Grand Idea Mafia: FoL Edition

Post 586

The Betrayed :shield:

Neutral Offensive

Passive (War Veteran) - Immune to Occupation and Redirection.
Passive (Enemy of the Enemy) - All attack attempts against you will be shown as “Prevented” and your attacker will learn your identity as “The Betrayed”,

Day Ability (Threaten) - Make a player use their day most left ability on another player - 3 Uses(May NOT Target King)

Night Ability (Confusion) - “Occupy” a player. They will get a message that they were prevented , but you will see their ability’s feedback.(Infinite Uses - Bypasses Occupy Immunity)
Night Ability (Protector) - Defend a player. If that player gets attacked , all visiting players , except attackers , will die instead of you.(3 Uses)
Successfully witness the Blue Dragon’s downfall. - You don’t need to be alive.

Post 587

The Witness

Neutral Investigative

Day Ability (Hide) - You will become immune tonight. Your Night Abilities will be disabled. - 3 Uses

Night Ability (Watch Closely) - If your target gets attacked tonight , you will learn the name of the attacker. (Infinite Uses - Usable on every other night)
Night Ability (Scouting) - Determine a player’s faction. (4 Uses)
Witness a killer’s execution.

Post 588

The SunMaster

Neutral Killer

Passive (Sunny) - Immune to Redirection & Occupation. Immune to death at night.

Day Ability (Plant Seeds) - Make a player not able to use their day abilities(It will seem like they worked) & turn them into a sunflower after 2 days. - 2 Uses.

Night Ability (Sun Dance) - Blind another player, stopping them from targeting accurately &
redirect them to a random target.(Bypasses Redirection Immunity - 3 Uses)
Night Ability (Burn) - Select a player to “douse” them in pollen. Select yourself to kill all doused targets.(Infinite Uses)
Eliminate the members of the main factions

The Sunflower

Neutral Special

Day Ability (Expose) - Expose a player to magic mushrooms that will make them believe they were poisoned/bled. - 1 Use

Night Ability (Sunlight) - Identify a player’s faction.(3 Uses - For Converted Investigative Classes)
Night Ability (Grow Roots) - Roots a player , occupying them and forcing them to target you.(2 Uses - For Converted Offensive Classes)
Night Ability (Magic Seeds) - Grow a plant under a player , making him force someone randomly the next day.(3 Uses - For Converted Social Classes.)
Night Ability (Herbs) - Drug a player , making them think they were attacked and healed.(3 Uses - For Converted Support Classes)
Night Ability (Help From Nature) - Protect a player from death.(Infinite Uses - For Converted Killer Classes)
Help The SunMaster to fulfill his win condition.

Post 589

The Ghost :shield:

Neutral Special

Passive (Afterlife) - Immune to Occupation and Redirection. Immune to Death at Night.
Passive (Afterlife) - Can’t talk during they day & can’t vote.Can’t write in LOGS. If The Ghost is killed , it will affect the killer(& his faction).
Day Ability (Dead Connection) - Open a portal connecting the dead world with the living world. You will be able to talk for the rest of the day.(2 Uses - This doesn’t affect dead players , only YOU can talk BUT you still can’t vote.)
Day Ability (Contact From The Grave) - Talk to a player tonight privately. If the living player dies , you will get their class , with some additional effects improving their class. (Infinite Uses - May Not Target King. Only Usable to Contact 2 Players)

Night Ability (Deadly Enemy) - Make a player(besides the one that you are talking to) target another player.(3 Uses - Bypasses Redirection Immunity)
Night Ability (Scare) - Prevent all visits against your contacted player. (Infinite Uses)
Night Ability (Remember) - Remember a dead contacted player’s class.

Punishments for your killers & their factions
Killers: Butler[Nightshade Wine] , Hunter[Wolf Companion] , Prince[Execute] , Assassin[Assassinate] Reaper[Reap] .

Punishments: Butler - Will no longer be able to use “Concentrated Wine” and may get incorrect feedback from their abilities , Hunter - Will lose 1 charge of Every Ability , Prince - Can no longer Execute , Assassin - Will not be able to kill for 2 nights and will not be able to use "2-1" , Reaper - Will not be able to Use “Icy Touch” & "Gather Darkness" .

