Speaking of that, people should check my read or Zone will yell at me that I am being ignored and he is right.

i think i trust boss honestly
the way he came into the thread felt like “i have 600 posts to catch up on but i am town, here to solve the game”
and i genuinely think the reads were very good
progression on them didn’t feel rigid when i read the explanations

not locking it in based on one post but it’s an excellent start

i’m sorry but it’s just so funny that people just refer to that player as “biden”
i’m gonna struggle with taking this seriously

i love how this post immediately assumes that town might already be playing really badly
i think this is a very villagery thought

thing is i’m not sure what crich wants here because people were doing that literally as he spoke

have you read zone yet? he replaced in for tbe somewhere down the line it looks like

Yeah I have read through Zone and I town lean them here as the way they’re trying to rekindle thread activity seems towny to me.
I would expect wolf!Zone to simply be content in not having any discussion at all.

Yeah it’s my way of remembering them.
I have to admit it’s funny yet it was unintentional.

Ok this is who I’m sure is town right now.

Boss110: They’re clearly engaging with people and their posts don’t show any signs of being stilted.
Vulgard: Slot that filled in for Mercenary and they still approach the game pretty similar to how Mercenary did with being solvey and doing their best to help town.
Ridin with Biden: Still the same as D1, they are still solving and asking good questions.
Zone Q11: Their attempt to revive thread discussion doesn’t make sense if they were a wolf as I’ve explained before.

Slots I think are town, yet less confident.
Italy: This slot has village and wolf meta as different as night and day.
Right now I think this is village meta as they’re playing the game they signed up for.
Apprentice/Intensify: While this slot did start strong D1, they petered out up to D2.
I still hope I’m right about this slot still being town as I read them before.
Gorta: I’m pretty sure their red check is from a townie here, seeing as they tracked Centuries who is capable of playing well as either village or wolf.
Wazza: I detect a don’t care attitude coming from this slot, which is sorta towny.

Toss up:
SirDerpsAlot: This slot is one of the harder ones to read from personal experience. Though I’m willing to up this to slight village read if my understanding of their village meta is correct.
Centuries: Apparently this slot is self resolving, so my read on them isn’t too important.

Tyron: This could be a wolf who stopped caring about the game.
Eli: Yeah this slot needs to be resolved sooner or later.
The fact that they froze after I asked multiple times for them to do something makes me sure I just caught a wolf.

I think I get where Zone is coming from being this frustrated over lack of thread activity.
Man this is slow.

Gee I thought we were doing well reviving the thread.
Don’t disappoint me.

I just checked that Eli said they were going to do more 9 hours ago as of this post, which was the last time I asked them to prove they’re town.

Is there no one online I can bounce my reads off of now?
Oh never mind there is.

You forget Marshal.
And speaking of that, I made a read on Marshal just now. Can you go read it too?

Oh yeah I didn’t talk about Marshal because that’s another slot I tend to read wrong on.
Content wise I’d say town, though from past experience with them I can attest that they are a strong wolf player if that’s the alignment they randed as this game.
Hmm I see Marshal has been saying stuff such as “biden is a wolf” when rwb is one of my strongest town reads.
On the other hand, they’ve been raising good points about Eli which I can see are true such as Eli just being there and not showing interest in finding wolves.

I’m conflicted on Marshal as you can guess.

Marshal is a known busser from my past games with him, so even if he dunks a wolf or two I can’t say that 100% spews him as town.
Poisonous FM is an example of wolf!Marshal in action.

Thing is if Marshal is town, then I would think wolves wouldn’t want him around for too long.
If they don’t touch his slot long after he should be dead, then I’d be willing to dunk him.
Otherwise we’re barking up the wrong tree looking for deep wolves when we haven’t even flipped a single wolf.

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Marshal has one thing that outs him as a wolf.
It reminds me of Alice.
If he is alive longer than he should be, then he’s probably a wolf and it’s safe to dunk him.

Are you still there boss? Or anyone in particular?
I prefer talking to people rather than monologue into a lifeless thread.

It seems I’ll still monologing into this thread.
I can’t do it all night as I slept badly 2 days ago.
Yeah that wasn’t fun.

Anyway if I die N3, go through my read list.

Do we even have a powerwolf?

I know. But right now we need a list of PoE or similarly because I don’t see any vote being cast around at all.

We don’t even have a townleader or anyone who is trying to organise thing.