Grand Idea Mafia: FoL Edition


Angry Hippo

Named squire, but must make a reference of YELLING AT PEOPLE TO NOT TO DISCUSS IN THE GRAND IDEA MAFIA THREAD once a day or be modkilled.



Eeveelutions Offensive

Too many eeveelutions (passive) - Only one member of eeveelutions can perform a killing action each night.
Water Gun (night) - Shoot the player, killing them. Cannot be redirected/occupied.

Acid armor (night) - Redirect 1 or 2 players at you. You are immune to all effects of this visits for toonight. (But not next night, aka killing from hardcounter).
Muddy water (day) - All players will be able to target only one higher/lower on the rolelist tonight. This is anounced at the night start. Counts as redirection. - 2 uses

Use only with eevee (565) and a faction hardcounter (569 by me, not Joker).

Post 572: Usable (Just needs Persona Name changes)



Denizen of the Velvet Room
Le Grimoire (Passive) - When a negative effect is attempted to be used on you, you will use the Persona that counters the negative ability. If multiple negative effects are used on you, you will change personas to counter the most life-threatening effect. You may not switch personas twice in the same phase.
The Velvet Pass (Day) - Invite a player to a day/night chat. Any player that uses a positive ability on the target of this ability will be invited to this day/night chat. Any players “invited” must wait a night phase before being added to the chat. - 1 use
Orb of Sight (Day) - Bestow an investigative ability to the player. This investigative ability will have unlimited uses and results can not be changed in any form. - 2 uses
The Truth (Day or Night) - This ability may only be used when certain prequisites are met. It must be Day Five or older. You must have changed personas at least twice. The Orb of Truth must have been given to a Neutral that whom was then changed into the designated “Good” faction. Upon using this ability, all future night phases will be replaced by day phases. All abilities used in the night will become day abilities. Each day phase will be 24 hours and any “Neutrals” or “Evils” must be killed for “Good” to win. The player whom recieved the Orb of Truth will have fulfilled their win condition and any remaining “Neutrals” with a win condition relating to survival will change to “Protect Margaret and the one whom will save the world (Holder of the Orb of Truth).”
Orb of Truth (Night) - Players visiting this player and being visited by this player may not recieve incorrect results. When this ability is used on a player of the faction designated as evil, this Orb will become corrrupted. When corrupted, the Orb will make all ability results incorrect and cause the ability The Truth to be unable to be used. If the Orb of Truth is used on a neutral regardless of them being a killer, their faction will be changed to the designated “Good” faction. - 1 use
Goal: Guide a faction of your choice to the truth (victory.) AND use the ability The Truth.
Alternate Goal: Live to see (Random Player) fulfill their win condition AND use the ability The Truth.

Le Grimoire Persona List
P1 - Immune to death, day vigilantes, and execution.
P2 - Immune to occupation and redirection.
P3 - Immune to voting changing and framing.
P4 - Immune to ALL things that attempt to bypass.
P5 - Immune to poison and bleeding.
P6 - Immune to treestumping.
P7 - Immune to faction changes & framing.
P8 - Immune to role changes.
P9 - Immune to all things not previously stated.
P10 - Passively in this state. Stays in this state until the first instance requiring a change. Heals all visitors and tells you how many neutrals remain in the game.



Eeveelution support

Too many eeveelutions (passive) - Only one member of eeveelutions can perform a killing action each night.
Feint Attack (night) - Attack the player, killing them. Does not count as visit. (still can be redirected tho)

Assurance (night) - Replace target’s night results with one of your choice.
Dark Pulse (day) - Chose 2 players, you will learn what night results they got. - 2 uses

Use only with eevee (565) and a faction hardcounter (569 by me, not Joker).

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Eeveelution offenssive

Too many eeveelutions (passive) - Only one member of eeveelutions can perform a killing action each night.
Ice Fang (night) - Bite the player, killing and occupying them.

Blizzard (night) - Freeze a player and all visitors, occupying them and preventing from using day abilities tommorow. - 2 uses
Mirror Coat (day) - Tonight all actions used on you will be reflected back to users. - 1 use

Use only with eevee (565) and a faction hardcounter (569).