When The Ghost is executed in The Court: There will be only 1 Trial per day for the rest of the game.

Effects gained upon getting a contacted player’s that just died class :
Butler - (Expert in Winery) Every other Night your abilities will bypass Occupation Immunity & you will get an extra charge of “Concentrated Wine”.
Court Wizard - (Self-Helper) You will get an extra charge of “Clear Mind” and “Tornado”. “Clear Mind” can be used on yourself.
Drunk - (Realization) If you debauch a player into you , you will get Night Immunity(If you get attacker). “Happy Hour” now tells you if you have got rid of Occupy Immunities.
Hunter - (Deadly Nature) “Wolf Companion” now instantly kills targets.
Knight - (Second Chance) You will live after killing one member of Blue Dragon BUT if you kill another one , you will take your own life as well.
Mystic - (The Thinker) “Private Matter” & “Telepathy” gain one extra charge. “Conduit” will lose a charge but you can allow 3 players to talk at night. You will be able to hear them and talk to them.
Noble - (Loyalty) All Abilities receive one more charge.
Observer - (Closer Look)“Window Peek” now tells you the player’s exact class.
Paladin - (Help From Above) Your Abilities’ Results can’t be tempered with. (Frame , Brotherhood etc)
Physician - (A Secret Investigator) Successfully healing a player identifies their killer.
Prince - (Hold on!) Targets can be jailed one more night.(4 Nights)
Princess - (Inspection) Will-of-Wisp now tells you who the target attacked.
Sheriff - (Master) Your findings will be announced to the court daily.

Alcoholic - (Surprise) Your Debauchery’s second target will be occupied.
Assassin - (Experienced Killer) Your Poison can’t be healed. Your “2-1” Ability will fail if either target is healed,Immune or you are prevented from visiting them. You will keep your “2-1” Ability and it will be used when 2 kills have been secured.
Aristocrat - (Royalty) You can no longer be Occupied.
Duchess - (Treachery) Your investigative target will show up as Unseen to the Sheriff & Observer.
Enforcer - (Hired) If you prevent an attacker from visiting your Unseen Members , you will kill them.(Bypassess Night Immunity , Can’t Protect from King’s “Order Execute” or Prince’s “Execute”)
Herbalist - (The Court “Healer”) The First player that you defile will have their logs deleted.
Illusionist - (3rd Dimension) Your “Mind Warp” ability can no longer be protected from The Court Wizard.
Marshal - (Secret Finder) You can temper with your target’s logs. When they die , they will show your fake logs instead of theirs.
Mastermind - (Old Detective) Your first convert can not be protected by The Court Wizard.
Nightwatch - (Little Angel) You will see who visits The Unseen.
Poacher - (Toxic Traps) Your Snare Traps can kill the player if they left their room.(Doesn’t Bypass Night Immunity)
Sage - (Trickery) Your Tornadoes swap the Investigative results of players.
Servant - (Poison Wine) When you use “Concentrated Wine” , you will kill all visiting players.

Apostle - (Spy with My Little Eye) Whispers can be read by all Cult Members when using Cult Spy.
Cult Leader - (Devoted) You are Immune To Occupation & Redirection.
Invoker - (Monstrous Person) You will make a player looks as Cult to the Paladin & Observer.
Ritualist - (True Cultist) If The Cult Leader targets only 1 player with “Eradicate” , you will guarantee that kill.
Seeker - (Demonic Eyes) You gain an extra charge for all your abilities.

Alchemist - (Experienced Chemist) Your “Emerald Potion” ability will cause Bleeding to the Target if the Target is Immune To Death.
Fool - (Mercy) All abilities against you will be “Prevented”.
Inquisitor - (Clarity) You are forever Immune at Night.
Mercenary - (Second Guard) You will be Immune at Night while Protecting the King.
Possessor - (Invisible Master) Your visits will be hidden.
Reaper - (Lord of Death) Tempers with a reaped player’s class.
Scorned - (The Truth) Your target’s abilities will receive incorrect feedback.
Sellsword - (Staring Eyes) When you use “Intimidate” , you will be Immune at Night.
Sorcerer - (Spell Caster) Your “Circle of Death” will have different effects on the target person , depending on their class. ( Offensive classes will get “Occupied” , Killer classes will target the king , Support classes will target themselves and Investigative classes will receive incorrect feedback.)


