Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version

Weebo weaboo on you i dabbo

Evil King but must decide fate execute MM


The Player

Blue Dragon Investigative
Spoiler Alert! (Passive) - If Monika attacks you, you are immune.
Sign-Up Sheet (Day) - You will see which classes the Literature Club currently has. - 2 Uses
Writing Poetry (Night) - Check to see if a player is part of the Literature Club. - Infinite Uses
Goal - Defeat the Literature Club, any other scum faction, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Conversion Immune


The Noble

@PoisonedSquid is the player convert immune? If so you should put that in the post

The Paladin

Should I make The Player convert immune?


The Acolyte (Pre-Removal)

Yes, yes you should.

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Post 79

The Random

Unknown Random

This classes ability’s will be a random 4 ability’s (counting passives as possible ability’s) and a random wincon all picked from other classes on the GIF Ashe thread. (in otherwords it picks 4 classes and gives this class a random ability from each and then picks a 5th class and gives it’s wincon and faction to this class). You will get the type that matches the majority of classes that you got your ability’s from. If there is a tie then RNG will decide.

Post 80

The Cult Leader

Post 81

The Sneek

Blue Dragon Social

Passive: Hidden Crimes - You cannot be modkilled or otherwise punished for anything besides toxic play unless a player points out the offence first. (Ex: Asking to be converted or breaking a post restriction will not be punished unless it is noted first by a player). This passive transfers if your class changes.


Post 82

The Ultimate Unseen

Ultimate Unseen (Passive): You can choose any abilities and passives from any FoL Unseen except killing/poisoning to make your class.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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(Neutral Offensive)

Passive:Toxic:You must insult a different player in every post. Refusal to do this ends up in a mod kill. You are night immune. Anyone who visits you gains the toxic passive.
Day Ability 1:Toxic Sludge:Give the toxic passive to someone-Unlimited Uses 1 day cooldown.
Win Condition:Make sure all alive players have the toxic passive.


Post 84

The Chimera

Neutral Killer
Passive 1: Multi formed - In addition to this class you will be given 3 other class cards at random. They cannot be citizens, kings, classes with only 1 use ability’s or converters. Any unlimited use ability’s will instead be 4 use. Limited use ability’s will have 1 less use.
Passive 2: Chimera skin - You are immune to death at night. You also have any immunity’s from your class cards

Day Ability: Elusive form - You will investigate as one of your classes of your choice until you select a different class with this ability or you evolve that class. (Unlimited)

Night Ability 1: Claws - Kill target player (Unlimited)
Night Ability 2: Evolve - Swap out one of your other classes. You may either have it randomly rerolled or you may replace it with a dead players class (Unless they are one of the classes you can’t roll through the passive) (Unlimited 1 day cooldown)

Goal: Eliminate the main factions and neutrals that stand in your way


The Best Blue Dragon

Blue Dragon Unknown

Best BD (Passive): You can choose any abilities/passives from any FoL BD except killing/jailing/bleeding abilities to make your class

Your goal is to defeat the Unseen/Cult and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.

(totally not a copy or anything…)



Mod :shield:

BD investigative, cannot be converted. Always spawns in CoI games.
Spam detector (Night) - Check if a player is a member of the CoI. Unlimited uses.
Banhammer (Night) - Kill a player. Can only be used on people that posted at least 100 messages the previous day. 2 uses.
Goal: Defeat the CoI and any neutrals that stand in your way

Have a few ideas for a Council of Idiots faction :wink:

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Firekitten the Idiot Leader :shield:

CoI Killer
Spam never dies (Passive) - If you die, another CoI member will turn into Firekitten.
King of Spam (Passive) - You will appear not suspicious to investigators and you will be secretly immune to occupation if you posted at least 100 messages the last day.
RIOT! (Night) - Kill a player. If you posted at least 100 messages the previous day, kill 2 players. Unlimited uses.
Goal: Defeat the BD and any neutrals that stand in your way


Memesky the Dead Memer

CoI Offensive
Meme shield (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Spammer (Passive) - You can use both night abilities if you posted at least 100 messages the previous day.
Des-pa-ci-to (Day) - Select a player. For the rest of the day, they will only be able to write words that appear on the lyrics of “Despacito”. 2 uses.
No U (Night) - Force a player to target themselves. Unlimited uses.
Guy below me is hella gay (Night) - Occupy a player and prevent them from using day abilities tomorrow. Can only be used on someone that posted directly below you on the previous day. Unlimited uses.
Goal: Defeat the BD and any neutrals that stand in your way



Mastermind but will flip Cult Leader if dead

You need goals for the cards


The Bot Army

CoI Support
Spammer (Passive) - You can use both night abilities if you posted at least 100 messages the previous day.
Dynobot (Day) - Tonight, all CoI members will have their additional effects for spamming even if they don’t post at least 100 messages. 2 uses.
RPGbot (Night) - Select a player. They will be forced to send at least 100 messages tomorrow or they will be modkilled. Unlimited uses.
Pokebot (Night) - Prevent non-CoI classes from visiting a player. Can only be used on players that posted at least 100 messages yesterday. Unlimited uses
Goal: Defeat the BD and any neutrals that stand in your way


The Incinerator
Neutral Killer
Protective Fire(Passive): You can’t die at night if you attack with Fireball or Fiery Rage or if you are under the effect of the Cloak of Fire.
Magic Mastery(Passive) The actions of the Court Wizard have no effect on you. You cannot be redirected. Fire attacks can only be healed once, to stabilize the victim for one day and night before they die again, and those who die to Fire cannot be revived or speak to the dead.
Fireball(Night) Attack someone with fire. - Unlimited Uses
Fiery Rage(Night) Attack your first target tonight with Fire. They cannot be healed. You will attack your second target publicly with Fire at the start of the day, the second attack acts like a day ability(you cannot use day abilites that day) and cannot be prevented, protected against, or healed. - 2 uses
Cloak of Fire(Day) For the next night, you cannot be imprisoned, you cannot be occupied, a visit or an attempt to imprison you will result in an unpreventable unhealable immunity piercing Fire attack towards the one visiting or attempting to imprison you. 1 use for every 8 people alive at the start of the game.
Fiery Mirror(Day): Prepare a mirror for someone that will show you what they are doing at the following night and what their visitors did at their home at that night. You will be seen visiting the Mirror target. But this will disable your immunities and Fiery Rage for that night. - 1 use for every 9 people alive at the start of the game.
Goal:Kill everyone else.

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The Cult Leader

@Unknown psst add the number 91 to your post

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The Knight