Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version

Post 29
Prince, but night immune and with infinite guiltless exes.

What’s balance


Post 30

Good King, but with a passive ability that will instant Decide Fate - Execute every time a trial starts.

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Post 31

Prince but always dying Night 1.


Post 32

Knight, guiltless but will commit suicide if they do not CS a BD member during the night.

Alignment and class type is Blue Dragon Gamethrowing instead of Killer.

So a normal Prince?


Post 33

Knight Buster :shield: :speech_balloon:

Neutral Social
Burning Passion (Passive) - Immune to death. If Knight would try attack you, you will kill him instead.
Stop Resisting! (Day) - Automaticy execute someone who claimed Knight or mention this word, ending the day. - Infinite uses
Hunt down every Knight Claim.



Post 34


Blue Dragon Thrower

I am the Prince (Passive): You are somehow the prince so you are immune to everything. This cannot be bypassed.
As RNG Decrees (Passive): If you are still alive after being Celeste_Ludenburg for a whole cycle, you will commit suicide. A random player will become this class(Day+Night is a cycle, if you don’t use your night ability you commit suicide the same night).
Who’s Celeste? (Night): Become Margaret the following day.
Win Con: Your objective is to defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Neutral Special

The Only Way (Passive): Commit suicide after 3 whole cycles of being this class. It cannot be bypassed and you cannot die before it. You will live an additional day/night for every person executed by Noble Bounty, But Better. (You live for an extra half cycle, to make it easier if you start with this class and there are 30+ people in the game)
Devout Follower Weeb (Passive): Immune to occupation, redirection, and death at night. It cannot be bypassed except by someone with the same pfp as yours. You may also use both night abilities in the same night.
I Haven’t Watched This Anime (Day): Smite someone who doesn’t have an anime pfp, instantly killing them and bypassing everything. [2 Uses]
Call of the Trolls (Day): Summon Celeste, making your vote count as two today. This will only show if it reaches majority. You gain a charge for every person executed by Noble Bounty, But Better and can stack this, gaining an additional vote every time. [3 Uses]
Noble Bounty, But Better (Night): Target 2 players, if either of them are executed, there will be another trial. Additionally, you may not be voted up if they are executed that day. This does not count as a visit. [Infinite]
Some Anime Thing (Night): You may make up an ability relevant to Celeste_Ludenberg’s/Margaret’s/whatever her username is right now’s pfp. If the mod approves, that ability will replace this. You may use this the same night it is created.
Win Con: Your objective is to survive.



The Knight


Neutral Hunter

Neutral Killer(His classtype is killer he ain’t NK)

Neuts Out!(Passive) - Attacks against neutrals bypass immunity and healing(doesn’t work on NK) and at start of the game you see how many neutrals are in-game
No(Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing
Won’t escape from me!(Day) - Disable abillities from a neutral for the day and following night.You wont be notified if they are neutral class. - 2 uses
My job here is done(Day) - Leave the kingdom.If any neutrals were still alive you will lose the game.If not you win - 1 use
Is it you!?(Night) - Check a player to see if they are neutral
Filthy neut!(Night) - Attack a player. if you kill a non-neut you have a 2-day cooldown - Unlimited uses
Goal : Make sure all neutrals are dead.

Post 37

Captain :speech_balloon:

Neutral Social
I’m in charge now! (Passive) - Only Captain can roll this class.
Oopsie (Passive) - Every vote on Captain will be automatically redirected to Nerbins.
Make sure Nerbins will be executed during a day.

Reroll this slot if Captain or Nerbins isn’t in game.


Post 38

Nerbins :speech_balloon:

Blue Dragon Social
I’M NOT EVEN IN THIS GAME (Passive) - Only Nerbins can roll this class.
Why me!? (Passive) - Appear as suspicious to investigators.
Defeat any faction and neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Reroll this slot if Captain or Nerbins isn’t in game.