If you “contact” a player N1 and that player gets Executed during the day , you will have 2 options : A) Remember Their Role During The Night (Note : If a Mastermind is killed , no new MM is created during THAT night. If an Assassin is killed , no new Assassin is created during THAT night. And this applies for every converted class as well : If a duchess gets executed, the Mastermind wont be able to convert THAT night. If the fourth member of the cult gets executed , The Cult Leader can’t convert THAT night.) or B) Contact another player.

If you “contact” a player N1 and that player gets killed at night , you will either : A) Remember their role the next night(The Note above applies here as well) or B) Contact another player.

What if all my contacts died and I didn’t remember any of their roles? Well , you have a night to think about what could happen if you remember a certain role! Don’t want to remember none of them? Well too bad! You have just lost communication to the Living World! You will now become a human! BUT not any human! You shall become , “The Fool”! (Note : You won’t have any Night Abilities)

Do I win if I don’t remember any classes? Yes , as long as one of your contacts is alive.

The Ghost can NOT see Dead Chat.

Goal : Survive until the end or remember a role and fulfill it’s win condition.
Goal(The “Ghost” Fool) : Get yourself publicly executed.

Post 590

The Ghost King :shield:

Neutral King(From Neutral Special)

Passive (Ghostly Tenacity) - Immune to Occupation & Redirection. Immune to Death at Night.
Passive (Afterlife) - Can’t talk during the day. If contacted players are alive , you will be able to speak to both of them at the same time.(They will hear each other)

Day Ability (Ghostly Finger) - Accuse another player of treason.(Infinite Uses - This counts as 1 Vote)
Day Ability (Decide Fate) - Decide one’s fate.(1 Use)

Night Ability (Ghost Friends) - Prevents visits against a player.(3 Uses)
Night Ability (Self-Sacrifice) - Protect a player yourself. If the target gets attacked , you will die instead of them & take their attacker down with you.(Infinite Uses - If the attacker doesn’t die(Note : This Bypasses Night Immunity) , They will suffer Punishments - See The Ghost - Only Killer Classes will be affected)
Goal: One or both contacted player(s) survive/win.

Post 591

The Farmer :shield:

Neutral Social

Day Ability (Magic Mushrooms) - Give a player magic mushrooms that will cause them to hallucinate. Hallucination prevents voting and if the target uses a day ability , they will target themselves. (3 Uses - Can NOT Target King)
Day Ability (Influencer) - Make a player not votable tomorrow. (2 Uses - May Not Target King)

Night Ability (Secret Helper) - Redecorate a player’s room. Redecoration takes 1 night to complete. The Target won’t be able to use his Night Abilities and to talk at Night.(Infinite Uses - May Not Target the Same Player Twice in a row. Example of the ability : “You have planned to redecorate X’s room” - N2. This means N3 , “X” won’t be able to use their abilities or talk if they have a Night Chat)
Night Ability (Lower Class) - Revolt at a player’s doorstep. They and everyone visiting them will target you instead(or get occupied if they an occupy immunity - Bypasses Occupy Immunity.) and you will see all the feedback of abilities used on you. (2 Uses - You will be immune to conversion and death since you’re not in your room because there are too many witnesses for a killer to murder you.)
Goal: Survive Until The End Of The Game.

The Shepherd :shield:

Blue Dragon Social

Day Ability (Transformation) - Transform a player into a sheep. They will no longer be able to vote today.(3 Uses - May Not Target King)
Day Ability (Hired to Distract) - Target a player. That player will no longer be able to use his Night Abilities & to talk tonight.(2 Uses - May Not Target King)

Night Ability (Traveling Businessman) - All players targeting one of your Unseen Members will target you instead(or get occupied if they an occupy immunity - Bypasses Occupy Immunity.). You will appear as not suspicious to redirected Investigative Classes. You will not be Immune to Death.(Infinite Uses)
Night Ability (Sheep Horde) - Targeted player won’t be able to vote or get voted tomorrow.(2 Uses - 2 Uses)
Goal: Defeat the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that seek you harm.

Post 592

The Totem Lover :shield:

Neutral Social

Passive (The Shield of The Amulet) - Immune to Redirection & Occupation. Immune to Death at Night.(The Amulet Bearer has this ability. The Death Immunity is only owned by The Amulet Lover when he is possession of The Amulet)
Passive (Too Much Power) - One Person needs to keep The Amulet under control every night.