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Eeveelution special

Too many eeveelutions (passive) - Only one member of eeveelutions can perform a killing action each night.
Best pokemon (passive) - Only @eevee can become Sylveon.

Synchronoise (night) - Use nighty ability of any other eeveelution - 1 night cooldown
Charm (day) Use day ability of any other eeveelution - 1 night cooldown

So basicly that thing can do a lot but has massive cooldown on it.
Meh. I run out of ideas, k? :’)

( @NAOtheRitualist post your classes here and just put the next number at the top of every class)

Lemme just find all of them


I love grand idea!

Passive-I love it!-Every post you must say how much you love grand idea and complement about how well classes are made there. Insulting a class and or making fun of grand idea shall be a instamodkill.
Day Ability 1-I love grand idea!-Give someone the passive I love it!-Unlimited Uses
Night Ability-Give someone I love it! passive-Unlimited Uses

Converts into…

I Hate Grand Idea!

Passive-I hate it!-Every post you must say how much you hate grand idea and insult every class. Saying a class is nice or complimenting it is a insta mod kill.
Day Ability 1-I hate grand idea!-Give someone I hate it! passive-Unlimited Uses
Night Ability 1-Give someone I hate it! passive-Unlimited Uses

Post 576

Stop Making Bad Ideas Kthxbye

Blue Dragon Wisdom of the Mod

Passive (Personal Bias) - You may only target Firekitten, Marcus_Doodalee, MaximusPrime, htm, temmeh and CaptainNeerbins with your Manual Wisdom Of The Mod ability.

Night (Don’t worry, I’ll protecc you!) - basically Knight’s defend

Night (Manual Wisdom of the Mod) - Kill a player (Infinite uses)
BD goal

converts into regular Enforcer




Love Immoral

Douchery and Hello Ladies (Passive) - Any attempt to kill you at night, poison, or bleed will fail. However, you will be framed for the night.
Not So Majestic Love Life (Passive) - If you are occupied or prevented from visiting someone, you will instead use Blind Date on the one that prevent or occupy you.
Oh Sh*t It’s Hera (Day) - Sacrifice a member of your harem to Hera and bleed them along with another target. 3 uses.
Blind Date (Night) - Visit and seduce a player. They will be added to your harem. Infinite uses.
Night Long Party (Night) - Party through the night, attempting to occupy everyone in the court. Infinite uses. Bleed 2 members of your harem.

Goal: Ensure that your harem survives until the end and/or end the game with all remaining players bleeding.



Love Protective

Sacred Bond (Passive) - If Hera rolls, two players, [x] and [y] will randomly have their life bond with each other. They will be notified of this. If they originally can’t win together, they can only win with each other instead.

Sacred Love (Passive) - Your life is bound with [x]. You will share a night and day chat with him. If one of you die, so will the others.

ZEUS GET BACK HERE (Day) - Screams at your playboy husband and end the day prematurely, even during trials. 2 uses. 2-days cooldown.
Mother Knows Best (Night) - Redirect the action of one player to another. Infinite uses.
Love Shall Prevail (Night) - Envelops two players with a divine ward. They will be healed and occupied for the night. Infinite uses.

Goal: Ensure that [x] and [y] live until the end of the game.

Post 579

The Necromancer

Neutral Killer

Passive (Undead) : Immune at night. Immune to Occupation and Redirection.Immune to poison and bleeding.
Passive (Followers) : The Starting Zombie will become The Necromancer if The Original Necromancer is killed before N5.

Day Ability (Living Horde) : Send a message telepathically to all living Zombies.(2 Uses)
Day Ability (Death & Life) : Kill a living zombie to gain an extra use of “Angel of Death”.(Infinite Uses)

Night Ability (Transformation) : Transform a living player into a Zombie. (Infinite Uses ~ Can’t Transform Royalty)
Night Ability (Angel of Death) : Prevent all visitors from visiting you and kill all players that visits you.(2 Uses)

The Zombie


Passive (Rotting) : Dies after 3 nights.(Starting Zombie doesn’t have this Passive.)
Passive (Back From The Grave) : Immune to poison and bleeding.

