night) - Kill.
Win condition is to eliminate all people but other spawns, survivor wincons and the Changeling.

Compulsive Day Spawn Killer
If a player becomes a Spawn, compulsively kill them at the moment the conversion takes place.
Also compulsively kills all ressurected targets the moment the ressurection takes place because you are a goddamned spawn killer.

Retired Werewolf Hunter
Named VT
Becomes a vigilante if there are werewolves.

Werewolf Special
No abilities but the scumfac has a kill every night and a convert every two nights
Scumfac wincon

Hirsute Townie
Investigates as WW

Evangelistic Townie
Investigates as Cult

Tentacled Townie
Investigates as Green Kraken

Watchlisted Townie
Investigates as killer

VERY watchlisted townie
Investigates as NK

Wrong Place at the Wrong Time Townie
Universal Miller

Unseen Townie
Investigates as Invisible faction

Invisible Unicorn with Pink Dots
Invisible Special
Investigates as Unseen
BD wincon

Invisible Intangible Dragon without Corporal Heat
Invisible Support
Invisible Intangible Harmless Fire without Corporal Heat (Night) - Visit someone. Won’t do anything unless the target is doused in gasoline. Remove the gasoline if they are doused un gasoline.
BD wincon

Fool with role-name changed to, “Woah, cool your jets, Merc!”


Jet Cooler with jet lag
Vigilante with strongman kills on people who posted more than 200 or less than 100 posts in the GI thread

Vanilla town