TBE is a slight town lean.
I think what they’ve done so far with his votes doesn’t make much sense if he were scum.
As in he’d probably be a bit more cautious playing D1 than he is approaching it.

I haven’t read any past game so that’s new. But fair enough. I still don’t get why you need to make the post over the top but maybe a lot of thing change to the point where I also need to adjust the way I expect thing as well.

To me, it look more like he is trying to appear to have content while in reality it’s all seed.

I haven’t had the chance to read that slot, but I can tell you that those opening fluffy posts were mostly jokes.

For now I am town leaning Surge.
Cautiously though.

CRich, reread the post. I town leaned Marshal in it which I am not too happy that you missed.

Either way, questioning me was fair though, I like the attitude and have CRich to a town lean. My least confident one out of Marshal, Surge, CRich though because this is based off a mistaken bit.

I apologise for completely ignoring your post but…
Relaxed opener, reiterating to stop claim vigilantes or whatever mechanic scum has access to

I feel like Marshal was just joking around early and that is sorta what I expect a lot of them. Nothing overtly serious. Some questioning, some good posts but nothing which would like stand out too much without ISO diving.

That would be great meme complaining

Lets advance thread discussion.

Sorry I missed that.
That’s what happens when I rush with making posts.

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I disagree but Day 1 reads are just Day 1 Reads sooooo.
Not to mention there’s more then 1 scum present in the game.

Mind you TBE has been a little underwhelming so far D1.
If he keeps trying to be UTR starting D2, I’ll probably revise my read to scum lean on his slot.

I don’t know of any game that’s won on D1, though it helps to have a good towncore and PoE starting with D1.

I will do more tomorrow, but I do think that d1 matters and the seeds you plant on this day will determine the game. Like you should be cautious, but don’t be afraid to make reads and towncores and such. Town just needs to do things and not let the scum get away with being town read (or town cored) for “doing things”. Scum players like Alice usually get towncored for having a strong d1, while those townies who don’t usually get PoE’d when it should be the other way around.

Quite a few good points there.
Not every scum player is as good as Alice and they should be noticeable if you know what to look for.
On D1, it’s more productive to town hunt than scum hunt because by town hunting you not only figure out who to trust, additionally scum can’t hide among those slots.

There’s so much you can do on d1 when you socially solve that it’s not even funny. I am also guilty of being lazy on d1 and that’s why I usually get PoE’d and after that point people refuse to listen to me regardless because “I must be the wolf”. Anyone who is town needs to solve on d1 because IT DOES matter

I know, but wolves like Alice do slip by because of that. The obvious wolves usually get caught d1, while the good ones get by because they are “doing things”. Appel did this in the last game and skated by even after hard defending and not voting a wolf on the last day. That’s enough off topic for me though

I’m liking Boss110’s approach to this game so far.
They’re not afraid to challenge a somewhat consensus scum lean on Biden and their scepticism on TBE being a slight town lean doesn’t look like it comes from a wolf.
I’d expect wolf!Boss110 to play it safe and let the wagon on Biden play out without challenging it.
Nor would I expect wolf!Boss110 to question TBE as town.
Giving Boss110 a town lean.


Oh yes I’ve seen obvious wolves get caught D1.
Surge has to be one of the easiest if not easiest to catch.
Has Surge been yeeted D1? They’re a wolf.
Has Surge not been yeeted D1? They’re town.
Of course I’m one to talk. I got caught in my only wolf game on this website D1.
This isn’t said to make fun of Surge.


Do you sometimes lurk in the thread without making any posts?

It’s dead serious.