Day Ability (Dead End) : Make a player use a day ability on themselves. (1 Use)

Night Ability (Eye From Above - For Transformed Investigative Classes) : Check if a player is Blue Dragon.(3 Uses)
Night Ability (Death Sentence - For Transformed Killer Classes) : Attack a player.(Infinite Uses)
Night Ability (News From The Grave - For Transformed Social Classes) : Check a player to see their last night’s action.(2 Uses)
Night Ability (Help From The Dead - For Transformed Support Classes) : Heal a player.(2 Uses)
Night Ability (Protector - For Transformed Support Classes) : Protect a player from death.(1 Use)
Night Ability (Instigator - For Transformed Offensive Classes) : Occupy a player and everyone who visits them.Doesn’t Bypass Ocuppy Immunity.(2 Use)

Win condition(The Necromancer) : Kill the players of the main factions.
Win condition(The Zombies) : Support The Necromancer into achieving their goal.

Post 580

The Sergeant

Blue Dragon Investigative

Day Ability (From The Shadows) : Make a bird follow targeted player and see if they left the room the following night.(Infinite Uses - May Not Target The Same Player Twice In A Row)

Night Ability (Curiosity) : Find Out What The Targeted Player Did Last Night.(Infinite Uses - Not Usable Night 1 , Can NOT See Attacks and Conversion & Not Usable On The Same Target Twice in a row.)
Night Ability (Master of Battle) : Find Out If Your Targeted Player Was Attacked Or Healed.(Infinite Uses - May Not Target The Same Target Twice In A Row)

The Commander

Unseen Investigative

Day Ability (Confusion) : Target A Player And He Won’t Be Able To Speak The Next Day.(2 Uses)
Day Ability (Veteran) : Make Yourself Look Not Suspicious Tonight.(1 Use)

Night Ability (Revolt) : Find Out Who Visited Your Fellow Unseen Last Night.(Infinite Uses)
Night Ability (Treachery) : Find Out If Your Targeted Player Is A Killer or Support Class.(Infinite Uses)

Post 581

The Psychic

Blue Dragon Investigative

Day Ability (Mental Link) : Target a player to see what they do and what they talk at night.(1 Use - Can NOT target King)

Night Ability (The Truth Finder) : Target two players to see who to trust.(Infinite Uses - You will see the next messages at the end of the night : 1) “Player 1 is more trustworthy than Player 2” , 2) “Player 1 is as trustworthy as Player 2” , 3) “Player 1 is less trustworthy than Player 2”)
Night Ability (Third Eye) : Target a player to see their faction.(3 Uses)

The Wonder

Unseen Investigative

Day Ability (Misdirect) : Target a player , disabling their Night Abilities.(2 Uses)

Night Ability (Mind Error) : Target a player and Unseen Member. All Investigative actions against your Unseen member will appear as not suspicious when checked by The Sheriff , appear as not visiting for The Observer and your selected results (K/O,S/S,S/I) for The Princess.(5 Uses - May Not Target King)
Night Ability (Eye of The Wonder) : See all people who visit the Unseen and learn their role.(2 Uses - May Not Use 2 Nights In A Row)

Post 582

The Blacksmith

Blue Dragon Support

Passive (Hired for The Court) : Immune to Occupation and Redirection

Day Ability (Self-Helper) : Make yourself a piece of armor tonight. (4 Uses - Can Stack Up To 3 Pieces of Armor. Once Selected , You Won’t Be Able To Use Your Night Abilities For Tonight. 1 Piece of Armor = 1 Attack Dodged. Enforcer’s “Frenzy” Will Bypass All The Armor Pieces)
Day Ability (Help Of Iron) : Make a player a piece of armor tonight. (6 Uses - Can NOT Target King. Once Selected , You Won’t Be Able To Use Your Night Abilities For Tonight. Stacking Is The Same As Your Other Day Ability And Your Night Abilities Will Be Disabled.)

