Grand Idea Mafia: FoL Edition


The Liked
Must post at least once per day. At the end of the day, if you don’t get at least 3 likes on each of your posts you will die. If you ever tell people your real class or ask for likes you will be modkilled.

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Oh god

The Dislike
Passive-If you get 10 likes in a day you get modkilled for being to liked

litten you forgot the number on your class

Emoji movie fan
Passive - Can only post emojis. Cannot use letter or number emojis like :a: :b:, etc.
Day ability - You can speak with normal words on your next post, but only to make an essay about how great emoji movie is. 1 use.

Okay. I’ll make an essay in this post, bypassing that restriction.

Post 724

Loophole closer

Neutral Offensive
Passive: Rules Lawyer - Immune to death at night and during the day. This immunity works against mechanics that would get you modkilled (you can still be modkilled for breaking forum rules)

Day Ability: Loophole - DM the host a quote of a player either saying the Number 721 or 724, saying an equation that evaluates to 721 or 724, or making reference to classes who’s combined average is equal to or between 721 or 724, or saying a word that sounds identical to (and possibly just is) “Loophole” or “Closer” Or “Liked” or “Disliked”. You will immediately dayvig that player (1 use)

Goal: Kill someone

Reroll someone else to 721 immediately if it wasn’t rolled


Todd Howard

Neutral Social
Come on guys its on sale! (Day ability) - You will sell Skyrim to everyone that visits you tonight. 1 use.
Buy Skyrim! (Night) - Sell Skyrim to a player. Unlimited uses.
What do you mean you don’t want it? (Night) - Kill a player. Can only target people that haven’t bought Skyrim. 2 uses.
Goal: Make sure every living player has bought Skyrim.


Repeater Deleter

Neutral Special

No Repeats (Passive): This class is automatically rolled when there is a repeat in classes. Reroll them, and if this is rolled(whether naturally or by this passive), then classes posted more than once by the same player cannot be rolled.
No Regrets (Passive): You are immune to all forms of death besides lynching for as long as you want, but you will be seen as suspicious to investigators and aren’t immune to occupation/redirection during that time. You are immune to all neutral abilites, this cannot be bypassed.
Reroll! (Day): Receive a random day ability from any class in this thread, as long as it isn’t repeated or currently in the game. It will have infinite uses with a one night cooldown. [1 Use]
Reroll! Pt 2 (Day): Receive a random day ability from any class in this thread, as long as it isn’t repeated or currently in the game. It will have two uses. [1 Use]
Reroll! Pt 3 (Night): Receive a random night ability from any class in this thread, as long as it isn’t repeated or currently in the game. It will have infinite uses with a one night cooldown [1 Use]
Reroll! Pt 4 (Night): Receive a random night ability from any class in this thread, as long as it isn’t repeated or currently in the game. It will have two uses. [1 Use]

Win Condition: Have all other neutrals dead but the end of the game.

Can @Ashe link me to litizen please?


Just saying it doesn’t work like that… For you can’t force this to spawn you can only hope it spawns. Because its a random number generator.

Innocent Child (BD Social)
Day Ability-Reveal yourself as the innocent child!

Innocent Demon (UNSEEN SOCIAL)
Day Ability-Reveal yourself as a innocent child!

Day Ability-Track-Track someone seeing if they leave their house tonight-Unlimited Uses
Night Ability 1-Track V 2.0-See who target player visits.

Tracker Litten (Unseen Offensive)
Day Ability-Distract-Distract someone from visiting there destined target. they will instead visit (X)-Unlimited Uses
Night Ability 1-Ambush-Ambush a player preventing them from visiting their target tonight-Unlimited Uses



The Fire Nation

Neutral Social
Everything Changed (Night) - Kill all Litizens. This bypasses all forms of healing, prevention and protection. They merge with you into one hivemind-esque hydra. They cannot post in the thread directly but you share a night chat with all of them. Anything they say in the night chat must be posted by you in the thread. Their win conditions become your win condition.
Your objective is to see the town lose.


732 (post a number pls Marl)

The Paradox
Immovable object [P] You cannot die by any means, even your abilities
Unstoppable Force [N] You will kill yourself tonight, bypassing all methods of protection, even your passive.

Wincon: Come up with a problem the moderator cannot solve.

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Ambusher (BD Killing)
Day Ability-Lying in the bushes-All visits shall be prevented to you tonight-2 uses
Night Ability 1-Prepare a ambush at a players house. You shall kill one of their visitors-Infinite Uses


It’s actually BD tho.

No u

The Metal Detector (BD investigative)
Day Abiliy-Search a person. You will see if they have killed before-unlimited uses

(Help me make good uncomfirmable classes :frowning: )

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The BD Arsonist :slight_smile: (BD Killing)
Day Ability-Ignite all your doused targets killing the doused and you. Bypasses immunity-Unlimited Uses.
Night Ability 1-Douse

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