The Vengeful Tomato
Neutral Killing
Passive - Vengeful Vegetable - You are so eager to revenge the humanity so you are occupied immune and death immune.
Passive 2 - Tomato-ish - You will appear as to be covered in red tomato when being investigated.
Day ability- Splat! - Throw a metal tomato to the target’s face, causing them to be bleeding and will died when the day ends. They will not be notified about it.(Infinity uses)
Night ability - Tomato day! - You throw three toxic tomato to the three target you want, causing them to be appeared as covered in tomato when being investigated. And in addition, they will go through three stages through the three days. (1 day 1 stages) (3 uses)
- First day - Can’t use day ability.
- Second day - Can’t use day ability and unable to vote.
- Third day - Won’t do anything but will die in the next 24 hours in the day.
- They will not be told they are affected with toxic tomato and when they used ability, they will be told something prevent them from using it. Also when they are voting, just don’t count their vote.
Connected version:
The Vengeful Tomato
Neutral Killing
Passive - Vengeful Vegetable - You are so eager to revenge the humanity so you are occupied immune and death immune.
Passive 2 - Tomato-ish - You will appear as to be covered in red tomato when being investigated.
Day ability- Splat! - Throw a metal tomato to the target’s face, causing them to be bleeding and will died when the day ends. They will not be notified about it. (Infinity uses)
Night ability - Tomato day! - You throw three toxic tomato to the three target you want, causing them to be appeared as covered in tomato when being investigated. And in addition, they will go through three stages through the three days. (1 day 1 stages) (3 uses)
- First day - Can’t use day ability.
- Second day - Can’t use day ability and unable to vote.
- Third day - Won’t do anything but will die in the next 24 hours in the day.
- They will not be told they are affected with toxic tomato and when they used ability, they will be told something prevent them from using it. Also when they are voting, just don’t count their vote.
Credit to Polik for the name