Harry Potter FM - Informed Spec Chat

you pick things up pretty quickly, i’ve been here less than a month and i feel like i’ve already got a good grasp on most people? it’s not perfect by any means it’s just easier than you’d expect to get to know people

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Whenever and if ever you do play games keep in mind players are fine with you finding it harder to understand.

All anyone really would ever ask is be active and try to put some effort in if you sign up to a game.

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Yeah, that’s what I would gladly do. I do have social anxiety, but I like interacting with people just because I don’t really do it offline. This is why I would want to play a game of FoL(and why I play ToL) too.

Usually when I sign to forum games which I do before, I stay pretty active.

yeah especially your first game people will be lenient with ya
in my first game i spammed the thread with questions but everyone was kind about it and humored me (and townread me for it lmao)

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Kinda same honestly I guess I hate interacting with people irl but online I kinda love playing Tol and social games that require a lot of communication

If you’re worried about people here being kinda rood most people will understand that your new.

Honestly it’s great to see people be more interested with the forums lately especially forum games where you get more of a sense of community.

Edit: my typing skills suck on mobile

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is it just me or have there been a lot of new players recently?

I’ve seen quite a few new people interested in the forums lately.

Thanks! Yep that’s what I am hoping for.

And to answer about new players, with my friend we bought Throne of Lies like … 2 years ago? But only recently started playing it more.

i remember whysper joined right before i did, and TBE a bit before that
now we have you, pigeon, and conduit i believe?

Yeah, people being rude is actual worry haha. But so far the ToL discord community is pretty friendly despite what I heard in game. And I was always more of a forum person, so decided why not…

Also, I hope we aren’t being too off-topic here? That’s fine, right? Please tell me it is.

I’ve been here ages honestly I was a slanker a lot but I’ve been working on my town play a lot

Especially like 2018 I was really bad for slanking and not putting effort into games

Well also my scum play but ye ayayaya

nah you’re fine spec chats are expected to go off topic from time to time lmao
also soul i thought you did really well in FoL30 for what that’s worth!

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Hope to get to play with you guys more in ToL or even FoL when I will start to play.

But, I am European, you seem like the American side I believe? Troch is Canadian at least.

It’s legitimately
Not that bad

I understand your trepidation however

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ah yes i am from north america
i hope to play with you too! were you thinking of joining the next game?

Hah yeah you make a good point, everyone is really friendly so far so… Yeah, I can confirm that.

Yup! I am planning to join next FoL game.


there are plenty of european players here so there’s always gonna be someone active in a game to talk to
oh cool! this will probably help a fair bit then so you can see how a game generally goes here and get a feel for how some people play

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That’s what I really hope for.

Thanks everyone for good guidance both here and on discord so far, was really helpful, heading off for night, it’s 1 am and need to work sadly tomorrow.