Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version

The Gunslinger :shield:

Neutral Killer
Wild West (Passive) - Immune to Death, Occupation and target changing.
Quick Draw (Day) - Tonight, you may target two players with Trigger Finger. You may choose to target the same player twice, if you do Trigger Finger will bypass night immunity, visit prevention and healing. - Unlimited uses, 1 day cooldown.
Trigger Finger (Night) - Kill a player. - Unlimited uses.
Bullet Hell (Night) - Kill anyone who visits you tonight. - 2 uses.
You must kill the Blue Dragon, Cult, Unseen and anyone who might stand in your way.



The Death Gambler :shield:

Neutral Social
Deathly Hallows (Passive) - Immune to Occupation and Target Changing. If attacked, grant attacker/executor a one-shot death immunity that notifies them if there is a trigger.
Grudge (Passive) - You can have up to 3 players marked. You can use both day abilities at once.
Predict Death (Day) - Predict who gets killed tonight. If you are right, gain one use of Gambling. - ∞ uses
Mark of Faith (Day) - Mark a player. You will only have 3 days to use this. - 3 uses
Predict Lynch (Night) - Predict who gets lynched tomorrow. If you are right, gain one use of Gambling. - ∞ uses
Heal Toss (Night) - Heal target player and yourself for the night. - 1 use(s).

You must ensure at least one of your marked targets live to the end of the game (They don’t have to win.).


The Definition

Neutral Social
Of Insanity (Passive) - If you didn’t say the name of this passive and your class at Day 1, you will commit suicide.
Is (Passive) - If you didn’t say the name of this passive along after using “Insanity Is” at Day 2, you will commit suicide.
Insanity Is (Day) - Announce the message: “Insanity Is” to court. - 1 Use (Only Usable Day 2)
Doing same (Day) - Announce the message: :Doing same” to court. - 1 Use (Only Usable Day 3)
thing (Night) - Tommorow you may announce the message “thing”, if you used “Doing same” at same day… - 1 Use (Only usable Night 2)
Over and Over Again (Night) - Tommorrow announce a message to court “Over and Over Again”. - 1 Use (Only Usable Night 3)

Say the definition of Insanity to entire court.

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Effortless Mastermind

Unseen Special
Can’t Touch this (Passive) - Immune to occupation, target changing and death at night. Players who attempt to occupy you or change your target will believe it succeeded. Additionally, you will know who you would’ve been redirected to if a player attempts to change your target.
On the shadows (Passive) - Does not appear as Unseen to all Investigative abilities for the first 3 nights.
Princess Claim (Passive) - You can only claim Princess or any of her Grand Idea variations.
Convert (Passive) - At the end of the night convert a random convertible player into the unseen. This cannot happen if someone was converted the previous night or if you are already at the Unseen cap.
Whatever the MM’s checking ability is called (Passive) - At the end of the night, you will know the class type of a random player.



Effortless Assassin

Unseen Special
Knight Claim (Passive) - You can only claim knight or any of its Grand Idea variations.
Nightshade (Passive) - At a random time during the day, a random non-unseen player will become poisoned. This has a 50% chance of happening every day except D1.
Distract or Bewilder I dont remember (Passive) - You have a 35% chance of randomly using whatever the assassin has in FoL instead of distract at a random time each day.
Stab (Passive) - You will attack a random player every night. There is a 20% chance that you will attack 2 players instead.