Night Ability (Watchful) : See who visits the player who you made a piece of armor for.(Infinite Uses - Targets The Last Player Who You Made A Piece Of Armor For. Can Not Target The Same Player The Night After You Made The Piece of Armor.)
Night Ability (Bravery) : Protect the last player you made a piece of armor for.(2 Uses - If Your Target Gets Attacked , You Will Die Instead Of Him/Her And Kill Their Attacker. Bypasses Your Night Immunity Via Armor And The Attacker’s Night Immunity.)

The Forger

Unseen Support

Passive (Traitor of The Court) : Immune to Occupation and Redirection.
Passive (Passing Armor) : You will keep all The Pieces of Armor you had.

Day Ability (Self-Deceive) : Make yourself a fake piece of armor that makes you appear not suspicious for tonight.(Infinite Uses - Once You Use This , Your Night Abilities Will Be Disabled For Tonight AND This Will Not Grant You Death Immunity)
Day Ability (Friend of The Enemy) : Make one of your Unseen members a piece of armor that makes them Immune To Death and appear not suspicious for tonight. (1 Use - Death Immunity Lasts Forever Until They Get Attacked. They Won’t Get Detected Only For A Night)

Night Ability (Mischief) : Attack all the players you made a piece of armor for. (1 Use - Bypasses Healing AND Night Immunity From Your Armor. DOES NOT Include Your Unseen Member Who You Have Made A Piece Of Armor For.)
Night Ability (Traitor Until The End) : If one of your Unseen members gets attacked tonight , you will die instead of their place. (Infinite Uses - DOES NOT Kill Their Attacker. King’s “Order Execution” and Prince’s “Execute” Can Not Prevent Death UNLESS A Court Wizard Empowers You.)

Post 583

The Third Eye

Blue Dragon Social
Day Ability (Mental Challenge) : Make a player accuse another one of treason. (2 Uses)

Night Ability (Mental Link) : Select 2 players. Their whispers to each other will be hidden from The Court.(Infinite Uses - May Not Target Yourself)
Night Ability (Unbalance in The Court) : Hear The Cult/The Unseen members talk. (1 Use - Announce The Cult/The Unseen someone’s listening to them)

The Mind Twister

Unseen Social

Day Ability (Mind Control) : Your vote will count as 2 votes.(3 Uses - You vote someone and make someone vote that person without telling the target who made them vote that person.The Person who you take control of will not see that they voted)

Night Ability (Clarity) : Select 2 players. Their whispers to each other will be hidden from The Court BUT you can see their whispers.(Infinite Uses - May Not Target Yourself)
Night Ability (Spy The Mind) : Form a mental link with The Prince and their imprisoned person , hearing what they say in Jail.(2 Uses)

Post 584

The Gardener :shield:

Neutral Social

Passive (Nature’s Shield) - Prevents visits at night when you use one of your Night Abilities.

Day Ability (Magic Beanstalk) - When the targeted player uses a day ability , it backfires and they target themselves. - 3 Uses(May not target The King.)

Night Ability (From The Ground) - Select a player. That Player won’t be able to talk or vote during the next day.(3 Uses)
Night Ability (Mother Nature) - Select a player. You will be able to talk as them and vote in their place the next day.(2 Uses - The Selected Player will not see your talk.)

The Botanist :shield:

Unseen Social

Passive (Tree Shadow) - While alive , your Unseen members will appear as not suspicious to The Sheriff.

Day Ability (Treachery From The Willow) - When the targeted player investigates someone , they will receive incorrect feedback. - 3 Uses

Night Ability (Flower Power) - Select a player. Any abilities against that player will target instead random players.(2 Uses - CAN Target The King)
Night Ability (Disloyal Until The End) - Your Vote will count as many times as there are Unseen dead. If Nobody is executed the next day , you will gain Death Immunity the next night.(1 Use)

Post 585

The Morphling

Neutral Social

Night Ability (Remember) - Target a DEAD player to become their class. This will be announced to The Court the next day. Once you’ve remembered a role , you will get all of those classes’ passives and abilities.(Infinite Uses - Can NOT Remember Unique Roles and Becomes Unconvertable when remembering a Blue Dragon Role)