Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version


Dr. Dankenstein :sunglasses::ok_hand:

Neutral Nuisance
Hip, if you will (Passive) - You have an invisible double vote.
I am, as the kids say, “lit” (Passive) - You require being attacked two nights in a row for a night kill to work on you
Aren’t I one with the lingo, dudes? (Passive) - You have to incorporate one word that is currently “groovy” into each of your posts or you get modkilled.
That’s not very rad of you (Day) - Erase all votes on your wagon, and you won’t be able to get voted again that day. (1 use)
Goal: Get told to “shut up” or “be quiet” or something similar at least 4 times during the game

I have made a monster

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Neutral Support
literal fate spoiler (Passive) - At the start of the game, a random player will be picked as your Faker. You will gain one day ability and one night ability they have at random. Both those abilities will have one use.
Hidden Identity (Passive) - If you use one of the two abilities you gained from literal fate spoiler, you will reveal yourself as the Archer to your Faker and will lose your night immunity.
Unlimited Blade Works (Day) - If both you and your Faker are alive at Day 4, sacrifice yourself to kill them. - 1 use.
xx (Day) - reserved slot for the day ability given by literal fate spoiler. - 1 use.
Clairvoyance (Night) - Empower (as ToL’s CW empower) your target, but prevent all visits to them. - Infinite Uses.
yy (Night) - reserved slot for the night ability given by literal fate spoiler. - 1 use.
Goal: Have your Faker lynched or kill them yourself. Your Faker is [NAME].

Converts to Archer but his father and as an Assassin (1746) if converted by the Unseen. Can’t be converted to any other faction.

Crowns to Gilgamesh (1749) if elected as King.


Archer but his father and as an Assassin

Affection of the Holy Grail (Passive) - You have the first set of abilities if there is already one Assassin. If you become the Assassin, replace the first set of abilities by the second set of abilities, or gain the second set of abilities if you didn’t have the first set of abilities on the first place. If there are more than 4 Unseen members, you have priority on becoming the Assassin.

First set of abilities
Unseen Investigative.

Natural Enemy (Passive) - Know if a player can or can’t win with the Unseen when you target them.
Magus Killer (Day) - Select a player and learn if they have a day ability. - Infinite Uses.
Spellcaster (Night) - Select a player and learn if they have a night ability. - Infinite Uses.

Second set of abilities
Unseen Killer.

Chronos Rose (Passive) - If you are the last member of the Unseen, you will convert yourself to Archer (1745).
Phantasm Punishment (Day) - Select a player. Cut your target, causing them to bleed. They will bleed and die in one night if not healed. If they have three or less abilities (counting passives), this ability has no effect. - 3 uses (shared with Hidden Blade).
Scapegoat (Day) - Reveal yourself as a member of the Unseen. Cancel lynches for this day. - 1 Use.
Assassinate (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
2-for-1 (Night) - Kill two target players. - 1 use (shared)


The NPC, Area 51, is revealed to be present at the start of the game

Area 51

Defenses (Passive) - Whenever you are visited, you will be attacked. If you are visited by more than 2 players, you will shoot all of your visitors. If you are visited by 4+ players, you will strongman kill all of them. You have 7 BPVs.
Aliens (Passive) - Whoever is able to get the killing blow on you will gain 2 strongman dayvigs for use at any time alongside their other abilities.



“Silence is Golden

The Silencer [Neutral Killer]


Silence - You, along with 2 players of your choice at the start will be modkilled if you speak. They will also lose the game.
Sound Barrier - Death and Bleed immune.

Day Abilities

It sounds better if you would quiet down - The host anonymously announces for everyone to quiet down. Whoever has the most posts that day will be modkilled. (3 uses)
Unspeakable - Target player is unable to speak for the rest of the game, else they are modkilled, losing the game. They will be notified. (1 use)

Night Abilities

Quietly going in the night - Kill a player. This does not count as an attack. (Inf use)
Silence is loud - Force a player afflicted with Silence to kill a player. This also occupies them, bypassing immunity.

