I think only Marshal and Centuries are good enough as wolves to pull it off.
Still I’m pretty sure Centuries is self resolving and as I’ve before, dunk Marshal if they live too long.

I think we can safely dunk Eli today as they look like a frozen wolf here.

I don’t like how it seems like we have so little choice but whatever.
Let’s hope night 2 will bring something interesting.

My opener was pretty wolfy mind you,

Yeah I have to agree, this is not looking all that hot for town right now.

I wish there was more to discuss D2 though that’s partially on me due to irl stuff.

I remember Gorta posting recently. Where is he now? I don’t remember anything else after he out the redcheck.

if they’re so different and he is in villa meta here shouldnt he be higher up in townreads?

Full on townreading a player for meta reasons is not what we do here.

It’s ‘horrible’ and a ‘badplay’ according to others.

Dear Wazza.
If meta is so good why didn’t town win yet?
Checkmate, libtard.

Ya, sorry. I was skipping a few posts when I reacted to CRich, which was also the reason why I didn’t see Intensify’s 4th post.

Okay, so without the memes, do you read him as town completely or as a lean?

This one I can answer despite not addressed towards me: CRich voted TBE, but didn’t realize that I subbed for TBE. Then I asked people to vote, because damn was the game dead.

The reason why Italy isn’t higher up is that they dropped off in the middle of D2.
Besides meta should never be a sole reason to read someone.
I town leaned Italy on tone as well. Progression is ok as well.

I never said it was good.

I was just re-iterating what others have said. For fucks sake why does everyone assume shit in this game, all it’s doing is pissing me off everytime.

I was joking and never once state my opinion on whenever meta is good or not but ok.

Ah. Thank you for noticing, and yes I somehow believe that you are somewhat being ignored at the time.

Nah. scum!Zone would see the gamestate, and push for whoever is silent. For example: “Remember Tyron? I don’t. Let’s exe him.”

It’s a stupid logic since we can’t judge inactivity, and I would most likely use AtE by relating that I come from NUF, where inactivity was intolerated.

The current me just don’t know how to progress this game. There’s obviously a push that should go towards Eli, but that is one-sided, which was the reason Marshal backed off.

Then there’s Boss who listened to me and pushes up Marshal so I can’t use TBE’s weird argument to push him, whom I had as null before.

As I said before about Marshal, if they live too long that’s a good sign they’re a wolf.

I just shared my crazy theory so can you at least tell me your opinion on it.

Thanks for the understanding. We have 4 hours left, and now I am starting to fear that Marshal was right about “nobody is defending Eli, so maybe we should look into his matter again”.

I mean, at this rate we might have a repeat of EOD1. From what I remember, Foley started the wagon and it became a speedwagon at EOD.
Have we tried to do a VCA on D1’s wagon?

I don’t think the wolves would try to salvage wolf!Eli here.
They’d try to save their own skin by avoiding associations with wolf!Eli here.

  • The post cap argument is questionable IMO.
  • No comment on his first theory.
  • I agree his readslist were mostly null, which is not looking good. (Ironically he was right about you taking charge as villa.)
  • However, I also agree that gorta could’ve talked more as he could be a scum tracker for all we know. (Even though I still townread gorta for the same faulty reason as Cent.)
  • I agree on the silent wolves part.

Okay, so in conclusion: I can see why Marshal could be scum, but should we pressure him?

… …

I mean: why not, really?

/vote Marshal

In case this is the truth, do you think it is because of the inactivity that scum could take advantage of, or because Eli’s bad defense in general?