what if we counted votes by the lake :flushed:

Nvm light lied to me

Voicechat, not votecount :man_facepalming:

he thunderdomed 2 townies for no reason

i know

I had no idea who/how many alts there were, they did not go through me.


I got class in 1 m,in, can we do it in 40 mins

boss thunderdomed to the exact number of people we needed to win

Of course.

Looking back on it why didn’t you catch Italy? I did a quick 5 minute read and there wasn’t much solving, but there was enough to satisfy the “Italy is posting” thing. I don’t blame you though

we occed boss

at least I stopped my tunneling on Marshal


marshal thought boss was scum because the occ didn’t stop him

lol I hella scumslipped by saying I had feedback and nobody realized

By the way, why was I killed?

I literally said it

u didnt afk

we might’ve lost if i didn’t suddenly stop functioning before SoD