Day Ability (Give Amulet) - Give a player The Amulet. They will gain " The Shield of The Amulet" passive.(Infinite Uses - In the hand of others , The Amulet fields not as much power as it fields in your hands - All actions against your target EXCEPT Murder will be prevented - May Not Target King)
Day Ability (Keep Amulet) - Keep the Amulet yourself.(Infinite Uses - Your amulet has been with you for too long. You can’t feel its power decreasing. - Times when the Amulet loses power : 2 Uses of “Keep Amulet” - Removes Immunity to Redirection & Occupation , 3 Uses of “Keep Amulet” - Removes Death Immunity , 5 Uses of “Keep Amulet” - It breaks and you commit suicide.)

Night Ability (Watchful Eye) - Watch over the player that has your Amulet to see who visits them.(3 Uses - Can target yourself)
Night Ability (Last Stand) - Step in and protect the player that has your Amulet. You will die and kill the attackers. (Infinite Uses - Not Usable Until you have lost all your “Watchful Eye” charges - When you use this ability , abilities against your target will no longer be prevented.)
Goal: The Amulet is intact at the end of the game.

Notes :

If The Amulet Bearer gets executed by the Court , you will be given The Amulet back.(This affects its power.). If The Amulet Bearer is killed at night , you will commit suicide over your most valuable thing being destroyed.

Post 593

The Dancer

Blue DragonSupport

Passive (Dancing Shoes) - Immune to occupation and redirection. Will keep this Passive even if you class changes.

Day Ability (Dance Lessons) - You will be immune to all attacks tonight.(2 Uses)

Night Ability (Teaching Dance Lessons) - All attacks to target player shall be prevented. Instead all visits to you shall also be done to your target player as well.(Infinite Uses ~ See Mechanics)
Goal: Defeat The Unseen/The Cult and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Ballerina

Unseen Offensive

Passive (Dancing Shoes) - Immune to occupation and redirection. You will keep this passive even if your class changes.

Day Ability (Dance Lessons) - You shall be immune to all attacks tonight.(2 Uses)

Night Ability (Teaching Dance Lessons) - Targeted player’s abilities will fail tonight. It will look like it’s “Prevented”.(Unlimited Uses - It’s not occupation , pseduo prevention.)
Night Ability (Redirected Dance) - Targeted player will believe they were redirected to this player when they weren’t.(3 Uses - No ability gets prevented , they get a message like “You were forced to Investigative X” - Bypasses Redirection Immunity)
Goal: Defeat The Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The most useful ability in The Dancer’s kit is “Teaching Dance Lessons”. So this will be dedicated to explain how that works. The most important thing is that : “Negative & Positive effect go to the Dancer and the Target”
Situation 1 - Let’s say a Princess/Sheriff/Pally/Observer investigates/follows you. They will instead get your target’s results without them knowing you redirected them to him/her. (This is why this Bypasses Redirection Immunity. ~ Works on all Investigative Abilities - Doesn’t tell them they were “Redirected”)
Situation 2 - You’re basically a knight. You prevent attacks and don’t die when you successfully do so. So if you get healed , you make a healing circle(of 2 people) with the person you selected.
Situation 3 - If you get attacked and die as The Dancer when you’ve selected someone , your target dies as well.
Situation 4 - Ahh , conversions! If The Mastermind/The Cult Leader tries to convert you or your target , you will get converted instead.(Doesn’t matter if there are still spaces for conversions.)
Situation 5 - The Good Ol’ Might Possessor! When using “Puppet String” , both The Dancer and their target will visit the second target the the Possessor Selected. If you decide to “Possess” either The Dancer or their target , The Possessor will jump into The Dancer’s body and will kill the target.
Situation 6 - The Circle of Death now will kill all players visiting either The Dancer or their Target.
Situation 7 - Reaper game! Now you may think : “What can I do to prevent my target from dying?” Stack up on “Dance Lessons” or The Reaper will Reap 2 players! (Reap will count as a Negative Effect)

Post 594


The Corrupt Knight changes: Cold Steel has one use, and no drawback upon usage against Blue Dragon(Cold Steel: Kill someone, 1 use, Night)

Post 595


will reviving the NK repeatedly be a game mechanic
because that’s what I call M E M E P O T E N T I A L

1 Like


Salty Boi

Can only say “I made better shit than you so stfu”.

