I mean he used to

literally not post as wolf

he broke a meta he had for 14 months

and I was still paranoid, I decided to push boss because boss was hard tunneled on me / italy / rwb and if italy did flip red he’d still try to kill us and very likely succeed

@Boss110 I feel like that was the perfect time to… y’know… ASK A QUESTION IN YOUR ROLECARD. You were a roleblocker, not a vanillizer.

you were the only person saying not to TR me for volume because i could be playing out of spite
then you towncored me and just let me pocket you

Only thing I can say is that Italy was obviously excited for the flavor.

…if this is the real answer, then I am really disappointed.

i told you i was a harry potter nerd

Zone had the most wim and was actually endorsing the town leader role in thread so we had to kill him lol

also pr

Did i win

1 Like

Oh, yeah, as an explanation…
The Leader role was something I came up with myself, although it is kinda like a Mayor in a way. It is mostly flavor based, and I would love your feedback on it.

we’re all winners
except marshal

prepare to be made fun of

Town leader? …I am a megalomaniac. If I was the town leader of this game, then that says more about the town than it says about me.

PR thing was meh, but understandable.

Do it next time or looser

you’d find a way to vig pkr again

Oh yeh shouldn’t everyone else’s rolecards be revealed?

@Aelin when u get a chance update title

fun fact boss also claimed flavor

guess who I was

Every time I sub someone else, I keep seeing a dead PKR.


big looser?


let me guess
