SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!


Marcus should be on trial when one of hosts comes and announces it


did I start the wagon on him?

Sam did

@Marluxion can we has VC please

Alright, Im a fucking phallus, a class Pug made.

What is this supposed to mean? I may have mentioned this elsewhere, I think I’m fairly proficient at ToL, not so much at FoL.

Someone posted something about as few people as possible on the wagon, so when the VC is posted I encourage people to hop off until I’m 1-2 people away from majority so we don’t lose as many votes tomorrow.

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Also cake for everyone if I don’t die today or tomorrow, :smiley:

I heavily suspect scum to be on this wagon. I think they really want us to brush over the fact that every BD has the fool’s passive so a majority mislynch will be very bad for BD.

Guess that decides it for me. /Pardon. While he is a citizen I feel like he is actually a citizen. Right now I’ll rather lynch the neutral king. Like he said we can’t really afford a mislynch with the passive on. The best thing we can do is lynch meme then get a BD king on the throne. Meme wanted @Pug lynched as neutral queen why shouldn’t he be lynched as neutral? I’ll get results tomorrow for us so we can actually start executing scum but if we execute meme now we can make sure he doesn’t side with scum later on.

and besides it’s meme.

Wasn’t it Marl that wanted Pug gone? And that game was a little different because having RB =/= unlikely scum

Meme threatened to be AFK till pug died.

That’s just meme being meme. If anything it’s Town AI of him.

Do you want to be lynched or the neutral king… I advise the neutral king.


Do I sheep my target or go with my read :thinking:

Who’s your target? Did you create a merc for yourself :man_facepalming:

No I am a merc for FK

I am a death angel

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Can you win with BD :thinking:

I really don’t want to execute this. I really want to pardon and go for a safer execute such as meme.

No u

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You do what you gotta do.

Me, I am honestly not concerned of the danger.

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