Grand Idea Mafia: FoL Edition

Tbf I am probably getting this knowing my luck…


What’s the win condition?


Or something more interesting like “kill/heal a total of 3 players”

Post 459

Guardian Angel

Neutral Special
Divine Shield (Passive) - Immune to any negative effects and immune to death at day and night. It can’t be bypassed. You can’t be lynched.
Goddess Retribution (Passive) - If someone would try dayvig or ITA one of your sweethearts, they would shoot themselves instead.
Divine Blessing (Day) - Make your sweethearts immune to death and occupation tonight. - 3 uses
Holy Stigma (Day) - Guarrantee all sweetheart’s actions tonight. - 3 uses
Holy Alliance (Night) - Bound destinies of two players and add special day and night chat through they can talk with themselves and you. If one of them wasn’t Blue Dragon, convert them into a class of their choice depends on their type. If both of them weren’t Blue Dragon convert them into a Neutral of their choice depends on their type. - Infinite uses (It will be disabled after first usage)
Divine Enchantment (Night) - Give additional 1 usage to limited abillities. - 2 uses
Make sure at least one of your sweethearts would accomplish their objective.

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Named Assassin.



Named Mastermind.

@Marluxion are we allowed to make more factions?Asking so i dont waste so much time rn



Neutral Special
Passive: OwO snuggles: You will not visit someone that is guarded or visiting that will cause you to get killed.
Passive: They say that sub is cancer: Night immunity and redirection immune.
Day Ability: Creepy Asterisk: Creep someone out with your Asterisk, they will die in end of the day. (infinite uses)
Day Ability:Send Yiff: Convert someone to your own faction instantly at day. They will have the original class as they have, but their win con is to win with you. They also have Send Yiff ability that is on one uses to replace one of their own night ability. There is no cap on how many member you can have. Can convert all the Town and Neutral class. (1 uses)
Night Ability: Blushing: Occupy a player because you decided to go on a visual novel date with them. (infinite use)
Night Ability: Aww: Kill someone with your cuteness. (3 uses)
Win con: When the furry faction has more people than other faction.


Ragnarok Neutral Killer

Passive: It’s all a hologram - Hidden immunity to death and occupation. (If you are attacked, it will seem like you were healed that night)
Day: Ultimate Observer - Learn what happens to your target tonight. This will stay on them until you choose to target someone else. [Infinite]
Night: Friendship Roofie - Mindwarp target player tonight. They shall be mindwarped again and die the next night, bypassing immunity. [Infinite]
Night: Double Homicide - Kill 2 players tonight. Your first target will have their logs cleaned while the second bypasses everything. You may control someone of your choice to kill your second target(like puppet strings). Unusable Night 1. [1 Use]

Win Condition: Typical NK win con

Literally useless on handmaiden cause why would the unseen have an exclusive and elitist second night chat that the handmaiden can’t see. Is it because the handmaiden is only a lowly servant and unworthy to see it?


Marl Dies of the Plague

Neutral Offensive
Vaccination (Passive) - You are immune to any abilities that relate to The Plague, Poison or Bleeding. Additionally one random player in the game that is not death immune, the king or neutral will be The Marl, you will know of their class at all times.
The Plague (Day) - Poison targeted player for the memes. They will get notified that “Your fate willl be like Marl’s if you do not get healed in two nights” - 3 uses
Marl Dies of the Plague (Night) - Kill the Marl, bypassing everything and killing yourself too.
Your objective is to make the Marl lose.

Crowns into the opposite faction of the Marl

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Ici’s Nightmare


Lynch-Immune Herbalist.

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Don’t post on here without a class on your post, it ruins the thread.


Herbalist-Immune Lyncher.



Renamed Alchemist called

Marl Died from the Plague 2: Electric Boogaloo.

The deathnote will be set to a Marl died from the plague related edit



Blue Dragon Social
Embodiment (Passive) - You must post a Damapasta every single day at least twice or you will be modkilled.

Converts into

Phallus 2: Electric Boogaloo

Scumfaction Social
Embodiment (Passive) - You must post a Damapasta every single day at least twice or you will be modkilled.

Post 470

Noble Maid

Neutral Support

Noble Circle (Passive) - You know all players that possess Royal Blood.
Blue Blood (Passive) - Your vote against those without Royal Blood count as 2.
Inside Job (Day) - Pick a player. If any Offensive type class tries to visit a player tonight, they will instead visit your target. 2 uses.
Maid’s Chatter (Night) - Pick a player. If the player tries to visit anyone with Royal Blood, his visit will be revealed to the whole court the next day. Infinite uses.

Convert Immune
Goal: Ensure that at least a player with Royal Blood survive at the end of the game

471 - Hipp0lytus

Named scorned

Post 471


Blue Dragon Support

Love of Poetry (Passive) - You can only speak in a form of poem, limerick, or haiku. Failure to follow this restriction will result in a modkill. The only exception where you can speak normally is when you vote someone. This restriction carries over to private day and night chats.
Infectious Love (Passive) - Anyone that visit or is visited by you will receive Love of Poetry passive.
Fanatical Love (Day) - Add an additional restriction to the Love of Poetry restriction. Everyone except the Poet will have to obey the additional restriction. 3 uses.
Heroic Tale (Night) - Target a player. Your target and everyone that visits your target will be occupation immune the following night. Infinite uses.
Tragic Tale (Night) - Target a player. Your target and everyone that visits your target will be occupied the following night. Infinite uses.

Post 472


Post 473

Neutral Poet

Goal: Gives everyone alive Love of Poetry Passive