check his previous game history to find your answer


In his previous games it was NAI, and there was apparently a reason for it, but I don’t remember what.

Claimvig? Surge actually got claimvigged?

because before i randed scum 4 times in a row and lost my spark i was actually a capable scum player

I see Solic typing. I think I’ve finally figured out who a certain person is.


reading italy used to be a 100% postcount read for a time

<- postcount increases this way

town PR -------- town ---------------- neut? ------------- mafia pr ----------- mafia goon

it’s not anymore after this game

surge claimed his only weapons were his voice and his vote
i agree it was a stupid shot

Huh… well that works, I guess.

biden was 100% emilia nobody can tell me otherwise

unless solic was foley

What if Biden wasn’t an alt

Fly Foley here. My reads and play sucked hard yet I still pulled the N1 kill lul.

Gg mafia.

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i have to say the image biden posted at eod2 cracked me up

I believe there was only one alt, according to Dat.

I knew biden was emilia as soon as I saw the name tbh

I love emilia they were the highlight of the game for me


you were an SPK and i expect your reads would improve an unwanted amount through the game

@Marshal, I’d love to VC with you in the next couple of minutes if you have a chance.

Fair enough.
I mean you can’t just not ignore someone named Riden with Biden

Foley wasn’t actually an alt iirc