Harry Potter FM - Informed Spec Chat

Welcome. https://forum.imperium42.com/t/harry-potter-fm-informed-spec-chat/83868/13 contains the rand and rolecards.


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Also, are there 2 or 3 people willing to be VC bots? I was hoping that Magnus would assist with that, but he appears to be MIA. I have both work and school (both of which I didn’t have when I made this game), so will only be able to be reliably around during EoD and SoD.

yeah i can do that i’m around pretty often

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I’ll do it then

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everyone is a vc bot pog

excited to see this rand with the playerlist
do informed specs get to see scumchat or no?

now how different would that opinion be if smoothbrainpepega remained in game

dybudabu 2.0 without god tier reads

I need as many VC bots as I can get, so, please, do not hesitate to offer yourself up as a sacrifice to Mithras.

hello my fellow spectators :sunglasses:

i will gladly be a sacrifice
you’re lucky we’re friends light

Here is the rand. I had to rerand a couple times because of *insanely* unfair teams. For fun, I will post the first rand if anyone asks to see it.

Scumteam - Italy as Lord Voldemort, SirDerpsAlot as Bellatrix Lestrange, Centuries as Peter Pettigrew, and Mercenary as Barty Crouch Jr.

  1. Italy 14 - Lord Voldemort
  2. SirDerpsAlot 16 - Bellatrix Lestrange
  3. Foley 10 - Colin Creevey
  4. Apprentice 7 - Ginny Weasley
  5. Surge 12 - Katie Bell
  6. Centuries 17 - Peter Pettigrew
  7. PokemonKidRyan 5 - Neville Longbottom
  8. CRichard564 11 - Cho Chang
  9. EliThePsycho 2 - Hermione Granger
  10. Wazza 4 - Ronald Weasley
  11. Boss110 1 - Harry Potter
  12. ridin_with_biden 9 - Dean Thomas
  13. Mercenary 15 - Barty Crouch Jr.
  14. an_gorta_pratai 3 - Draco Malfoy
  15. Tyron 13 - Seamus Finnigan
  16. TheBlueElixir 6 - Luna Lovegood
  17. Marshal 8 - Cedric Diggory

Harry Potter

Hogwarts Student - Leader

Passive: Leader of the Light - You are an influential member of the community. In the case of a tie between a wagon your vote is on and another wagon, the wagon your vote is on will always lose the rand (your wagon target will die.) If a wagon on you is tied with another wagon, you will always win the rand (the other wagon target will die). NOTE: CLAIMING THIS ABILITY IN CHAT MAY ACTIVATE ANTICLAIM.

Passive: The-Boy-Who-Lived - You have a remarkable trait of surviving things that should most definitely have killed you, but you wouldn’t be able to do it without your friends. The first time you are attacked, instead of dying, you will start to bleed. If you are not healed within two nights, at the end of the second night, you will die.

Night: Expelliarmus - Stop another player from doing any night actions. (2 Uses)

Win Condition: Defeat all members of the Death Eaters, as well as any neutrals who might wish you harm.

Hermione Granger

Hogwarts Student - Investigative - Rolecop

Night: Brightest Witch of the Generation - You study a player’s habits and behaviors to discern what they do at night. Discover a player’s role. (4 Uses)

Win Condition: Defeat all members of the Death Eaters, as well as any neutrals who might wish you harm.

Draco Malfoy

Hogwarts Student - Investigative - Tracker

Passive: Prejudice - Rolecop checks on you will return as “Killing” instead of “Investigative”.

Night: Suspicion - You have your doubts about some of the other members of your group. Choose a player and follow them at night to see who they visit. (3 Uses)

Win Condition: Defeat all members of the Death Eaters, as well as any neutrals who might wish you harm.

Ronald Weasley

Hogwarts Student - Killing - Guilt Vigilante

Night: Bombardo Maxima - Blast an opponent to pieces. If you find out that you have killed one your childhood friends (one of the Students of Hogwarts), you will commit suicide the next night. (1 Use)

Win Condition: Defeat all members of the Death Eaters, as well as any neutrals who might wish you harm.

Neville Longbottom

Hogwarts Student - Protective - Healer

Night: Apothecarian - A few choice herbs from your greenhouse sliced and boiled make a delicious stew that heals all injuries. You may drink this stew yourself. Unfortunately, these herbs take a night to regrow after being picked. (Infinite Uses, one night cooldown in-between uses.)

Win Condition: Defeat all members of the Death Eaters, as well as any neutrals who might wish you harm.

Luna Lovegood

Hogwarts Student - Investigative - Mech Oracle

Night: Whispers from the Nargles - You may request from the host a single piece of mech information from one of the following categories - Neutrals, Death Eaters, Rolelist (Light or Dark). (1 Use)

Win Condition: Defeat all members of the Death Eaters, as well as any neutrals who might wish you harm.

Ginny Weasley

Hogwarts Student - Support - Replicator

Night: Quick Learner - You have a knack for figuring out things that nobody else can. Once per game, you may study a dead Hogwarts Student’s body and replicate their night ability, gaining a one-shot use of said ability. (1 Use)

Win Condition: Defeat all members of the Death Eaters, as well as any neutrals who might wish you harm.

