Geyde's GI Turbo! - Game Over - The Blue Dragon and the Undertaker win!

Chinese > Japanese


Chinese seems way more complex though


By the way, I didn’t acfually roll that class but does anyone actually want to speak in different Lanuages

Mein linker blinker ist kaputt

Going to laugh if Firekitten rolls this.


that’s easy though

I probably butchered that actually :stuck_out_tongue:

Depends on the slankers. :eyes:

Also this roll is absolutely hilarious

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Not really.
It’s like word association game.

Like if you connect signs “Woman” and sign “Child” you get a word “Peace”

As it should be for bastard games

Wait really

If you get it with me in the game. rip you

I’m just saying i’m AFK and I’m going to do nothing

But what if we’ll lynch you or someone has fewer posts? :thinking:

And I wont say anything. Rip you still

IIRC I made an evil faction that becomes more powerful when they spam


And if you connect signs

“Long”, “Neck” and “Deer” you get a giraffe.

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