Grand Idea Turbo - 4/13 - Town + BD win!

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Hear that? That’s nothing. Which is what I, as a speaker at today’s conference, have for you all. I have nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zippo. Nothing smart. Nothing inspirational. Nothing even remotely researched at all. I have absolutely nothing to say whatsoever. And yet, through my manner of speaking, I will make it seem like I do. Like what I am saying is brilliant. And maybe, just maybe, you will feel like you’ve learned something.

Now, I’m going to get started with the opening. I’m going to make a lot of hand gestures. I’m going to do this with my right hand, I’m going to do this with my left. I’m going to adjust my glasses. And then I’m going to ask you all a question. By a show of hands, how many of you all have been asked a question before? Okay, great, I’m seeing some hands. And again, I have nothing here.

Now, I’m going to react to that and act like I’m telling you a personal anecdote. Something to break the tension. Something to endear myself a little bit. Something kind of embarrassing. And you guys are going to make an “aw” sound. It’s true. It really happened.

And now I’m going to bring it to a broader point. I’m going to really beckon. I’m going to make it intellectual. I’m going to bring it to this man right here. Now, what this man did was important, I’m sure. But I, for one, have no idea who he is. I simply googled image the word “Scientist.”

cool we now have 2


Yeah Tro basically derpcleared herself as town so I’m not really too worried about it

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soulread says
light v
don’t ask how i know

Serious answer though, I picked those three because they stick out.

Are ya gonna be revealed as an IC by doing that?

dont vote yet


I think you are probably the GK and I am not so sure about everyone else. I am used to having more time to find alignments



gdi cloned

how long do we have

also i literally hardclaimed so

Exe - clonedcheese, TBE (2/7)
Pard - (0/7)

we have 12 minutes iirc

gdi TBE

sorry ;-;