Timer will start once you commit your first action.
Scavenge Rubble
Go South
Go East
Scavenge Rubble
Go South
Go East
5 slots maximum of item capacity.
Some items may have a maximum stack count.
can I drop items?
You can indeed drop items.
Everytime you move location it will decrease the timer by 10 seconds.
I will try and be as fast as I can.
ok I hope I am not too annoying with questions but
can I send 2 actions at same time to be faster
collecting items doesnt decrease timer by ten sec?
Collecting items does not decrease the timer.
You can send two actions at a time if it is scavenging.
/scavemge rubble
I’d prefer you asked questions rather than not
/go east
You see people sleeping.
Obtain electrical parts
Move west
Move south
Move north
/obtain elec parts
/move north
Gather food
Move west
Move east
/gather food
/move east