unless everyone is like that in this game
but then the game sucks and is going to be super hard to solve when nobody gives a damn about looking like town

you said it was for pressure, sure, i’m not pressured

but like

are there any other reasons?

I think eli had a fine EoD1 and the thread seems to just be revolving around pre-existing wolfreads on him

vibes are not good around that

Then why are you not voting him?
I really don’t like the “all bark no bite” inaction.

Dunno. He made 4 posts, with the 4th saying he won’t make it for EOD and left behind a readlist with no argument.

sorry but after that trainwreck of a game i just played i refuse to vote lowposters just because they are lowposters
pepega nonexistent villagers exist and have to be accounted for

it’s not about him giving readlist but about him not explaining any of the reads in it and not doing anything other than that

2 last thoughs

I, provided i’m alive, might take an aggressive / power position because there’s nothing to really support.

Im still going to try to not make my reads the focus of the game like wym

Speaking of that, “if x is alive later, they should die” is kiiiind of cringe reasoning because wolves can hunt PRs and then on d4 be like “yo wtf MARSHAL is ALIVE thats WACK isn’t he GOOD that means he should DIE!”

i’m going to be taking a span quiz for the next 30 mins or so
bye byes

this tell literally only works for alice and there’s an important caveat in that tell

i am sorry that i have made mistakes this d2
but i assure you i am the senate i am town.

so yeah i agree
anyway back to reading
will be back either this evening (briefly) or tomorrow
sorry i do other stuff during evenings most of the time

fair point i’ll have to check it myself

yea but I expect you to at least do something as town

Who said anything about pressuring you?
At first I wanted to keep pressuring Eli up to 6 votes, but then a bunch of inactivity happened.

Then I made Boss do something, which made him vote you. Then, when he asked me to respond to his post, I joined the vote to pressure you. But now I am considering committing to my vote because you want (among others) Intensify gone.

i mean yeah i’m trying to

In his defense though, he did say he didn’t have time and couldn’t make it to EOD, so any attacks on his 4 posts won’t be given a response.

He can’t be pressured if he isn’t even present.

Please do that, because all your barks need to become bites for me to actually listen to you.

But… didn’t we lose FoL30 (among other reasons) because we let Alice live too long?

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I said he could die, not that I explicitly want him gone

I think he’s >rand wolf and I explained why, is there anything wrong my reasoning?

Well if your defense is that he can die instead he should die: Who do you want dead for real then?

All I know is that you no longer want Eli dead, but I only remember that you want CRich and Derps dead, with former being my townlean/townread, and the latter only being a tinfoil scumread on your part.

Nah that was Rune who won that game LUL.

i like

dont fucking know and it sucks

/vote Crichard564

its spicy
I know

but he’s fixed an tonal issues and I think his pushes lack real consideration of slots

What don’t you know?