Dont kill the afk (Passive) - Immune to death at night.
Prod (Passive) - At the end of the day, if you don’t have the lowest post count out of all living players you will die.
Goal: Survive


Kanye West
Nootral Musician
Passive:KIDS SEE GHOSTS-As long as Kid Cudi is alive and in the game you will share a night chat with him
Passive:Stronger-You survive your first night attack on you
Day Ability: Black Skinhead-Every 50 messages you may activate this ability, the effect is picked from a list
List-Lynch Vest, Bullet proof vest that night, one shot day vig
Night Ability:POWER-You grant an effect from the list to somebody**
Survive til the end of the game

Kid Cudi
Passive:KIDS SEE GHOSTS- as long as Kanye West is alive and in the game you will shall a night chat with him
Day Ability:Pray-Pray for an effect granted from the Host, they may choose to ignore it or grant it
Surive til the end of the game



Effortless Reaper

Neutral Killer
I’m at your service (Passive) - You can only claim Maid and their variations in Grand Idea Thread.
NK but not quite (Passive) - You start up with 1 soul. If you were attacked, you will consume your soul to keep you alive. All classes that can redirect or occupy will always be forced to target you.
Chilly Touch or somethin’ (Day) - Your attack may bypass night immunity but you will be silenced until next day. - 2 Uses
R e ap (Night) - Attack player. You have 5% chance to collect soul and 95% chance to be prevented. - Infinite Uses
Defeat the members of main factions.


The Reversed Butler

Blue Dragon Offensive
Unknowingly Bastard (Passive) - You will see this card as a regular FoL Butler card.
Lazy (Passive) - You are not immune to target changing and redirection.
Medicinal Wine (Day) - Heal the King saving him from any attacks tonight. The King will not be notified of this. - 1 use
Energy Boost (Night) - Make the player unable to be occupied tonight. - Infinite uses
Increase Confidence (Night) - Give everyone that visits you tonight occupation immunity. - 2 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Reversed Servant

Unseen Offensive
Unknowingly Bastard (Passive) - You will see this card as a regular FoL Servant card.
Lazy (Passive) - You are not immune to target changing and redirection.
Energy Boost (Night) - Make the player unable to be occupied tonight. - Infinite uses
Increase Confidence (Night) - Give everyone that visits you tonight occupation immunity. - 2 uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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The Picky Masochist

Neutral Offensive
Passive 1: Bide Time - Immune to death at night
Passive 2: Unwavering - If something would change your win condition or make you automatically lose (Including mod kills) then you instead die and win

Day Ability 1: Craving - Your ability’s bypass immunity’s tonight

Night Ability 1: Over here! - Redirect target player to you (Unlimited)
Night Ability 2: Boobytrap - Target player bleeds anyone they visit. That player will die in 1 night (Unlimited)

Goal: Die at night to something besides an attack


The Reversed Court Wizard

Blue Dragon Support
Unknowingly Bastard (Passive) - You will see this card as a regular FoL Court Wizard card.
Caught in Flames (Day) - The target player will target you if they attempt to use a day ability today. - 2 uses
Weak Shield (Night) - Protect the player from attacks. Does not prevent negative effects and conversion. - Infinite uses
Follow the Light (Night) - Make everyone visit your target. - 2 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Reversed Sage

Unseen Support
Unknowingly Bastard (Passive) - You will see this card as a regular FoL Sage card.
Beholder’s Curse (Day) - Choose a player. If that player uses a day ability today, they will target you with it. - 2 uses
Attract (Night) - The target player will target you with their ability tonight. - Infinite uses
Back Off (Night) - Prevent the Assassin from visiting your target. - 2 uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Reversed Knight

Blue Dragon Killer
Unknowingly Bastard (Passive) - You will see this card as a regular FoL Knight card
Offend (Night) Kill Target player - Infinite uses
Warm Steel (Night) - Prevent target player from dying. If anyone attacks them then you will kill their attacker and then die. Bypasses night immunity - Infinite uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Literally just swap the 2 ability’s effects

The Reversed Enforcer

Unseen Support
Unknowingly Bastard (Passive) - You will see this card as a regular FoL Enforcer card

Magnetize (Night) - Make everyone visit target Unseen - 3 uses
Tired (Night) - Occupy the Assassin bypassing everything - 1 use
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Reversed Physician

Blue Dragon Support?
Unknowingly Bastard (Passive) - You will see this card as a regular FoL Physician card
Herbal Incompetence (Passive) - You cannot be cured of bleed

Bloodletting (Day) - Bleed target player. They will die in 2 nights bypassing night immunity. (1 use)

Medieval Healing (Night) - Kill and Bleed Target Player. They will die the next night bypassing night immunity (in addition to dying immediately) - infinite uses
Self Care (Night) - Kill yourself - 2 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Offensive Unseen
Unknowingly Hyperbastard (Passive) - You will see this card as a regular FoL Herbalist card. Your ability’s do nothing besides vist.
Herbal Incompetence (Passive) - You cannot be cured of bleed
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.