You are announced as a salty boi at the start of D1.

If you are lynched everyone gets a day vig which pierces immunity.

Goal: Not be lynched.



Pizza Guy
Day Ability-Deliver pizza to someone. they shall die in a day from bad pizza-Unlimited Uses



Neutral Special
Specify (Night) - You can decide the faction, type and win condition of the player you target’s class. If any of those properties are missing, they will become your choices. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to specify at least one faction, type or win condition if at least one class rolled with one or more of those properties missing. Otherwise, your objective is to survive.

1 Like


Unfinished class

Blue Dragon
placeholder name 1 (Passive) - You are immune to
placeholder name 2 (Day ability) - Upon activation you will immediately
placeholder name 3 (Night ability) - Select a player. you will

(glorified citizen)

Post 600


Blue Dragon Support

Time Warp (Night) - If your target is attacked tonight, the attack will happen in 2 nights instead. (Infinite uses)

Reconstruct Reality (Night) - All visits to your two targets will be swapped. (3 uses)
BD goal


Unseen Support

Time Acceleration (Passive) - While you are alive, the day numbers will increase like this:
Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 4 - Day 8 - Day 16 - Day 32 - Day - 64 etc.
On Day 666, time will freeze.

Impending Doom (Day) - Kill 5 players. (Infinite uses, only usable on Day 666, resets the days back to D2 after use.)

Reconstruct Reality (Night) - All visits to your two targets will be swapped. (Infinite uses)
Unseen Goal


That’ll take like 13-14 days at least so kinda useless

Hippo’s Alt
If hippo is in the game, use whatever class Hippo rolled

Post 601

No Nonsense Nathan

As long as you are alive there will be no trials.

@MaximusPrime stop fucking posting you hobo


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)laicoS lartueN( sdrawkcaB

206 tsoP

(everything is backwards)


The Traitor

Neutral Social
A Mask For Every Occasion (Passive) - You appear as a member of the Blue Dragon to faction investigations, except those done by a member of a scum faction. To them, they instead recieve the unique feedback “Your target is The Traitor!”, and are shown your class card.
Vigilante ‘Justice’ (Day) - Dayvig a target. The flavour will imply that this dayvig was performed by a member of the Blue Dragon, but the exact wording is up to the host. - 1 use
The Devil’s In The Details (Night) - Frame a player as a member of a scum faction present in the game, and make their type appear to be one of your choice. - Infinite uses
Deception (Night) - Your target will receive incorrect feedback from their abilities tonight, and every night after until you choose a different target with this ability. - Infinite uses, ‘set and forget’ (like Scout)
Your objective is to see one or more scum factions win the game (You do not need to survive to do this).



The Hero

Blue Dragon Killer
Guilt (Passive) - If you kill a member of the Blue Dragon (or a player who appeared to be one on death) with any of your abilities, you will commit suicide the following night.
Act First, Think Later (Passive) - You must use one of your night abilities each night. If you fail to do so, the host RNGs which ability you use (if you are still able to use both), and who on.
Nothing Personnel (Day) - Dayvig a target. The flavour will make it clear that this dayvig was performed by a member of the Blue Dragon, but the exact wording is up to the host. - 1 uses
Burning Steel (Night) - Attack a player with your flaming sword. - Infinite uses
Crusade! (Night) - Discover a target’s faction. If they are a member of the Blue Dragon, this ability is disabled regardless of remaining uses. Otherwise, you attack them, piercing immunity to death at night if they have it. - 3 uses
Your objective is to defeat the scum faction(s) and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Villain

Unseen Killer
Act With Caution (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and target changing. Additionally, if using an ability would cause your death, you are prevented from using it (though you won’t know why beyond this).
Twirl Mustache (Day) - Twirl your villainous moustache at a player. They will lose the ability to vote for today. - 1 use
Freezing Steel (Night) - Attack a player with your icy cold sword. You can’t use this ability on the same night that The Assassin attacks a player. - Infinite uses
Misdirection (Night) - Cause a player to visit someone (you can make them visit themselves). - 3 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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