Goal: Defeat the Good factions, the Evil Factions, and other Neutral Killers who share this goal or have everyone alive afflicted with Silence before this.


Gilgamesh :crown:

A Thousand Heroic Spirits (Passive) - At the start of the game, a random player will be picked as your Faker. You will gain one night ability they have, at infinite uses. If you were crowned from Archer (1745), you may choose to keep both your Faker abilities at 1 use or to convert the night ability to have infinite uses. In any case, using them won’t reveal yourself as the Archer or Gilgamesh anymore.
Pass The Torch (Passive) - If you die, a vote to determine the next king will be held at start of the next day.
King of Heroes (Passive) - Your vote counts as two if there are more than 5 players alive except during a Grand Trial. Immune to occupation and redirection. You are immune to death and bleeding once. Your abilities do not count as visits.
Grand Trial (Day) - Instantly put a player on trial for treason lasting up to 24 hours possibly extending day. They may provide a defense within 12 hours, and then the players alive may either vote to execute or pardon. If a majority of players vote to execute, the day will end and the player on trial will be lynched. Otherwise, the day will continue as normal. - 1 use

Have your Faker lynched or kill them yourself. Your Faker is [NAME].


The Acolyte :crossed_swords:

Cult Killer
Hemorrhage (Day) - Invoke Mithras’ will to cause a target to start bleeding uncontrollably. They will bleed and die in two nights if not healed. - 1 use :crown:
Blood Barrier (Day) - Create a wall of blood granting target player death immunity this night. Can target self. - 2 uses
Curse of Corax (Night) - If the target is bled tomorrow, they will die in 1 night instead of 2 nights. - 1 use :crown:
Sacrilege (Night) - If the Cult Leader’s conversion fails or they use Eradicate, you will shoot their target(s) for them instead. Does not count as a visit. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that oppose you.


Innocent Child that is only revealed upon death (and must be revealed upon death)


The Resolver

Blue Dragon Self-Resolving
Hardclaim (Day) - Say “I’m self-resolving.” in the thread. You are not actually self-resolving, but the other players will believe you are until the end of the day. Or not. Depends on the player. (2 uses)
Your objective is to defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Resolved

Unseen Confirmed
Scumfirmation (Passive) - You appear as “confirmed” to investigators.
Spewed Town (Day) - Say “I’m spewed town” in the thread. You are not spewed town, but the other players will believe you are until the end of the day. Or not. Depends on the player.
Self-Resolve (Night) - Do nothing. You are confirmed, why would you need to self-resolve?
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

In Cult games, converts into any class of the Cult Leader’s choice. You are self-resolving regardless, right?




Neutral Offensive
Nine Lives (Passive) – You start with 9 lives, each time you would die, you will lose a live instead. If you have 0 lives left, you die.
Royal Cat (Passive) – You know the King’s alignment and will be told what the King’s night action was at the end of each night. In addition, you have Royal Blood.
Scratch (Day) – Scratch a player. They will bleed and die in two nights if not healed. – infinite uses :crown:
Purr (Night) – Target a player. They, along with anyone visiting you tonight, will not be able to resist feeding and petting you, and will be occupied, bypassing immunity. – infinite uses :crown:
Meow (Night) – Meow loudly, to get attention, anyone that performs a night action tonight will be redirected to you. – infinite uses
Have every living player be redirected to you or occupied



9 lives.



Honest Fool

Fool (the old one who wins by getting executed), but required to claim Fool and to use the phrase “Execute me so that I can fulfill my win condition” at least once per day.

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The Assassin, but required to claim to be 1754

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Vanilla Townie, but required to claim to be 1754

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prince, but required to claim to be 1754

Mastermind, but required to claim to be 1757


reroll this slot, and then apply this restriction:
required to claim to be 1758

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Cult Leader, but required to claim to be 1757


reroll this slot, and then apply this restriction:
required to claim to be 1760



Remove all modifiers and post restrictions from all classes, then reroll this slot

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