Cedric Diggory

Hogwarts Student - Neighborizer

Night: Hufflepuff’s Amiability - You’ve always been very well liked, and are able to gain people’s trust very quickly. Choose an individual - They will be invited to a PM with you. The second individual will be invited to the same PM. (2 Uses)

Win Condition: Defeat all members of the Death Eaters, as well as any neutrals who might wish you harm.

Dean Thomas

Hogwarts Student - Vanilla

You’ve never been the most popular member of your year thanks to the Golden Trio, but you’re still able to make your mark on the world. You have no abilities, but are able to use your deductive reasoning to figure out who is with you, and who is against you.

Win Condition: Defeat all members of the Death Eaters, as well as any neutrals who might wish you harm.

Colin Creevey

Hogwarts Student - Vanilla

You’re a bit more interested in taking pictures than learning magic, and seem to have no abilities.

Win Condition: Defeat all members of the Death Eaters, as well as any neutrals who might wish you harm.

Cho Chang

Hogwarts Student - Vanilla

Your greatest power is your brain - Use it and your voice to defeat the Death Eaters.

Win Condition: Defeat all members of the Death Eaters, as well as any neutrals who might wish you harm.

Katie Bell

Hogwarts Student - Vanilla

You have no abilities, but that doesn’t mean you’re any less important.

Win Condition: Defeat all members of the Death Eaters, as well as any neutrals who might wish you harm.

Seamus Finnigan

Hogwarts Student - Vanilla

You have no abilities but a loud voice, best use it to your advantage.

Lord Voldemort

Death Eater - Leader

Passive: Leader of the Dark - You are an influential member of the community. In the case of a tie between a wagon your vote is on and another wagon, the wagon your vote is on will always lose the rand (your wagon target will die.) If a wagon on you is tied with another wagon, you will always win the rand (the other wagon target will die). This will work unless it is countered by the passive ability “Leader of the Light”.

Passive: Horcruxes - You have night immunity.

Day: Imperio - Any copchecks on the target tonight will return as “Killing” instead of their actual role. (2 Uses)

Night: Disillusionment Charm - Disguise yourself as a “Investigative” role instead of a “Leader” role for the night. (2 Uses)

Night: Avada Kedavra - At the expense of the rest of your energy, fire the Killing Curse at a target. This is a nightkill that bypasses protections. You will lose both of your passives, as well as any remaining uses of the Imperio and the Disillusionment Charm. (1 Use)

Reach parity with the Students of Hogwarts, and defeat any neutrals that may wish you harm.

Your Fakeclaim

Susan Bones

Hogwarts Student - Investigative - Motion Detector

Night: Friendly Concern - You watch out for your friends. Stake out outside a friend’s room, and see if anyone else enters or if they leave their room. (2 Uses)

Win Condition: Defeat all members of the Death Eaters, as well as any neutrals who might wish you harm.

Barty Crouch Jr.

Death Eater - Investigative - Watcher

Night: Moody’s Mad Eye - Using Mad-Eye Moody’s Magical Eye, see everyone who has visited your target and what they did (if their action had any effect). (3 Uses)

Reach parity with the Students of Hogwarts, and defeat any neutrals that may wish you harm.

Your Fakeclaim

Padma Patil

Hogwarts Student - Vanilla

You have no spells, maybe you’re missing your wand?

Win Condition: Defeat all members of the Death Eaters, as well as any neutrals who might wish you harm.

Bellatrix Lestrange

Death Eater - Support - Blocker

Night: Anti-Apparation Wards - Prevent your target from escaping any actions on them tonight made by Death Eaters. This will cancel the effects of heals. (2 Uses)

Night: Incarcerous - Conjure ropes in order to bind your target, preventing them from using any abilities for the night. (2 Uses)

Reach parity with the Students of Hogwarts, and defeat any neutrals that may wish you harm.

Your Fakeclaim

Hannah Abbott

Hogwarts Student - Support - Redirector

Night: Notice-Me-Not - Apply a Notice-Me-Not charm to a player’s room, redirecting all visitors to you instead. (2 Uses)

Win Condition: Defeat all members of the Death Eaters, as well as any neutrals who might wish you harm.

Peter Pettigrew

Death Eater - Killing - Anti-Claim

Passive: Animagus - You will be seen as a “Vanilla” instead of a “Killing” to rolecop checks.

Night: You Talk Too Much - Nightkill ability. If a member of the town truthfully claims their flavor or certain abilities, they will be open to be shot (on top of the factional nightkill). This shot may not be healed, but you may roleblocked. (2 Uses)

Reach parity with the Students of Hogwarts, and defeat any neutrals that may wish you harm.

Your Fakeclaim

Lavender Brown

Hogwarts Student - Vanilla

You do not have any abilities, your only powers are your voice and your vote.

Win Condition: Defeat all members of the Death Eaters, as well as any neutrals who might wish you harm.

did italy just rand the scum PR


SDA has already expressed intent to bus them D1.

what do the actual roles do?

time for italy to die D1

Oh, right. I should probably post those.

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ayaayayya nice