Grand Idea Mafia: FoL Edition


Super Mario Odessy

Neutral Killer

You’re still my 1-up boy (Passive) - You’re immune to death and occupation at night.

It’s time to jump up in the air! (Day) - Jump up in the air. All visits against you will fail tonight. (2 uses)

Cap Throw (Night) - Kill a player (Infinite uses))

CAPture (Night) - CAPture a player. You learn their exact class and command their abilities, and can also force them to kill a player each night in addition to any other actions (1 use)
NK wincon



The Stalker
Converted from the Observer
Bloodthirsty: (Passive) You must feed once every two days, or you will die.
Feed: (Night) You will feed on your target tonight; said target will be unable to use Day abilities the next day (Unlimited use - 1-day cooldown.)
Stalk: (Night) You will follow your target, seeing who they visit.
Silent Bat: Have a bat silently settle in your target’s room, informing you of all visitors to said target.


The Vengeful Tomato

Neutral Killing
Passive - Vengeful Vegetable - You are so eager to revenge the humanity so you are occupied immune and death immune.

Passive 2 - Tomato-ish - You will appear as to be covered in red tomato when being investigated.

Day ability- Splat! - Throw a metal tomato to the target’s face, causing them to be bleeding and will died when the day ends. They will not be notified about it.(Infinity uses)

Night ability - Tomato day! - You throw three toxic tomato to the three target you want, causing them to be appeared as covered in tomato when being investigated. And in addition, they will go through three stages through the three days. (1 day 1 stages) (3 uses)

  • First day - Can’t use day ability.
  • Second day - Can’t use day ability and unable to vote.
  • Third day - Won’t do anything but will die in the next 24 hours in the day.
  • They will not be told they are affected with toxic tomato and when they used ability, they will be told something prevent them from using it. Also when they are voting, just don’t count their vote.

Connected version:

The Vengeful Tomato

Neutral Killing
Passive - Vengeful Vegetable - You are so eager to revenge the humanity so you are occupied immune and death immune.
Passive 2 - Tomato-ish - You will appear as to be covered in red tomato when being investigated.
Day ability- Splat! - Throw a metal tomato to the target’s face, causing them to be bleeding and will died when the day ends. They will not be notified about it. (Infinity uses)
Night ability - Tomato day! - You throw three toxic tomato to the three target you want, causing them to be appeared as covered in tomato when being investigated. And in addition, they will go through three stages through the three days. (1 day 1 stages) (3 uses)

  • First day - Can’t use day ability.
  • Second day - Can’t use day ability and unable to vote.
  • Third day - Won’t do anything but will die in the next 24 hours in the day.
  • They will not be told they are affected with toxic tomato and when they used ability, they will be told something prevent them from using it. Also when they are voting, just don’t count their vote.

Credit to Polik for the name :slight_smile:

The carrot nk from blender(?)
But with the passive:
Veggie buddies - if the vengeful tomato is in the same game as you, you Will be in a neighborhood together, and won’t have to kill each other to win.



The Prophet

Neutral Special
All Knowing (Passive) - You know everybody’s starting class.
Judgement Day (Passive)- Everyone but neutrals will die on Day 12. Bypasses everything. Everyone will know your presence.
Cease (Day)- Prevent all kills. 2 uses.
Prophetic Word (Night) Prevent all votes. 2 uses
Trigger Judgement Day.


Counselor from Camp Cadaver but they can find Unseen, Cult , and NKs.

You mean Cop?


The Physical Representation Of Fade’s Annoyance At People Signing Up To Closed Signups


The Physical Representation of Death (Reaper)


One Hunty boi (Hunter)


Punny King

Good King, but every post must have a bad pun or they get modkilled.

(lol punny king is ez win for me)

The DIY.
Put your own abilities here.
They will be displayed to the thread.
If there is a majority on support , you will live as that class.
If not , you will lose.


Terrible King

Good King, but must use Decide Fate to kill the Prince, or loses.

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  1. wheres the class card in that.
  2. shut up :frowning:

Simon’s Mind



Convert all BD into Unseen, and turn Mastermind and Assassin into random Blue Dragon.

Besides the 2 people who didn’t post a class so far, that should be 278
But to make up for those, I’m going to do this:
278 - marcus’ spirit
279 - Simon’s mind
280 - imsomniac.

There! Now we’re all caught up

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How to get yourself banned 101.

Passive - Choose to ping a dev to receive a random ability.

Citizen but must ping a moderator not in the game in every post.



Miu Iruma

Passive - Can’t stop my mouth - For every 10 post you do, you must swear. (You can censor it.)

Citizen but need to swear.



Knight, but one that suicides on any Cold Steel.

Appears as the normal Knight.