Harry Potter FM - Informed Spec Chat

But giving Seth a gun is always a bad idea™

Why is this doc non-consecutive night s m h I have to hardclaim this D1

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Geyde denied rolemadness so I made this game as punishing to mech as possible

to be fair
if i was VT in this setup you know i would have complained to you

That’s not true, actually.
Ron Weasley dying with Ginny Weasley alive would by :ok_hand:t2:

I don’t think any mech I’ve given to seth he’s used well in my games

I will make you vanilla scum in any setup I make in the future

thank you light very cool
wouldn’t complain tbh i wanna be starting scum sometime soon

On one hand maybe I should stop randing seth king

On the other hand

The rand has spoken


seth king seth king seth king

It can self protect

I didn’t actually notice that

he’d still claim it D1

“You smokin fuckin doodogs?”

I kind of feel bad for conroy

tbh same
he’s getting scumread cause lolsurge

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i’m really not sure how this will go but we’re only barely into D1
wolves are getting miscleared already and town like eli and TBE getting fos’d
seems normal D1 behaviour tho

Town is being decent.
@discobot fortune
Will town win?

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Town is being decent.
@discobot fortune
Will town win? Pls say yes.

@discobot fortune
Will town win?