I very much like the fact that the passive would still work without Nerbins being in the game lol



The Executioner :shield:

Blue Dragon Killer
Tenacity (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection
Stalk (Day) - You will follow a player tonight, learning who they visit. Said player will know you are watching them. Can be used on day 1. (Target player will get a message at the beginning of the night saying “The Executioner or Hangman is watching your every move.”). - Infinite uses
Questionable Methods (Day) - Select a player. If they are Neutral, Cult or Unseen they will start bleeding and die in two days. The executioner is not notified if this ability worked or not, and the target player is not notified if they are Blue Dragon - 1 use
Death Sentence (Night) - Sentence a player to death. You will be able to kill them the next night. Cannot be used until night 2. 3 uses. (This ability has no effects on the player, it just allows you to kill them the following night. Your target is notified if you use this ability on them, so they have the whole day to claim in public and try to convince the executioner that they are good). - 3 uses
Execute (Night) - Kill your sentenced player, bypassing everything. Cannot be used until night 3. - 1 use
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Hangman :shield:

Unseen Offensive
Tenacity (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection
Stalk (Day) - You will follow a player tonight, learning who they visit. Said player will know you are watching them. Unlimited uses. (Target player will get a message at the beginning of the night saying “The Executioner or Hangman is watching your every move.”). - Infinite uses
Psychological Torture (Day) - Make a player believe they are bleeding. Their bleeding will appear to have been healed the next night. - 2 uses
Death Sentence (Night) - Sentence a player to death. (This ability has no effects on the player, it just makes them think the executioner might try to kill them). - 3 uses
Knock out (Night) - Occupy your sentenced player and prevent everyone except the assassin from visiting them tonight. - 1 use
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

BD alt of Psy’s GD class

Post 41

Passive Princess

Blue Dragon Investigative
Royal Blood (Passive) - You can step up to become the new King earlier than other players
Passive Talker (Passive) - You may not start any conversation or inquiry during the day, unless asked to. Doing so will disable Princess’ Tea Party and Alone and Exposed.
Mesmerising Stare (Day) - Stares persuasively at one person. He will be redirected to you tonight. 3 uses.
Alone and Exposed (Night) - Discover the exact class of your visitor if only one person visited you that night. Infinite use.
Princess’ Tea Party (Night) - Start a tea party with your maids.You will know who visit you that night. Infinite use.
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Passive Duchess

Unseen Investigative
Royal Blood (Passive) - You can step up to become the new King earlier than other players
Passive Talker (Passive) - You may not start any conversation or inquiry during the day, unless asked to. Doing so will disable Together for the Night and Duchess’ Tea Party.
Mesmerising Stare (Day) - Stares persuasively at one person. He will be redirected to you tonight. 3 uses.
Together for the NIght (Night) - Discover the exact class of your target and receives the feedback her recieves if no one visited your target that night. Infinite use.
Duchess’ Tea Party (Night) - Start a party with your maids.You will know who visit the Unseen that night. Infinite use.
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Post 42

Passive Maid

Blue Dragon Investigative
Passive Talker (Passive) - You may not start any conversation or inquiry during the day, unless asked to. Doing so will disable Servants Gossip and Servitude Presence .
Servitude Presence (Passive) - If a party other than the Prince and the opposing faction starts a night chat, you will be able to see a log of their conversation the next day.
Surprise Royal Party (Day) - Throw a party for the royalties. Those with royal blood will be able to talk in a night chat during the next night. 0 uses.
Servants Gossip (Night) - Target a player. You will know what classes visit your target. Infinite use.
Maid’s Secret Planning (Night) - Prepare a surprise party for the royalty. Using it three times will generate a use of Surprise Royal Party.
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Passive Handmaiden

Unseen Investigative
Passive Talker (Passive) - You may not start any conversation or inquiry during the day, unless asked to. Doing so will disable Servants Gossip and Servitude Presence .
Servitude Presence (Passive) - If a party other than the Prince and the opposing faction starts a night chat, you will be able to see a log of their conversation the next day.
Debut Party (Day) - Throw a party for the Assassin and Mastermind. They will receive Royal Blood Passive in addition to their existing passive. 0 uses.
Servants Gossip (Night) - Target a player. You will know what classes visit your target. Infinite use.
Introduction to the King (Night) - Put in a good word of for the Assassin and Mastermind to the King. Using this three times will generate a use of Debut Party.
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Post 43


Love Offensive

Romantic Air (Passive) - Night actions without serious flavor will have no effect on you.
Connecting Love (Passive) - You, Romeo, and Juliet shares a night chat.
Love Arrows (Day) - Target two players. They will turn into Romeo and Juliet. Infinite uses. There can only be one Romeo and Juliet at a time.
Lead Arrows (Night) - Target two players. Any attempt for them to visit each other will fails. Infinite uses. 1-Day Cooldown.
Poison and Rapier (Night) - Tonight, Romeo’s Dance with the Lover Boy will also kill all visitors and Juliet’s A Poison Called Love will also poison all visitors. 3 uses.
Survive with Romeo and Juliet and kill everyone in the way of their love.