The Reversed Drunk

Blue Dragon Offensive
Too Sober to Notice (Passive) - You will see this card as a regular FoL Drunk card. You are not immune to target changing and occupation.
Peasant Blood (Passive) - Votes to become King count as zero for you.
Proper Manners (Night) - Give a player redirection immunity for the night. - Infinite uses
Divine Intervention (Night) - Give a player death immunity and occupation immunity - 2 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Reversed Alcoholic

Unseen Offensive
Too Sober to Notice (Passive) - You will see this card as a regular FoL Alcoholic card. You are not immune to target changing and occupation.
Peasant Blood (Passive) - Votes to become King count as zero for you.
Proper Manners (Night) - Give a player redirection immunity for the night. - Infinite uses
Divine Intervention (Night) - Give a player death immunity and occupation immunity. - 2 uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

@Kirefitten never mind



The Reversed Good King :shield:

> Blue Dragon Special
Unbewittingly Evil (Passive) - The person who rolls this will be given a usual Good King card
Keep the Torch (Passive) - Upon death, there will be no more kings
Lowly (Passive) - Your vote counts as -2
Decide Fate (Day) - Mod will give the flavor text as if the king had used decide fate but nothing will actually happen. - 1 use
Peasants! (Night) - Makes the peasants of Adiart revolt against the target. Attacks the target - 4 uses
Oath of Betrayal (Night) - Makes the target become a member of the unseen or one of the other informed minority factions in the game, bypassing factional cap and conversion immunity. - 1 use
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.



Delet this post pls your post messed up the post numbers


Livicus - Named Citizen but has a 50/50 chance of being Convert Immune and not

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Effortless Fool

Neutral Social
Effortless Trickery (Passive) - Immune to occupation, redirection, poison, and bleeding. Additionally, you will always be checked as scum and killer and will secretly need 2 less votes to get lynched.
Poor Fellow (Passive) - When you are lynched, you may decide between disabling all abilities and passives of those who voted you or killing a person that did not vote pardon(if there are no trials, then it’s killing someone who voted you). It will not be publically announced if voters’ abilities are disabled, but they will get a notification that their ability was disabled at the end of the night if it is chosen and any charges of limited use abilities will not be consumed.
Taunt (Day) - Redirect a player to you tonight. it will bypass immunities. [3 Uses]
Hide (Night) - You will be death immune tonight. Nothing can bypass this. [Infinite, 1 night cooldown]
Deceive (Night) - Make a player appear as target class tonight to investigations. They will flip as that class if they get executed tomorrow. You may only choose scum classes for them to appear as. [2 Uses]
Win Condition: Exist Get executed by the court.

I don’t know if this has been added but:
Post 296

The Sorcerer :shield: :crossed_swords:

Neutral Killer
Mage Armour (Passive) - You are immune to death at night, infection and bleeding. You are also immune to occupation and redirection.
Perception (Passive) - If your attack would cause you to die (to knight, hunter etc.) you will instead no action. You will be notified.
Enchant (Day) - Place an enchantment on a player. [Infinite Uses]
Magic Cloak (Day) - Prevent visits to yourself and hide your visits from investigators tonight. [2 Uses]
Magic Missile (Night) - Attack a player. [Infinite Uses]
Spell of Death (Night) - All players who are enchanted will die tonight, bypassing death immunity. [Infinite Uses]
Goal: Destroy both the major factions and any neutrals who may stand in your way.