If Eros rolls, Romeo and Juliet should also be used.

Post 44

Romeo :shield:

Love Killer

Bound by Fate (Passive) - You will commit suicide if Juliet is killed.
Connecting Love (Passive) - You, Juliet, and Eros share a night chat. You and Juliet share a Day chat.
En Garde! (Day) - Kill anyone that tries to target you or Juliet with a Day Ability. 3 uses. Using En Garde! disables Dance with the Lover Boy for the night.
Dance with the Lover Boy (Night) - Pick a target. You will attempt to kill him. Infinite uses.
Survive with Juliet and kill everyone in the way of your love.

Juliet :shield:

Love Killer

Bound by Fate (Passive) - You will commit suicide if Romeo is killed.
Connecting Love (Passive) - You, Juliet, and Eros share a night chat. You and Romeo share a Day Chat.
Runaway Darling (Day) - Tonight, you and Romeo will be night and occupation immune. 3 uses. Using this will disable A Poison Called Love for the night.
A poison Called Love (Night) - Pick a target. You will attempt to poison him. Infinite uses.
Survive with Romeo and kill everyone in the way of your love.

If Romeo and Juliet roll, Eros should also be used.

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Post 45


Love Support

Romantic Air (Passive) - Night actions without serious flavor will have no effect on you.
Beauty Queen (Day) - Tonight, all male classes will visit you. You will know who they are. 3 uses.
Lovelife Advice (Day) - Tonight, all female classes will visit you. You will know who they are. 3 uses.
Arranged Marriage (Night) - Pick two targets. If their classes are a male and female, they will gain Romantic Air Passive. Infinite uses.
Give all living players Romantic Air.



The Swearer :shield: :crossed_swords:

Neutral Offensive
Passive: Sworn: You must swear a derogative term in every post you make, else you will be modkilled. Not Valid Day 1.
Passive: Too Fucking Many: If there are too many players (Over 25) in a game, Anyone who visits you will be given the Sworn passive.
Day Ability: Feel My Pain: For the rest of the day and night, a player will be given the Sworn passive. (2 USES).
Night Ability: Rage: Swear words at a player, occupying them for the night and giving them the Sworn passive permanently. Sworn will be disabled on you for one day. (Infinite Uses)

WIN CONDITION: To survive and see all living players to be seen with the Sworn passive. If this win condition is met, the game ends immediately and win conditions are calculated.

Convert Immune




Blue Dragon Support

Love of Poetry (Passive) - You can only speak in a form of limerick, rhythmical poetry, or haiku. Failure to follow this restriction will result in a modkill. The only exception where you can speak normally is when you vote someone. This restriction carries over to private day and night chats.
Infectious Love (Passive) - Anyone that visit or is visited by you will receive Love of Poetry passive.
Fanatical Love (Day) - Add an additional restriction to the Love of Poetry restriction. Everyone except the Poet will have to obey the additional restriction. 3 uses.
Heroic Tale (Night) - Target a player. Your target and everyone that visits your target will be occupation immune the following night. Infinite uses.
Tragic Tale (Night) - Target a player. Your target and everyone that visits your target will be occupied the following night. Infinite uses.
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Evil Poet

Unseen Support

Love of Poetry (Passive) - You can only speak in a form of limerick, rhythmical poetry, or haiku. Failure to follow this restriction will result in a modkill. The only exception where you can speak normally is when you vote someone. This restriction carries over to private day and night chats.
Infectious Love (Passive) - Anyone that visit or is visited by you will receive Love of Poetry passive.
Fanatical Love (Day) - Add an additional restriction to the Love of Poetry restriction. Everyone except the Poet and the Unseen will have to obey the additional restriction. 3 uses.
Poetic Tale (Night) - Except for the Assassin, everyone that visit the Assassin’s target will receive Love of Poetry passive and will be occupied for the night. 1 use
Tragic Tale (Night) - Target a player. Your target and everyone that visits your target will be occupied the following night. Infinite uses.
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Shuri what have you done